CHAPTER 83 Final Battle III

"He not bad" Cana commented from the side as she gazed at the battle happening in the sea at a distance farther than anyone can see. In her hand was a card that had a glowing eye symbol on it, signifying the magic she was using to watch at a distance.


"I will rate him at the level of an S Class wizard when it comes to his speed. But I can already see many ways in which it can be taken down" Karna commented.


"I can only see flashes of red with the help of the enhancements currently in my eye, what about you" Cana asked while she looked at the unblinking eyes of her boyfriend. She did not see even a bit of tension or strain on his eyes that were looking towards the sea.


"He's fast, but he still has not gone beyond the scope of my perception, I can beat him if it comes down to it" Karna replied gently, but you can hear the unwavering confidence in his voice. It did not feel like an arrogant declaration. It felt like he was just stating a fact.


"Well, what about you, did you finish healing all those people out there."


"I dealt with the one's who wanted emergency treatment and left the rest to them. With the amount of technology in this world, I can't deny that they may even surpass the medic guilds back in our world."


"Yeah that true" Karna said while grinning. Then both of them focussed back on the fight.



Inazuma POV


'I guess I might have pushed a bit too much when I insinuated him of having no friends' Inazuma thought as he was cutting the ginormous arm that came to attack him as he was running on the sea.


In the last minute, he was almost killed by the waves of energy shot out by the personality Tomura who was destroyed by the original personality Shimura who was able to come out.


He was of the idea that the tendency to destroy everything that Shigaraki had was because of the persona Known as Tomura, but he was very very wrong about that. It seems like because All For One wanted his successor to have the purest form of raw emotions that gets changed as a person grows up, he had created the Tomura personality to stop the growth of the Shimura inside him. But even then both of them were connected.


The Tomura personality will be mature enough to handle complex problems including tactics and planning which will help in the development of the brain to handle the strain of multiple quirks. But at the same time, being connected to Shimura will make Tomura susceptible to losing control of his own emotions. All For One kept that weakness so that he can use it as a vulnerability to destroy both the personalities of Shimura and Tomura while taking over their body.


But the problem was that Tomura began to evolve in a more complex manner in his battle with Gigantomachia. The strain of the constant battle in which he has to keep his wits every single second while handling the raw emotions of Shimura which is released sometimes made him evolve into something else entirely. The signs of it was shown during the fight between Tomura and Star and Stripes during which he was able to evade the commands given by Star due to the identity crisis that he had faced in midst the battle.


Right now, in the present, Tomura was supposed to be the prominent personality, but the death of All For One had unknowingly weakened the power of that personality so silently that even Tomura himself was not aware of it. And then the back-to-back shock that Inazuma induced on him in the earlier battle had completely shattered the foundation of the personality Tomura which already had a few cracks due to the death of All For One. But Inazuma miscalculated something while he did this.


He was of the idea that Tomura was the problematic personality and that bringing Shimura out of the cage known as Tomura will help them handle the situation easily later on. But the child Shimura was in a constant state of pain and paranoia inside his own head and the way All For One handled him made sure that he never had even a little bit of chance in handling his trauma or moving on from it, creating a child with pain and suffering alone who is right now lashing out so that he can deal with the pain and suffering inside him.


Tomura's idea of destroying everything that exists must have also been due to the unresolved feelings of Shimura inside him.


Right now, Shimura was lashing out at the only think that he can find, and that was Inazuma, and he was having a tough time handling the hundred-foot-tall child who was currently standing on the sea. The Quirks of All For One was supposed to hold back the mutations which were happening because of the accumulation of multiple physical quirks inside Tomura's body. But when Eraser was used on him, these quirks which were supposed to hold him back stopped and that led to his rapid physical evolution that made him adapt to all the problems that had threatened in his current surroundings.


So, when Eraser was removed, his quirks were supposed to hold back the evolution like Garaki planned. But Garaki had miscalculated the rate of Evolutions and adaptations happening in Shimura's body while he was under the cancelling effect of Eraser.


By now his body had evolved in ways that cannot be held back by the already existing quirks inside his body that were supposed to do it. And at the same time, the quirks that were supposed to stop this rapid adaptation, got swept into it and was now going through a rapid uncontrollable evolution withing themselves creating something unknown to everyone who was watching what was happening.


A/N- I'm back, almost full health, sorry for the delay. Hope you like it and every 100 powerstone gets extra chapter of Jason.