The duels

Anos sat on the bed with his legs crossed, the room dimly lit by the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the window. He was in deep meditation, his breathing slow and steady. The mana in his spiritual world was expanding, swirling in vibrant colors as it approached the critical threshold. This was only possible due to the cultivation stone Roshan had given him, a rare and powerful artifact that accelerated his progress.

Sweat beaded on Anos's forehead as he focused all his energy inward. He could feel the mana pushing against the boundaries of his current rank, straining to break through. "I must break through right now," he thought to himself, the determination in his heart unwavering.

He visualized his spiritual world, a vast, boundless space filled with swirling energy. The mana flowed through him, each breath drawing in more power, each exhale releasing tension. His body trembled slightly, the intensity of the moment pressing down on him.

Suddenly, there was a sharp surge, like a dam breaking. The mana exploded outward, filling every corner of his spiritual world. Anos's eyes snapped open, glowing with a fierce light as the energy coursed through him. He had done it. The size and density of his spiritual world had reached that of a rank D mage.

The room seemed to pulse with his newfound power. Anos took a deep breath, feeling the strength in every fiber of his being. He had broken through, thanks to Roshan's cultivation stone and his own relentless perseverance. A triumphant smile spread across his face. The journey was far from over, but this victory was a significant milestone.

"Roshan, I did it!" Anos yelled excitedly, jolting Roshan from his sleep.

"Oh, you broke through, huh?" Roshan said while yawning. He had been sleeping, and when he woke up, he could sense the change in Anos's aura. It was now denser.

"Yay! This is going to increase my chances of being chosen for the competition."

"Yeah, I hope so," Roshan said as he collapsed back on his bed.

"Not even a well done?" Anos asked, frustration evident in his voice.

"Well done," Roshan said, giving Anos a thumbs up.

"Seriously?" Anos said as he lay on his bed, feeling accomplished.

The Next Day...

In the battle arena, the magic students waited anxiously to hear their names called out by Miss Lyra. "Man, I can't wait," someone muttered. Most of them hadn't gotten enough sleep due to their anxiousness. Suddenly, they saw Miss Lyra walk in carrying a piece of paper. She walked to the front of the students and spoke authoritatively.

"The results from yesterday proved that not all of you are slacking off in your cultivation. You all passed, but only the best ten have been selected."

"Best ten? But I thought we needed five?" someone asked.

"SILENCE," she spoke in her usual tone. "The ten of you are going to face each other in one-on-one duels. The winners are whom I'll choose." She then looked at the paper and called out the names.

"Anos, Gareth, Anara, Roshan, Simon, Elena, Leonard, Cedric, Eleanor, Parker."

The ten students lined up. Roshan looked at the boy named Gareth, recognizing him as the one whose ass he had kicked during the entrance exams.

"I'll now call the order of the duels."

"Anos vs. Simon."

"Parker vs. Elena."

"Gareth vs. Leonard."

"Anara vs. Eleanor."

"Roshan vs. Cedric."

Anos and Simon stepped into the center of the arena. The crowd grew silent, all eyes on the two combatants. Simon was known for his aggressive combat style and taunting nature, while Anos was known for his strategic mind and precise mana control. The anticipation was palpable.

"Begin!" Miss Lyra commanded.

Simon wasted no time, summoning crackling bolts of lightning that danced around his fists. "You're going down, Anos," Simon taunted, his voice filled with confidence. "No fire mage has ever beaten me."

Anos smirked, unfazed by Simon's words. "We'll see about that."

Simon launched a barrage of lightning bolts at Anos. Anos swiftly conjured a wall of fire, absorbing the impact of the electricity and sending sparks flying in all directions. Simon's eyes narrowed as he increased the intensity of his attack, but Anos was ready. He manipulated the flames into a swirling vortex, redirecting the lightning back toward Simon.

"Is that all you've got?" Anos called out, his voice steady. "I expected more from the great Simon."

Enraged, Simon leaped into the air, his body surrounded by an aura of crackling lightning. "I'll show you real power!" he shouted, unleashing a massive bolt of lightning from above. Anos rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the strike. The ground where he had been standing sizzled and smoked.

Anos countered with a series of rapid-fire fireballs, forcing Simon to dodge and weave. "You talk big, but can you back it up?" Anos taunted, his eyes glinting with determination.

Simon growled, his hands crackling with electricity. "You're nothing but a weakling," he spat, launching a powerful lightning strike at Anos. Anos deflected it with a shield of fire, the two elements clashing and creating a burst of steam.

"I've trained too hard to lose to someone like you," Anos replied, his voice filled with conviction. He gathered mana into his hands, summoning a ring of fire around him. The flames roared to life, creating a barrier that Simon's lightning struggled to penetrate.

