The grand halls of the Arcadia Estate were filled with the soft glow of morning light, streaming through tall, ornate windows. Servants bustled about, preparing for the day's activities, while the scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air. In one of the estate's luxurious chambers, a young noble stirred from his sleep.

Roshan, once the almighty slime lord, now found himself in the body of a human. He sat up in bed, his senses overwhelmed by the richness of his surroundings. Silk sheets, a four-poster bed, and elegant furnishings were a stark contrast to the primordial caverns and lush forests he once ruled. He glanced down at his hands – human hands – and flexed his fingers, marveling at the unfamiliar sensation.

"Master Roshan, it's time to get ready for your lessons," a voice called from the doorway. Roshan looked up to see a maid with a kind face and a gentle smile, holding a tray of breakfast items.

"Lessons?" Roshan echoed, his voice sounding foreign to his own ears. He quickly composed himself, remembering the role he must play. "Yes, of course. Thank you."

The maid set the tray down and began to lay out his clothes for the day. As she did, Roshan's mind raced, piecing together the fragments of his new identity. He was now Roshan de Arcadia, the youngest son of the esteemed Arcadia family, known for their mastery of ice magic and their influence in the realm of magic.

After dressing in fine clothes and eating a hearty breakfast, Roshan made his way to the library, where his lessons were to take place. The library was an impressive room, filled with towering shelves of books on every subject imaginable. Waiting for him was his tutor, Professor Thorne, a stern-looking man with sharp features and piercing blue eyes.

"Good morning, Master Roshan," Professor Thorne greeted, his tone formal and respectful. "Today, we will continue our studies on the history of magic and its various applications."

Roshan nodded, taking a seat at the large wooden desk. As Professor Thorne began his lecture, Roshan's thoughts drifted. He was still adjusting to his new reality, grappling with the knowledge that slimes had been driven to extinction by the very creatures his new family revered – the ice dragons. The irony was not lost on him.

"…and that brings us to the Great Purge," Professor Thorne continued, oblivious to Roshan's inner turmoil. "A period when the ice dragons led a campaign to eradicate slimes from the realm, believing them to be a threat to their dominance."

Roshan's attention snapped back to the lecture. "Professor, why were the slimes considered a threat?"

Professor Thorne looked mildly surprised by the question but answered nonetheless. "Slimes were powerful creatures with unique abilities. They could adapt and evolve rapidly, making them formidable opponents. The ice dragons saw this as a potential challenge to their supremacy and thus sought to eliminate them."

Roshan clenched his fists under the table, anger bubbling beneath the surface. He forced himself to remain calm, masking his emotions with a neutral expression. "I see. Thank you for the explanation, Professor."

As the lesson continued, Roshan absorbed every detail about the history and magic of this new world. He knew that understanding his enemies and their history would be crucial in his quest for retribution. The more he learned, the more determined he became to uncover the truth behind the extinction of his kind and to seek vengeance against the ice dragons.

After the lesson, Roshan excused himself and made his way to the gardens. The sprawling estate grounds were meticulously maintained, with vibrant flowers and towering trees providing a serene backdrop. Finding a secluded spot, Roshan sat on a stone bench, his mind racing with thoughts of his past and his uncertain future.

"How do I proceed from here?" he muttered to himself, lost in contemplation. He knew he needed allies, knowledge, and power to challenge the ice dragons. But first, he had to master the intricacies of human society and magic.

As he sat there, deep in thought, a sudden movement caught his eye. A small bird had landed on a nearby branch, chirping merrily. Roshan watched it for a moment, a plan forming in his mind. If he could blend in and learn the ways of this world, he might find the answers he sought.

With renewed determination, Roshan stood up and made his way back to the estate. He would start with his studies, mastering the magic that humans wielded, and then he would uncover the secrets of the ice dragons. His journey of revenge and redemption had just begun, and he was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.