Chapter 44 Descendant of the goddess

(Descendant of the goddess)

Laila's POV

Flake was really worried, the night was cold as she kept asking people if they've seen her son, showing them his portrait. They either shook their head, said No or called her a careless mother, I was broken down seeing her like this.

"Please ma'am, have you seen this kid?" She asked with her eyes already puffy from crying so much.

"I'm sorry my dear, I haven't seen him, but I believe you'll see him." The lady said as Flake broke down in tears. I consoled her

"Please ask him to come back to me, I will never argue with him again..." She sobbed and I was deeply touched

"Calm down Flake, we'll see him." I said and she shook her head

"It's my fault, I was trying to get him to hate his father but I got hated instead, I love him Laila, I can do anything for him you know, please bring him back..." She sobbed and it began to rain, I knew she'd catch a cold, I had to get her home.

"What if he's in the woods alone, frightened, he needs me, he's just a kid." She sobbed shivering and I sighed as I tried lifting her up.

"Let's get you home." I said to her , a car honk caught my attention as I turned to the figure of Chris and Nick

*fuck* I muttered

"You're so dead" he mind linked me, I'm still annoyed with him so I don't care about his reaction

"Let's go Flake." I tried pulling her up as Nicole carried her to the car.

"Let's go now!" Chris commanded

"I'm going in my car." I insisted and was about to run to my car when he carried me as i kicked the air.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" I yelled at him. "I've got legs of my own." I added, he said nothing as he dropped me on the back seat and locked the door, while he walked to the passengers seat

*oh my poor car...* i thought as sapphire whimpered seeing our car being beaten by the rain

"We'll get it tomorrow." He said and I scoffed. We brought Flake to the Alpha's Palace and I ensured she slept well at one of the rooms

"My Luna..." Kenny said as she hugged me from behind

"Kenny... You should be asleep by now, tomorrow is school right?" I asked and Selena smiled

"She's refused to sleep else she sees you." Selena said, I hugged and pecked Kenny who giggled

"I'm back now okay? You should go to bed now." I said and she nodded

"Okay Luna, Good night." She pecked me and hugged her doll, dearie, with her left as she followed mother who walked her back to their home. I was already worn out, I entered my chamber and took off my clothes, I entered the tub of warm water and it warmed my body, I frowned recalling how Chris licked someone else wound.

"Laila," Speaking of the devil, I groaned, already annoyed with his presence, I don't't want to see him. The door handle twisted as the bathroom door opened, yet I remained the same way and closed my eyes as though I was sleeping. He sighed and I felt his breath on my cheeks

"You already slept off." He said "in the tub." He added as he carried me, I felt his heart beat and he looked afraid, I sensed it, he was bearing a lot within him alone. He wore me an underwear with a soft night gown. He massaged my feet with an oil that is meant to keep us warm. He kissed the tip of my toes and kissed my lips.

"I didn't mean to hurt you my love, but if I didn't lick up her wounds, she'll die instantly... And her father being an Alpha, will declare a war which I don't want." He said tucking me in bed.

"I can't tell you what you really are... It's complicated and you might be afraid of yourself." He stated, I wondered what he was talking about. Then he left. Immediately he left, I stood up and prepared some details I'll use to track down Gray. My phone beeped and I checked the message sent to me to see a message from an unknown number.

"Gray is with me here, he already sent a message to Flake, tell her to come to The Town's mall tomorrow."

I instantly knew who it was and I frowned, how could he make her worry this much. I sighed and then drifted to sleep.


I saw myself somewhere else. In a land so beautiful with beautiful flowers, everywhere was pure white and a lady in white walked up to me, I gasped at how beautiful she was, who on earth could be this beautiful...

I gasped and she smiled at me

"Where am I?" I asked and she smiled warmly at me

"I'm Allya, a descendant of the moon goddess and also your personal guardian in the spiritual world." The lady spoke calmly, it only confused me

"Wait, you're Ally right?" I asked and she smiled at me "What am I doing here? Where am I?" I asked and she brought me in front of a gate.

"You're at the spirit world, you have the gift to visit the spirit world Heroine, you're a descendant of the moon goddess and the strongest of your kind." She said opening the white huge gate and I frowned

"How? I don't understand?" I said

"You defeated the temptations of the devil in the pit and the land of the witches, you're upgraded now and the moon goddess had claimed you as her descendant Heroine, you'll birth the most powerful and spiritual Alpha of all Alpha's and he will come at the right time." Ally said

"I'm sorry, but I refuse to conceive a child who will shed blood to gain power, I won't bring a child who'll become a murderer to this world." I said and she sighed.

She took me to a place filled of different ladies, they looked like Angels and all on white.

"This is where you belong Heroine, you were sent to the earth to help Christamos, to assist him." Ally said

"Is my father from this place?" I asked and she shook her head.

"You should forgive your family to defeat the next obstacle." Ally said and smiled at me. "Don't reject the gift of the moon goddess.." Ally said and with that, I woke up. My eyes landed on kenny who looked worried while Angel and Flake discussed as Selena wore Kenny her school shoes

"Good morning Luna.." Kenny greeted hugging me tightly.

"Morning Kenny, how are you?"I asked, smiling at her

seeing how worried they were, I creased my brow

"What is it?" I asked

"The time is already 2pm, you slept so long." Flake stated and I gasped

"I was really tired, we need to go look for Gray.. I know..." I started and she nodded with a smile

"I know, I spoke with them, you should rest okay? You don't need to stress okay?" Flake said and I sighed

"Yeah, you should really rest Laila, I don't think your body is good for stress." Angel said and I touched her baby bump, I smiled at her and she smiled warmly at me.

"You know if I were you, I'll be pregnant by now." Flake said and I rolled my eyes. I sat up and walked to the bathroom to have a shower, and then I washed my mouth. I walked out of the bathroom drying my hair with a towel, looking at myself in the mirror, I discovered my hair was longer and fuller, my body was so smooth and I added a bit with more curves, I was looking beautiful again.

"Sapphire what's wrong with me?" I asked with a shaking voice as Sapphire sighed.

"You're stunning, it's not a crime." She muttered and I groaned. A hand brushed my hair with my hair brush

"You're gorgeous, I'm lucky to have you as a mate." Chris said as I smiled. I selected a jeans short and a short top.

"Sing for me." Chris stated hugging me to himself....