
A guy walking down the road face in his phone blissfully oblivious to the world enjoying his daily routine of memes light novels mangas and other useless entertainment.

Well he's not a total loser as he returns from college aspiring to complete his education and become a professor in an esteemed college .

On the same road few blocks down a truck driver at a red light suddenly loses consciousness his eyes fully white and a magic circle invisible to mundane eyes forms in front of his truck, he slams his foot down the gas pedal the road coincidentally clear in front of him except for little girl who some how at that exact moment tries to cross the road .

Then much like a deer in headlights freezes and someone screams looking at her and the truck and that's when the average guy looks up and decides in a split second that he is not going to let her die .

He dashes towards her and just as the truck is about to send her to the morgue he punts the little shit who doesn't know about the dangers of road crossing away from the truck's path and gets hit by the truck instead.

His body broken from the impact flies ahead while his soul passes through the invisible magic circle.

A black void is where Alko Hall opens his eyes but its not dark he can see clearly there's just nothing to see . "Is this the afterli.." before he could finish spitting out the cliche line a voice interrupts "YESSS YES IT IS!" Al holds his breath in fear of the boundless disembodied voice thinking he was finally in hell about to receive his due. "And no you're not in hell ... yet , but not like the hell you're imagining on the contrary it might be heaven if you play your cards right ".

The voice said enthusiastically. "And sorry for being so aggressive I just can't listen to the same thing each time and not get frustrated can I"?!

Al - Umm so like where am I???

Voice - Ok seeing your memories this is going to be easy to understand.