Hey guys sorry about not updating on Saturday, grandma's better now.
So what I've been putting off(for a good reason), onto the chapter.
(John) well i made it out alive, so what were the answers for Mark, Carlos and Tyrell?
(Seres) that's good to hear honey, and to answer your question Carlos and Tyrell are skeptical and want to see this for themselves before ultimately making their decision.
(John) okay then I'll ask Circe to warp you guys to the main lobby, in the meantime I'm going to make a report for captain Bane.
(Seres) thanks love!
I close the chat as I turn to Circe and Billy who were talking in depth about what an operator is, "Hey could you get everyone including the people who I gave invitions to the main lobby? I'll meet them while I head over to the SaS HQ." I ask my system and assistant who nods in response as I turn to Billy, "can you come with me Billy? I'll need you to guide the possible recruits to the meeting room."
I turn and leave the room with Billy in tow, a few operators from HQ that were assigned saluted to me as I passed by as I turn to one of them, "so how are the penguins? Did you confirm if they were infected?" I ask the operative.
"No sir! We believe that something in their genetic makeup is protecting them!" He says as I nod, "at ease." And he relaxes as I turn the corner to the main lobby just as Ada, Seres, and the others came in.
Mark was just feeling out talking about it feeling like a ship from dead space, while Carlos and Tyrell were flabbergasted, "welcome you three, while I'd like to be with everyone I need to give a report to HQ, I'll be back soon."
I turn to the portal where a couple more operators were standing guard, "Welcome back sir!!" They say as they salute and I nod.
"I'm here to give a report to Captain Bane and maybe the O-5 council." I tell them as they stand to the sides as I walk through the portal and find myself in the HQ lobby.
A couple of the workers there stopped and look at me for a second before moving again as I head to the front desk where a woman was typing away on a holographic keyboard.
"Excuse me but where do I submit a report? I'm guessing I meet Captain Bane and the council." I ask the woman who smiles a bit before speaking, "you head to the Main office in corridor C, there you will meet with captain Bane to give your report, but if you are busy I can write it down." She offers as I nod and start speaking about raccoon city, and after a few minutes she finished writing and starts walking to the main office as I place a can of Raccoon Cola(coca cola) on her desk as I turn and walk back to my command station.
But not even ten steps after I leave the portal a prompt appeared.
[a sudden mission has been found!!]
"Uh…who's the employer?" I ask the prompt as I see it showing three dots before changing.
[there's no employer, but you are the only one allowed to go, the place you are going is… Gravity falls, season 2 episode 1, or more specifically 24 hours before the zombie incident begins.]
[the reward will be given upon completion…teleporting in one minute.]
As I hear this I open chat as I start glowing.
(John) uh guys I got called in for a sudden mission, so I'll be back as soon as possible.
[now telporting]
(Bill cipher won't know John is in the world due to some system shinanigans-thelostswordsman)
I open my eyes and find myself in front of a machine I remember from the end of season 1, "the portal I whisper as I reach out to touch it, but as I do my instincts told me to duck.
I duck just in time as a baseball bat was swung, and I turn to see a man wearing a pair of glasses, striped boxer , and a white tank top.
"Who the hell are you?" The man says with a growl as he pulls his baseball bat in for another strike, "are you from the government?!"
"Wait hold on! I'm not from the government nor am I your enemy! But are you Stanford or Stanley?" I ask him.
The question puts him through a loop as he grabs me by my vest strap and pushes me against a wall as he starts asking questions.
"How do you know my brother?! I mean you look younger than the both of us so you shouldn't know us!" He says as I look over at the portal and take a breath.
"Okay here's the deal, I come from an organization called the SaS corp, and we deal in the killing of the undead kind, and your grand nephew is going to summon the undead in 24 hours." I explain as I add something, "and if you don't trust me I'll stay down her until the event happens."
He looks at me before sighing, "okay I'll give you a chance, so you like pitt cola?"
So what reward should I give John? I'm wanting to give him access to gravity falls, but he needs to think of a person to make the portal, but I'll take a look at everyone else's.
(Make your reward suggestions here)
And with this I'll see you next week, peace😁✌️