Chapter 67 Riele Briston

(Riele Briston)

Lily's POV

After some months, I got used to living with Aunt Maria, her mate Uncle Gen and their twins Stan and Stella.

They were not living with the pack, they were living their lives as humans.

Truthfully, I still cry sometimes when I remember my home, my family and more especially Liam. I could see it in his eyes, he doesn't approve of my leaving.

He wanted me to stay and I kept asking myself if he cared about me, if he loved me but was trying to hide it.

"Aunt Lily, you there?" I heard Stella's little voice as I quietly opened the door.

"Stella, you not asleep yet?" I asked her as she shook her head with a pout.

Stella is the cutest baby girl I've seen, she's just 2 years old. Though Stan happens to be her senior one with 3 minutes, this two never agreed with each other, always fighting and arguing over everything.

"Why? You scared of the thunder again?" I asked as I lifted her up in my arms and placed her head on my shoulder.

Stella's always afraid of little things, she's just so naive and innocent.

I smiled as I carried her to her room. I raised the sheets over her shoulders and sang her a lullaby mum usually sing to me whenever I'm feeling scared.

Soon, she drifted to sleep and I decided to use this little opportunity to meet with aunt Maria, I've got lots of questions for her. I really want to clarify my mind on the reason my family sent me away and there's no better chance than now

She's a busy woman so I think this is absolutely the right time to tell a sad story

I was about to knock on the door when I heard muffled whispers and when uncle Gen whispered my name, I became interested in their conversation and decided to eavesdrop.

"You know she can't continue staying here, it's a risk, we're risking our lives." Uncle Gen stated

"I understand, she's my friend's daughter, and I'm in the position to help her." Aunt Maria answered

"She's a half witch half werewolf like hell, gosh, this is freaking me out, she killed all those children with her cry..." Uncle Gen reminded Aunt Maria making me gasp

*What? I really killed my classmates? What am I? Am I a curse? It's true, I'm a threat to Aunt Maria and her family, I should leave. I don't want to kill anyone else, I'm a murderer* this thoughts kept eating me up and the zeal to leave grew stronger within me.

I decided to leave the next night. How can i be half witch half werewolf? Is my mother a witch?

The next day, I woke up to Stella's constant screaming, I already knew the reason to her screams and cries.

She might be having an argument with Stan, I washed my mouth and took my bath.

I will only pack up when Aunt Maria is off to work. I switched into my long cotton pink dress as I descended the stairs, they were already having breakfast.

"No! Give it back! Give it back you nosy pig!" Stella screamed pulling Stan's hair.

"Let go of me!" Stan yelled

"Stop this crazy attitude of yours." Aunt Maria cautioned them as uncle Gen chuckled

"Stella, too bad you took after your mother in craziness." Uncle Gen stated earning a hard slap on his shoulder as the kids giggled.

"Aunt Lily!" Stella screamed as she hugged my knee and I smiled at her as I lifted her up.

"How are you Stella, you look cute." I complimented her looks and replaced her on her seat

"Good morning auntie, uncle." I greeted

"Morning sweetie, how was your night? Hope you slept well? Come and eat my dear." Aunt Maria ushered me a seat while uncle Gen ignored me, I could tell he didn't like me from the first day I stepped into this place.

"It was great auntie, thanks." I answered her.

Soon, Aunt Maria left for work and uncle Gen took the kids out. I decided to use this opportunity, I planned my escape with my savings and the credit card dad gave to me.

I decided not to take anything belonging to Auntie's family with me.

I packed my clothes and some important stuffs. Then time passed by as uncle Gen returned home with the twins, I already prepared Dinner and I was glad he ate my food.

Soon Aunt Maria arrived home looking so tired and retarded. I helped her arrange the kids rooms, wash them and put them to bed while she ate and slept off.

I knew this is my chance to leave. It's already 1am, I don't want to jeopardize the safety of this wonderful family.

I put on a long black hood and robe with a mask, I sew these myself, mum taught me and I missed her so much. I have to leave, and I'll go somewhere far away from my family and close relatives.

I decided to leave for Columbia, I applied for a job there and I was told that there's a good spot for training younger ones there.

I'm gonna train hard and I will conquer whatever it is that is after me. I wrote a letter to Aunt Maria

*To Aunt Maria,

I'm sorry for leaving so soon, but I don't want to be a threat to your perfect family. I won't inform you of my whereabouts but I want to notify you that I'm safe wherever I am.

Please, don't inform mum and dad about my elope okay? I promise I will be back when I'm done with my Trainings, I can't continue hiding from whatever it is that is after me, I have to face it.

Take good care of the twins and keep them safe, I promise I'll come back when I'm ready.


With that, I packed my stuffs and escaped through the window. That night, I entered the night train to south. I don't want to have anything to do with this place anymore.

A tear escaped my eyes recalling Kenny, Luna, Mum, Dad and the others, they are my family. They will always be my family.

I know they cared about me and that's why I will do anything in my power to care about them as well.

If I'm a threat, then I must leave, I will protect them no matter what it cost me.

The journey was smooth and after 2 days of constant throwing up and traveling sickness, I finally arrived at south, Columbia in south California.

I admired the large city of south California, then I wore my hood to a supermarket, I bought a red dye and a mask. I also did a little shopping and bought a pair of scissors. I bought a mascara pencil.

If i must continue staying here, it must be under disguise, I then lodged at a motel under the name 'Riele Briston'. I also changed my contact, my website names and deleted my social media account.

There's no Lily Cavan now, it's Riele Briston. I'm lucky my dad left me enough money to start up a new life else I'll be bankrupt.

I took off my beanie cap and I gasped at how grown my hair was. I used the scissors on it and styled it to a fringed shoulder length bob as I dyed it red. I ordered for a plate of noodles as that day finally became over.

I was a website expert and I lied that I was 18, of course I don't look 18, but it's my cover now. I signed up for the training squad.

Curiosity took over me as I decided to search more about the witches, if I'm to accept the fate of me being part of them, I have know more about them. Soon, I drifted off.....