Anos sat cross-legged under an apple tree, deep in cultivation. The cold from the nearby lake would freeze the legs of a normal human, but as a fire mage, his fiery aura could resist the chill. This process was crucial for any mage, as it involved delving into a spiritual world where one's mana resided. For a beginner mage, the mana capacity might be the size of a thumb, and gathering mana from the environment would slowly increase this capacity.

Anos opened his eyes, smiling in satisfaction—his mana capacity had grown to the size of a full-grown man's head. "Even with this, it's pointless," Anos sighed. "How am I supposed to compete with the son of a noble? Even if I manage to get into the academy, how am I going to deal with those aristocrats who feed on magic resources like gluttons?" He grumbled as he lay on the ground, staring at the sky, only to see someone else's face above him.

"I can help you with that," said Roshan.

"Uh? Roshan, what are you doing here?" Anos asked, puzzled.

"We made a bet, didn't we?" Roshan gently tapped the hilt of his sword.

"Yeah, but I lost," Anos replied, disappointed.

"Who said you lost?" Roshan smirked. "I never told you what would happen if you lost, did I?"

"Now that I think about it, you never did. What's going to happen? Am I getting you a dozen creampuffs?" Anos asked jovially.

"If I had lost, you would have gotten enrolled alongside me in the magic academy, right?" Roshan asked.

"Yes," Anos replied.

"Well, if you lost, you would quit your job at that creampuff store and become my personal manservant. And you're still going to get enrolled in the magic academy," Roshan smiled.

"Uh, tell me you're joking," Anos said, scratching his head in a nervous but happy manner.

"Do you see a 'Hey, I'm joking' look on my face?" Roshan asked, pointing to his face.

"Uh, no, I don't," Anos replied.

"So, what do you say?" Roshan asked.

Suddenly, Anos burst into tears and hugged Roshan, sobbing, "Thank you, Roshan. I can't thank you enough. I don't even know what to say right now."

"Take it easy, dude," Roshan said, gently pushing away the crying Anos. "That's only the beginning of the surprises," Roshan added as he drew a sword from his waist and handed it to Anos.

"Wait, is this for me?" Anos asked, puzzled. "Isn't your father going to be mad at you for giving me one of your family's treasures?"

"Don't worry about that, Anos. I've got it all covered. With this, I guess you can defeat those other nobles in the academy. I can't wait to see their faces when they see you with this sword, especially that fool Simon Reynold," Roshan smirked.

"Hahahaha, you and the dude from the Reynold family never get along, do you?"

"Well, I guess so..." Roshan scratched his head. He only knew there was a guy he hated a lot in this world ever since he inherited the body of Roshan De Arcadian. His reincarnation meant taking over the body of someone with the same name, inheriting all the memories of the previous Roshan. Despite that, his friendship with Anos couldn't be explained by just memories. Ever since he saw the boy, he felt a sense of closeness he couldn't understand. It was like he was seeing an old friend. As he ransacked his memory, the name Simon Reynold suddenly popped up.

"Roshan, what the hell are you thinking about? You totally zoned out on me," Anos said, waving his hand in front of Roshan's face.

"Uh, no, I was just thinking about how I'm going to deal with Simon Reynold in the entrance exams tomorrow," Roshan responded, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that. I better continue cultivating right now," Anos said, bending down to meditate.

"I doubt you'll need your magic to pass the exams. Just focus on the theoretical aspects. That sword you're holding is at the top of the rank A list," Roshan said.

"Whaaaaaaat?!! D-d-did you just say rank A?" Anos stuttered loudly.

"Yes, it is. It's of no use to me," Roshan replied.

"Of no use to you? I don't understand. What cultivation rank are you at right now?" Anos asked.

"Well, you can say I'm still at the top of rank E if you want," Roshan replied carefreely.

"And you have no use for a rank A sword? I don't understand," Anos said.

Roshan started walking away. "Aren't you going to join me? I'll be needing those dozen creampuffs you mentioned earlier."

"Uh...? ...Oh, yes, young master," Anos answered jokingly as he ran toward Roshan.

"Address me as 'young master' only in the mansion. Feel free outside of it," Roshan said.

"Of course, I know that. I was just messing with ya," Anos said as they both walked away.

As they walked back to the mansion, Anos couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. The thought of joining the magic academy alongside Roshan was exhilarating, yet daunting. He knew that the academy was filled with powerful nobles who had been trained since birth, unlike him.

"Roshan, are you sure about this? I mean, me getting into the academy?" Anos asked hesitantly.

"Of course, I am. You have the potential, Anos. You just need the right opportunity," Roshan reassured him.

"But what about your father? Won't he be furious about this?" Anos questioned.

"Leave that to me. My father trusts my judgment. Besides, he knows the value of loyalty and friendship. You've been like a brother to me," Roshan said firmly.

"Thanks, Roshan. I owe you one," Anos said, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over him.

"Don't mention it. Now, let's get back. We have a lot to prepare for tomorrow," Roshan replied with a grin.

The next morning, the two friends stood at the entrance of the grand academy. The towering gates loomed over them, adorned with intricate carvings and magical symbols that pulsed with energy. Anos took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.

"Ready?" Roshan asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Anos replied, determination settling in his gaze.

They stepped through the gates, entering a world filled with wonders and challenges beyond their imagination. The academy was bustling with students, each showcasing their magical abilities in preparation for the entrance exams.

Anos couldn't help but feel out of place amidst the grandeur, but Roshan's reassuring presence gave him strength. As they walked through the academy grounds, they drew curious glances from other students, especially when they noticed the sword Anos was carrying.

"Is that... a rank A sword?" one student whispered to another.

"Who is he? He doesn't look like a noble," another remarked.

Ignoring the whispers, Anos focused on the task ahead. They reached the registration desk, where an imposing figure with a stern expression stood guard.

"Names?" the guard asked, barely glancing up.

"Roshan De Arcadian and Anos," Roshan replied confidently.

The guard's eyes widened slightly at the mention of Roshan's name. "Very well. You may proceed," he said, handing them their registration tokens.

As they moved towards the exam hall, Roshan leaned over and whispered, "Remember, just focus on the theoretical part. You've got this."

Anos nodded, feeling a surge of determination. The moment of truth had arrived. He was ready to prove himself and take the first step towards becoming a powerful mage. With Roshan by his side, he felt invincible.