Ophelia's POV

I woke up the next morning happy because Sage's hand was still draped over, that was until I remembered we have to go to war today. Some rulers never go to war, but here I am.

I turned around and Sage was awake, does he not sleep, when does he wake up? Whenever he stays in my room, he wakes up before me.

"Good morning, princess," he told me as he twisted the strands of hair that had fallen in front of my face in his hands.

"Morning, Mr.Caddell," I smiled.

"We have to get up and get ready," I said and he nodded.

I sat up and jumped off the bed and he came down too. I teleported him to his room but before Ieft he pulled me close and kissed me. A passionate kiss that made me smile when he pulled away. I gave him a quick kiss again then I went to my room.

I took a shower, got dressed in simple clothing and tightly braided my hair. When I was done I teleported to Sage's room, then went to the door of my mother's.

I went in and saw she was already dressed, after that I had to go downstairs to get the Alkazarian soldiers and we were off to Alervarn because that's where I, Sage and my mother's armor was. I left the guards in the field.

I went to my room to put on my armor. I got the sword from my weapon's wall and manifested my daggers, throwing stars and bow.

I went to the field and everyone was there. Always and forever fashionably late. I had to go to Baeldra and Calypso Cove to get the rest of the soldiers and rulers and finally all of us were standing in the courtyard.

I stood before all the soldiers wanting to increase the morale, "Today we go to battle. This will be the battle of a lifetime."

"We could either go now and win or we all die, there is no in-between. The chances of us losing are high, yes, but we do not work with the odds!"

"YES YOUR HIGHNESS!" They yelled.



"GOOD! Let's go," and I teleported us to the horizon facing the palace.

We stood there in formation and I got the first time in a while ,I freed my wings. I hardly ever used them because I never needed to. Now, though, I needed them.

I shot into the air to the level at the top of the palace and saw the guard keeping watch like he was expecting an attack. I put my hand on the string of my bow and an arrow appeared in purple light. I shit it straight at the head of the guard and it hit him. Everyone around him froze and turned to look in the direction of the arrow. They saw me in the distance and I smiled at them. A fitting reaction. Suddenly they were not there anymore. Time for war.

We saw them running out from the gates-they definitely expected us- and the Phoenix born among them were in the air.

My eyes caught Sage's, and I saw him mouth 'Let's do this' and I smiled. Now or never.

We charged at them and met them in the middle, and then it was a battle of the opposing sides. Swords and arrows flew in the air and Magnus' Soldiers slowly dropped. I unsheathed my daggers and joined the fun. One of them came at me and I stabbed him in the chest.

It was a series of slicing and stabbing as we advanced forward breaking through their soldiers, but I wasn't here to kill mere guards, I was here to kill Magnus. I heard someone coming up from behind me and I spun around and sliced their neck. They fell to the ground gurgling and spitting blood, but before she went cold, she gurgled out a thank you? Why would she thank me?

I had no time to think as more and more of them came at me, I was backed up by other guards and soon all of them around me were piles of dead bodies around me, but they just kept coming.

I was beginning to get tired of having to fight them and with no sign of Magnus my patience was being tested. I looked around I spotted my mother and father fighting back to back and Sage was adjacent to me.

I shot into the air and everyone looked up, then resumed fighting.

"Magnus!" I yelled and I could tell everyone's eyes widened.

"Come fight me! Or can you only hit me when in chains," that would do it.

I descended back down and shortly after he appeared in a plume of shadows, holding a scythe with tendrils of darkness around it, rather dramatic if you ask me.

"You finally grew some actual balls, let's all thank the heavens," I mocked and every vein in his head bulged. It was truly a disturbing sight.

"I am going to kill you," he deadpanned, but the rather obvious vein betrayed his demeanor.

"I could say the same," I smiled and that just ticked him off more.

I unsheathing my sword and took my stance. I better not die in this situation, after all the stress the heavens put me through.

He lunged at me and I barely dodged it. I did not expect that. He swung his scytge at me repeatedly and I was on the offense, my only option now was to teleport.

He flung at me, just before his scythe could kill me, I appared behind him. I was going to have to predict his attacks and I was no seer. Before he could turn I sliced through his back and the sword left a burn on his skin, to the extent the skin around the cut turned black.

His back muscles contracted and he turned to me, and swung, once again I was gone just before I could be impaled, but now I didn't have time before he turned around.

He swung at me but I blocked it with my sword, he swung and repeatedly hit my sword causing sparks to fly from the contact. Sage and my father tried to come to my aid, while they were still fighting their respective opponents, but he somehow managed to put up shock waves so they could not help me.

My father's tried fire, Sage tried every other thing but they just got absorbed into the waves. The only solution now was to kill him.

"Let's see how you can keep this going," the sheer confidence in his voice struck a nerve.

"As long as it takes to kill you."

I teleported back and forth but he just got faster and I was starting to loose energy. I teleported and before I could lay a blow, he turned around and swung his scythe. It went through my stomach and in that very second I saw my life flashe before my eyes.

I saw the day my father first gave me a sword, I saw when my mother was trying to explain throwing stars to me but I just started throwing them, I saw my first day in the Alervanian army, I saw the first ever time I saw Sage. I saw the first time he kissed me, the first time I cried in his hands and more than anything it hurt me that I would never see him again. I was going to die and I never told him I loved him. I never told him how much he meant me and now I would never get to.

He pulled the scythe out and I sunk to knees feeling the life force leave me. I did not deserve to die, I didn't, I was a good person. I am a good person. The gods must hate me, they must despise me, but what did I ever to to them? I was meant to save everyone not die. The seer said I was to save everyone. Tears fell from eyes unto the ground and in this moment I felt most defeated I ever had. Even stuck in that cage I was not this hopeless, maybe it was because I knew I would get out, but death is funny that way. There's no getting out.

"Any last words?" How cliché, the hero killed the dark villain sits on the floor, with tears in her eyes. What a dissapointing tale.

I looked up at him, red eyed with blood spilling from the sides of my mouth, I bared my bloody teeth at him, heaving and weak, "You. are. a. piece. of. shit!" and with that I summoned the last piece of strength in me and swung my sword through his neck, his head fell to the ground and his body dropped to the ground with a thud.

His waves came down, and Sage made a run for me, I was about to slump to the ground when he caught me in his arms.

"Fuck! Princess."

"LET'S GET HER TO THE PALACE FOR FUCKSAKE!" He yelled and I gave him a sad smile.

"It's too late for me," I shrugged but my shoulders just shook.

"No!" He argued, and lifted me in his arms.

"It's fine."

"I love you," I managed to choke out, if I was going to die I have to at least tell him.

"I love you too, but you have to stay awake if you ever want to hear it again," he begged, but I was too weak. I succumbed to my own demise, the last thing I heard was him calling my name. He said my name for the first time.


A/N: Ladies and gentlemen that's the end of part one. I would like to thank everyone who read through these twenty chapters, y'all are real ones. To my friend who read it all and hyped me all the way through: You are a sweetheart. Anticipate part two loves.