"Pathetic," Simon sneered. "Hiding behind your flames won't save you." He charged forward, lightning arcing from his body and striking the ground with each step.

Anos stood his ground, his mind racing. He knew he needed to outsmart Simon, not just overpower him. As Simon closed in, Anos suddenly dropped to the ground, his hands touching the arena floor. With a burst of mana, he channeled his fire into the earth, creating a ring of molten lava around Simon.

"Try escaping this," Anos said, his voice calm and confident.

Simon struggled, the intense heat making it difficult to concentrate. He summoned all his mana, creating a barrier of lightning around himself to block the flames. But Anos was relentless. He manipulated the lava, sending waves of molten rock crashing toward Simon.

"You're finished," Anos declared, his eyes blazing with determination.

Simon roared in frustration, his lightning shield starting to crack under the pressure. He knew he had to act fast. With a desperate burst of energy, he launched himself into the air, narrowly escaping the lava's reach. He hovered above the arena, panting heavily.

"This isn't over," Simon snarled, his eyes locked onto Anos.

Anos watched him carefully, his mind racing. He knew Simon was desperate and that this was his chance to end the fight. He gathered all his remaining mana, summoning a massive fireball in his hands.

"Let's finish this," Anos said, his voice steady.

Simon summoned a bolt of lightning, the air around him crackling with energy. The two mages locked eyes, their determination unwavering. With a final shout, they unleashed their attacks simultaneously.

The fireball and lightning bolt collided in mid-air, creating a massive explosion that shook the arena. The spectators shielded their eyes from the blinding light and deafening noise. When the smoke cleared, Anos and Simon were both on the ground, panting heavily.

But it was clear who the victor was. Anos slowly stood up, his body battered but still standing. Simon lay on the ground, his energy completely spent.

Miss Lyra stepped forward, her gaze shifting between the two students. "The winner is Anos," she declared, her voice echoing through the arena.

The crowd erupted in applause, cheering for Anos's hard-fought victory. Simon, though disappointed, extended a hand to Anos.

"Good fight," Simon said, his voice begrudgingly respectful.

Anos shook his hand, a faint smile on his lips. "You too, Simon. You pushed me to my limits."

As they walked off the battlefield, the other students watched in awe. Anos had proven himself not just as a powerful mage, but as a strategist who could adapt and overcome any challenge thrown his way.

Roshan, standing among the spectators, couldn't help but feel proud of his friend. He knew how much Anos had trained and sacrificed to get to this point. With this victory, Anos had not only secured his place in the tournament but also earned the respect of his peers.

Back in the locker room, Anos sat down, wiping sweat from his brow. Roshan approached him, a grin on his face.

"Congrats, Anos," Roshan said, clapping him on the shoulder. "You were amazing out there."

"Thanks, Roshan," Anos replied, still catching his breath. "I couldn't have done it without your support and that cultivation stone you gave me."

Roshan nodded. "You deserved it. Now let's get ready for the next round. We still have a lot to prove."

Anos looked around at his fellow competitors, each preparing for their own battles. The road ahead was still long and challenging, but with friends like Roshan by his side, Anos knew he could face anything.

The day's events had only strengthened his resolve. He was determined to become stronger, to push beyond his limits, and to make a name for himself in the world of magic. And with each battle, he would get one step closer to achieving his dreams.

Next up, We have Parker vs Elena.

The atmosphere in the arena was electric as the students gathered to watch the next duel. Roshan stood among the spectators, his eyes fixed on the battlefield. He couldn't help but feel a pang of worry for Elena, the ice goddess. She was up against Parker, a student known for his incredible physical strength and speed. Unlike most mages, Parker relied solely on his physical abilities to overwhelm his opponents.

Elena, on the other hand, was a formidable ice mage, known for her control over her element and her strategic mind. Despite his confidence in her abilities, Roshan couldn't shake the unease he felt about this match-up. He had heard stories about Parker's strength, and he knew that this duel would be unlike any other Elena had faced.

Miss Lyra's voice cut through the chatter of the crowd, calling the duel to order. "Elena vs. Parker. Step forward."

Elena walked gracefully to the center of the arena, her icy blue eyes scanning her opponent. Parker, a towering figure with muscles rippling under his shirt, cracked his knuckles and gave her a calm, measured nod.

"Ready?" Miss Lyra asked, looking between them.

Both nodded without a word.

"Begin!" Miss Lyra commanded.

Parker didn't waste a second. He dashed toward Elena with blinding speed, his fists raised to strike. Elena swiftly conjured a barrier of ice, but Parker's fist shattered it with a single punch, sending shards of ice flying.

