Sage's POV

We rushed my princess to the palace and I was panicking. She told me she loved me and she wants to leave me. No I will not allow it, even if I had to drag her back from death itself I would. She can't die on me, if she died I would too.

We got her to the physician she started treating, and healing. I and her parents were quite literally shaking. The physician was struggling because she was stabbed with pure darkness and that's not the easiest thing to cure.

Phoenix born are known for being healers and she was struggling right now, her father was uneasy and asked her if he could heal her too. The lady nodded and he put his hand forward, it glowed a fiery hue and it seemed to be working but not well enough. I shifted and helped and with all our combined efforts the impaling healed. The fact that her skin healed doesn't mean that she will wake up, because she lost a shit ton of blood.

After chucking her full of treatments and then cleaning her skin and then reclothing her she was stable? For lack of a better choice of words. Her heart wasn't beating, which scared the fuck out of me, but her body was still warm. The doctor suggested that she was in the first few stages of death and that's why her body was warm, but the queen yelled that we would leave her here, till she went cold and if she didn't she was not being moved.

We were all covered with blood but did we move? No. We all sat there waiting for my princess to wake up for hours, her body didn't cool so there was still a chance she was alive.

Night came and we were all still there, the king tried to convince the queen to leave to take a bath the comeback but she shook her head.

"What if she wakes up?"

"Your majesty, if her highness wakes up I will rush to alert you," not that I was planning to leave anytime soon. After what I said the king managed to coax her into going with him.

When the walked out I moved closer to my princess' bed.

"Wake up…please," I begged.

"Don't leave us…. don't leave me," my voice cracked, shit.

After staying there for another while, I ran to my room, took a shower got dressed and then came back.

I sat in the chair the whole night, praying that she would wake up, but the gods never seemed to answer my prayers


I woke up the next morning and felt the princess' skin. It was still warm. While I sat there rubbing my thumb on the skin of her wrist the door opened and I moved back. I stood up when I saw that it was her parents.

Her mother touched and her skin and seemed to get some relief that it was still warm.

"Did you spend the night here? In that chair?" Her father asked me.

"Yes, your highness," I replied, I couldn't bring myself to leave.

"That must have been uncomfortable," her mother sympathized.

"Believe me it was okay your majesty," I told her.

"Hm, you can go, you don't have to keep watching her," her mother dismissed, seeming genuinely concerned.

"That would not be possible your majesty," no way in hell I was leaving.

"Why is that?" King Arien.

"I am her highness' personal guard, my job is to watch over her,'' In more ways than one.

"Yes, when she is awake and in need of security," King Arien reasoned.

"I am just doing my job, your majesty,"this was the second time I was telling them this.

"I don't believe you," her mother say down on her bed.

"Pardon me? Your majesty."

"I do not believe you," she repeated and I blinked.

"Why is that? Your majesty," I asked

"You aren't just doing your job," what was she implying.

"Your majesty, I'm not sure I understand," she knows something.

"It's more than that,"well shit.

"How so? Your majesty," I planned to played dumb as long as possible.

"The two of you are in a relationship," that's one way to word it.

"That would explain why she didn't expose you when she found out who you were," King Arien pointed out.

" and why he is so protective over her,'' Queen Elara finished. That was part of my job description.

"Well your majesties, that is part is of my job," they were not buying it.

"Cut the act,"her mother stopped.

"Are the two of you in a relationship?" I had a feeling that if I denied they would not believe me.


"I knew it," her mother sounded like she just won a bet.

"That answers a lot,"her father spoke. So help me if they started asking me how long we had been together.

They stayed in the room and while just staring at her, similar to what I spent the whole night doing and now too.

It was so unnerving that she was not breathing, her heart wasn't beating and I was so close to my heart not beating too, because I was panicking.

"Why won't she wake up?" I heard Queen Elara ask in a small voice.

"She will," her father tried to soothe.

"Hopefully," I added in my head.

We stayed there for a while but they had kingdoms to rule so they had to go.

After they left, I heard a knock on the door,"Yes?" I called out.

"It's me," I heard Avila's voice from the other side.

"Come in," she came in with a tray of food in her hands and a sunken look.

"I brought you food," she deadpanned.


"Because you haven't eaten since you got back and if the princess wakes up and sees you haven't eaten, she might just kill someone," in that moment I realized I had not actually eaten.

"Thank you," she dropped the tray on the table.

"You think she'll wake up?" She asked me.

"She has to," for all our sakes.

"This must be hard for you," she pointed out.

"You love her don't you?" she asked. Was I that obvious?

"I do," and now I may never get to tell her that again.

"It's so obvious with the way you look at her," I guess it was that obvious aasnd where was she going with this.

"The two of you are a good match."

She left, night came and the princess was still not awake, heavens have pity on me for once and bring her back.