Chapter 49 Reconcile for my sake

(Reconcile for my sake)

The doctor cleared her throat and looked up at me

"Are you Gray's mother." She asked and I nodded with a confused expression, who wouldn't know I'm his mother? Though he looks like his pa, but seeing me one will know than guess that I'm his ma.

"Then you should know the reason for your son's condition," she asked and I hesitantly shook my head glancing at Clint who held a stoic expression

"He has a PBA disease, pseudobulbar affect disease which causes him a tension headache and make him depressed." She stated and I gasped, my heart skipped and a tear fell from my watered eyes.

"Any way to cure this disease?" Clint asked while I still process the shocking word I just heard

"He hardly cry, you should ensure he's not depressed, we can only give him a drug that will help him reduce the pain he gets when he cries..." The doctor stated and I nodded

"Yeah, anything, anything..." I pleaded

"You need to make him happy, you should ensure he's not depressed and should be taken good care of."

"Okay, okay, can I see him now?" I asked and she nodded at me.

I hurried to his ward only to see his weak frame on a drip

"Ma," he called with a hard face.

"What do you want?" I asked him sweetly caressing his hair, I love my cute boy a lot and I will do anything to make him happy and healthy

"Pa," he called and I knew instantly that he was here. "Don't go." Gray pleaded, his eyes watered

"Of course not man, I'm here with you okay?" Clint held his left while I held his right.

"Ma, Pa, I want something from you." He stated and I smiled at him

"What is it honey? I'll get it for you this instant." I said and he shook his head and gently brought our hands together, I was confused and I was unhappy at same time

"Ma, forgive Pa..." He pleaded and I nodded not wanting him to cry

"I forgive your Pa okay." I assured

"Then kiss him, kiss pa." Gray demanded, both I and Clint gasped in awe, I kiss Clint?

"No, no, no man, Ma had already forgiven me okay?" Clint said trying to cover up and I let out a sly smile. What's bad if I tasted those plump reddish lips of his? Besides he took my virginity right? Without thinking twice, I immediately smashed my lips on his and he hesitantly pulled me to himself kissing hard. We heard a clearing of throat and turned to see Gray smiling at us. I immediately stood up and head for the door, I need a fresh air, can't believe I kissed him,I really did kissed him. My phone rang, I peeped at the screen and it was Charlie, I almost forgot she left a while ago, I should check up on her if she's arrived her destination *fuck* how silly of me.

"Hello charlie, sorry, I was really into some mess." I stuttered, I sighed and bit my lower lip, I was really troubled

"It's okay girl, I understand, I just got home now, so how's Gray?" She asked and I sighed

"He's getting better, just a sickness, he's on medication." I said as I glanced at him through the glass sliding door. He's smiling at Clint and it was genuine, I need advise, he really is getting close to Clint

"Um.. Charlie, Gray wants to get I and Clint to reconcile, I don't know, but I feel like I don't like it." I said

"Then sorry to say, you're just being inconsiderate and selfish, if you don't reconcile with Clint, then you'll lose Gray." She added, though it pissed me off, but it's true, maybe I'm just being inconsiderate and selfish.

"I don't love him anymore." I tried to defend my poor self

"Of course you do, but you're blocking it away coz you don't want to." Charlie stated and I frowned, it was so true and I think I should give Clint a chance Right?

"Okay, thanks Charlie." I appreciated

"You're welcome sweetheart. Oh and call me when you get back okay?" Charlie added and I smiled

"Yeah, thanks bye." I hung up and ordered for some pizza and hot choco since it's chilly. I entered with the waitress and placed the food on the stool, I fed Gray passionately and I could feel Clint's eyes on me, he's smiling too and I frowned

"Ma, are you gonna marry pa? I want to wear a wedding suit." Gray said and I chuckled

"You'll wear one next time okay?" I stated and he sighed. We ate the pizza together and Clint ordered us a barbecued chicken and grills.

I decided to clean Gray up and leave for the wedding. I insisted that Clint get to stay with Gray and he accepted. Gray gave me a warm smile and I pecked him

"I'll be right back okay?" I stated and he nodded. Angel already prepared some food for him and she sent a motorcycle to deliver it. I handed the food to Clint who nodded and winked at me, I shrugged and left.....


Laila's POV

The morning was bright, I didn't go for jog, I checked my alarm and it already rang, maybe I was too lazy to hear it. The scent of pasta and chicken sauce wafted my nose and for some unknown reason, it malodored my system. I rushed to the toilet and I was throwing up. Chris held me and was rubbing my back gently

"Take it easy, take it easy." He whispered softly and i calmed down.

"The food, take it away." I stated and he nodded. He helped me sit up on the bed and I drank my drugs.

"You should eat before taking that." I looked up at him and he looks so attractive and hot. I walked to him and he smiled at me

"Hold on, I have to return the food." He said and I shook my head as I found it appetizing again.

"No, I'm eating it." I started eating, but he took the fork from me and started feeding me, I blushed and ate from his hands, Sapphire was smiling nonstop

"Today is your wedding day, you're not to see the bride this early..." Maria stated and I turned towards her with a cute smile, Chris chuckled and stood up to leave

"Don't leave.." I pleaded pouting and holding his, his breath hitched and I smiled, that's what I could do to him

"I'll see you at the wedding hall okay?" He pecked me and brushed my hair with his palm.

"Okay," Maria said as Chris left. She clapped and some maids entered,I arched my brow

"Oh... Don't mind, this girls here will help you get cleaned up, while I and bobby here will handle your appearance okay? Now hurry up, there's no much time." She hastened and I nodded. This is the first time that some maids will help me to clean up. I hope they don't do same to Chris

After I cleaned up, I wore my bathrobe, my flip flops and hair towel. They applied some cream on me and massaged my legs, hands and shoulders. So many other women entered and some of them brought in different cartons and boxes. Maria started working on my hair while bobby started working on my makeup, my stomach growled and I turned to one of the maids.

"Get me some cookies and a box of strawberry milk." I said as she bowed and left, Maria giggled

"Is it the baby's cravings or yours?" She asked and I shrugged

"Your highness, this is an expensive brand of shoe from england and this from italy." The young lady said as she showed me a real diamond glassy heel shoe. It glitters and I love it. The other was a glass slippers

"I'll take this." I said holding the diamond shoe.

"You'll look super gorgeous girl." Maria giggled making me smile

"Maria," I called, she turned to me

"Any problem?" She asked and I sighed, smiling at her

"I just want you to give Gen a chance, he's a responsible guy believe me, you'll be happy with him." I explained and she blushed, I could tell she love him and I must bring them together.....