Roshan watched with bated breath as Elena leaped back, summoning a flurry of ice shards and launching them at Parker. He dodged with ease, his movements a blur. He closed the distance between them in an instant, swinging his powerful fist at Elena. She barely managed to create an ice shield in time to deflect the blow, the force of the impact pushing her back.

Elena knew she couldn't rely solely on her ice magic. Parker's speed and strength were too much for her defenses. She needed to find a way to slow him down. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned a thick fog of icy mist, obscuring Parker's vision.

Parker continued his approach, unperturbed by the mist. His calm demeanor and precise movements unnerved Elena. He moved as though the fog wasn't even there, his senses keenly attuned to her presence.

He lunged toward the last place he saw Elena, but she had already moved. She used the mist to her advantage, slipping around him and sending a blast of freezing wind at his back. Parker grunted as the cold bit into his skin, slowing his movements slightly.

"You can't hide forever," Parker's voice was calm and steady.

Elena knew she needed to immobilize him, at least temporarily. She concentrated her mana, forming intricate ice patterns on the ground around Parker. As he stepped forward, the ice surged up, encasing his legs in a solid block.

Parker's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly smashed the ice with a powerful kick. Elena was already in motion, sending a wave of ice spikes toward him. He deflected them with his arms, the ice shattering against his skin.

"He's tough," Elena thought, her voice calm but strained. "But I'm not done yet."

She summoned a massive ice golem, towering over Parker. The golem swung its icy fist at him, but Parker dodged and countered with a powerful uppercut, shattering the golem into pieces.

Roshan observed the fight with keen interest. Despite Parker's overwhelming strength, he sensed that Parker was holding back. It was as if Parker was testing Elena, gauging her abilities without revealing his true power.

Elena's eyes glinted with determination. She conjured an ice sword, its blade shimmering with frost. She dashed toward Parker, engaging him in close combat. Parker met her strike with his bare hands, his movements precise and controlled. He deflected her blows with ease, his strength and speed keeping her at bay.

Their clash sent shockwaves through the arena, the sound of ice meeting flesh echoing around them. Elena's strikes grew more desperate as she realized Parker was still holding back. She needed to push him to reveal his true power.

With a burst of mana, she created a swirling vortex of ice around them, the temperature dropping rapidly. Frost formed on Parker's skin as he continued to deflect her attacks. His calm demeanor remained unchanged, even as the cold intensified.

Roshan's worry deepened. "Why is he holding back?" he wondered. "What is he waiting for?"

Elena's breaths came in ragged gasps as she pushed herself to her limits. She knew she couldn't keep this up forever. She needed to find a way to break through Parker's defenses. Summoning every ounce of her strength, she channeled her mana into a final, desperate attack.

"Blizzard!" she cried, her voice echoing through the arena.

A massive storm of ice and snow erupted from her, engulfing Parker in a whirlwind of frost. The temperature plummeted, and the spectators gasped as the arena turned into a frozen wasteland. Parker's figure was barely visible through the blinding blizzard, but Elena didn't relent. She poured all her mana into the storm, determined to overwhelm him.

Minutes passed, and the blizzard began to subside. Elena stood panting, her mana nearly depleted. She peered through the remnants of the storm, hoping to see Parker defeated. But as the snow cleared, Parker emerged, his body covered in a thin layer of frost but otherwise unharmed.

He shook off the ice and met her gaze with those calm, piercing eyes. "You're strong, Elena," he said, his voice steady. "But you can't win."

Before she could react, he moved. In a blur of motion, he closed the distance between them, his fist striking with the force of a hammer. Elena's ice sword shattered as she was sent flying across the arena, crashing into the ground with a gasp.

Roshan's heart raced as he watched Parker approach Elena. "Is this it?" he thought, his worry intensifying.

Elena struggled to her feet, her body trembling from the exertion. She summoned the last of her strength, forming an ice barrier around herself. But Parker's next strike shattered it effortlessly, sending her sprawling once more.

He stood over her, his expression calm and composed. "Yield," he said quietly. "You fought well."

Elena's pride flared, and she tried to rise again, but her body refused to cooperate. She looked up at Parker, realizing he had been holding back the entire time. He had measured her, tested her, and now he stood victorious.

Miss Lyra stepped forward, her voice cutting through the tense silence. "The duel is over. Parker wins."

The spectators erupted in cheers and applause, but Roshan's worry only deepened. He watched as Parker extended a hand to Elena, helping her to her feet.

"You have great potential," Parker said, his tone respectful. "But sometimes, strength isn't enough."

"Hmph, I was holding back, that's all," Elena said as she walked away

Parker smiled, a rare expression of warmth. "If you say so"

As the two combatants left the arena, Roshan couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Parker than met the eye. His curiosity about the enigmatic student grew, along with his concern for Elena. He resolved to keep a closer watch on Parker, determined to understand the true extent of his power.