Marriage proposal

(3 day's later )

Now Akira and viscountness was having tea in garden when viscount come with a worried look in his face .The viscount was trying to act normal but the problem was to big for him to act normal.

What happened why are you looking like you got three bear running behind you .The visscountness said ,

My dear the problem is more bigger then three bear we got letter from the emperor.

Akira who was eating cookies look at the viscount and said .

Is it marriage proposal??

Viscountness was shocked what was happening and viscount was out of word's

Akira how do you know that ?and you don't need to worry Rossina was never a candidate for future empress role so I am sure there so mistake we will sort this out .

How do I know ? well I know because This marriage proposal was the reason of your daughter death she was not happy with her marriage and she did suicide.anyway there no mistake

The letter was send to us because Rossina fit everything the emperor and his best friend want the empress to be .and I don't think we can sort this out .they probably send proposal knowing that we have no power and we have to say yes even if want to or not.( Akira was setting there without any emotions but the couple was getting red with anger it's not that they don't know how dirty politics and power is here but they still want to do there best for there child but now they can't do anything)

So what are we goona do now if this marriage proposal is the reason Rossina was going to die in future then it means now Akira is in danger in place of rossina they did not even get a chance to have a family trip and this evil people was trying to harm there daughter.

That it's Akira and dear pack the things you need we are running away together money and other things does not matter I want my family safe.

Yeah like we can runaway I am sure in every family this news must already been gone viral like a fire that empror sent a marriage proposal to visount family.( Akira was taking deep breath she want to keep her cool but she was getting angry to .)

Omg dear our dear is so smart but how did you guess most of the time and news related to empror goes viral after 3 or 4 day's . viscount eye's was shining and his face have a proud look he can't believe he got such a smart daughter maybe god send her as a gift to them .

Akira was starting at the couple with a done look while viscountness was trying to find a hole to hide .while they are dealing with empror issue his husband is busy with there daughter smartness.i mean she is smart but how can you forget about marriage proposal in a sec ??

Maybe I should divorce this man you idiot man look at Akira even she is done with your idiot behaviour stop please stop god this is so embarrassing.

Well I know this because I am sure they don't want to leave any space for no or any chance for us to runaway now everyone know emperor set a marriage proposal to our house there eye's will be on us .

So what are we goona do now .( Viscountness and viscount said at the same time )

Say yes to the marriage proposal I will take care of this empror let's see who life will be in danger mine or his ?

But can't we give money to hm ? And kill this empror.ok I know if it was true that empror would have been dead long ago .

Will empror start counting your day's because you choose wrong person to mess with .

Hahahaha Akira was laughing because she know the no o e can win against her .

Dear am I the only one who think our daughter look scary ?

the viscount said to his wife .

Shut up our daughter is an angle you are just blind . can't you see she laughed fir the first time this is a joyfull moment enjoy it .