Sage's POV

     I always thought I was a fairly mentally stable person but the princess not being here is driving me insane.

    Magnus somehow managed to get a pod into the banquet hall and used a shock wave to teleport all of us to Alervarn of all places. Why? It was most likely because they didn't think about it and he just teleported us anywhere.

     Everyone of us made our way to the council room, which caused gossip amongst the maids and help because every single kingdom's rulers was her except the princess.

      The council room was in uproar and Ophelia's parents were panicking, not obviously but you could see it in their eyes.

     "We have to get her back," I heard Queen Elara say.

      "We will," King Arien assured, rubbing her back.

      The noise died down an everyone looked at her parents.

        "How do we know the princess knew what she was talking about?" Queen Azura asked.

       "She used time manipulation to close the barrier, she most likely saw him opening it," her mother replied and Queen Azure nodded.

       "But how do we know she wasn't lying?" Tariq asked and I felt like choking him.

      "The princess isn't one to lie," the prince of Baeldra defended and everyone else agreed, but the elves it seemed. My princess had a habit being rather honest.

       "And how are you sure?" Kian asked.

       "Are you calling our daughter a liar,'' King Arien's eyes glowed.

       "If the shoe fits."

       "By the heavens, be gone," Queen Elara said and her hands glowed a feint purple before Tariq and Kian dissapeared.

       "Moving on," Queen Elara dismissed what happened.

      "We need to get my daughter out of there and I am perfectly fine with going to war with Magnus if that is the only solution," she said simply.

       "War is the only solution at this point since he opened the barriers," Queen Azura pointed out and the orcs nodded.

       "So it is settled, war it is," the queen announced.

       "Now, we can't just go to war, we have to plan it to a tea, if not we'll all end up dead on the battlefield," it was true, Magnus was no normal man. 

      "Magnus has an army of every kind since all the shapeshifters went missing, so every one of us needs to band together," king Arghul said and we all nodded.

       "Your majesty, permission to speak."

       "Granted," he permitted and everyone turned to look at me.

       "Seeing as our main objective is getting her highness back, war should not be our main objective. It is likely that if we go to war he will hurt her highness and then the whole war will be for nothing. So instead of going to war, our main objective should be taking down the side of the castle where her highness would be."

       "Rather than battling we go before sunrise and take down the side where the dungeons are. So we will be in the defense instead of the offense. The emperor is not stupid he will be aware that we'll do something, but he'll assume we'll wage war on him. How won't expect a midnight destruction of the castle and he most likely will not plan for it," no matter how much I hate to say it that man sired me and I was stuck with him till I was sixteen, I was also abused by him till that time but that's a story for another time. Borderline to everything, he believes everyone is always on the offense and that whenever anyone wants anything they attack the person who has it in their possession and they don't just take it.

       "Hm and how do you propose we take down the castle?" Queen Elara asked.

       "Magic, powers and everything else doesn't work in certain areas of the palace, and it wouldn't be smart to go from the inside and have to figure it out," I knew exactly where those places are, but it would be suspicious if I knew.

        "Instead, we use everything we have from fire, to magic to brute force, to water anything and everything we can make use of will be used and the walls will come down. I will go inside the palace and get the princess, seeing as after the walls come down the barrier against magic will come down and she'll be able to teleport us out," I just wanted to be the first one to see her.

      "And then she can teleport us all away quickly,'' Queen Beska pointed out.

      "And it will save us the hassle of an escape method," Queen Azura finished.

     "But there's a 50/50 chance it goes wrong and we all die," Queen Elara added.

      "I'm fine with those chances,"King Arien shrugged.

       "So are we,"the orcs spoke after a minute of silence.


        "So am I," Queen Azura agreed and we looked at each other with somewhat of a silent appreciation.

      "Let's get to the drawing board, send in the captain of the guards," King Arien ordered.


      It was the next day and all the royals were once again in the council room and I was placed in charge, the captain of the guards was there for reinforcements so to speak.

     On the table was a miniature model of the Magnus' Palace and soldiers. We all stayed in the same place arranging and rearranging pieces trying to find something that would work and by some blessing from above the heavens were on our side.

     "The sirens will go first flanked on both sides by the dragon born. They will put the men on a trance and if they don't go willingly, end the female soldiers. After the defenses are down, the orcs and Phoenix born, along with a third of the dragon born, will go to the west side of the castle where the dungeons are, according to one of the guards who just couldn't keep their mouths shut. Then they'll break down the wall. While this is happening I will be inside the palace getting to her highness and as soon as the walls come down we all will be out, before anyone knows what happened,"I finish what I was saying and no one seems to oppose it.


      "How do we get there?" Queen Azura asked.

       "Her majesty, will get us there,"I turned to Ophelia's mother.

      "Yes, although it takes more of a toll and it's not as instantaneous as the princess's, it gets the job done."

        "Her majesty is with Queen Azura, His Majesty is with the orcs,"I say and everyone nods.

      "Now, it's time to inform the soldiers you intend to take, and prepare the weapons," I went on.

        Everyone leaves to the pods that on the bottom part of the palace here the pods where and I was about to exit too.

       "Sir.Caddell, wait-" Queen Elara stopped me.

       "Thank you."

       "You truly are a remarkable guard," her father added.

       "I'm just doing my job, your majesty,"I tell them.


     "A good one at that," King Arien said.

      I bowed my head to them and then left the room, I walked without stopping to my quarters and entered my room. I shut my door and sat on my bed and my thoughts started reeling.

       My poor princess. She's locked in what's basically a cage because the man that sired me was a crappy person. I couldn't help but feel guilty, like it was my fault she was there. If it meant begging her, every second of every day for the rest of my life I would. If it meant she would forgive me, I would cut of my own hand.