Chapter 9: Enthusiast, Amateur, Professional, Champion

Zhang Hongtao remained silent, merely observing quietly.

As a coach at Bai Niao Martial Arts Academy, he also had the responsibility of selecting new talent for the academy's core group, Xiongniao Style. The academy's elite class was a special selection process. Each coach would choose the most talented and perceptive students from their class and recommend them for the elite class.

During the elite class training, some students would be filtered out.

Only those who remained were considered truly vibrant new blood.

It's important to note that Bai Niao Martial Arts Academy didn't only have one facility in Pujiang District. Across Huai River City and a few nearby areas, Bai Niao had twelve facilities in total. Of course, the main academy was located in Huai River City.

"Focus on observing Guo Hao and Blake Bai..." Zhang Hongtao thought to himself.

Half an hour later, all students gathered to watch a demonstration by the coach.

Zhang Hongtao began explaining that apart from basic Sanda movements, there were more advanced training processes, such as target practice. This involved one student wearing padded mitts for hands and feet, similar to boxing gloves, to absorb the impact while another novice student practiced their strikes.

Zhang Hongtao selected a few students to experience this.

Among them were Guo Hao and Blake Bai.

Blake stepped forward and quickly put on the mitts for hands and feet.

He nodded to Zhang Hongtao, indicating he was ready.

In the next second, Zhang Hongtao suddenly threw a punch. His large, calloused fist cut through the air and slammed into the hand mitt with a loud bang.

Blake felt his palm tremble, half his body go numb, and he staggered back two steps. He looked up in surprise at Coach Zhang, who had already retracted his fist. The power of Zhang's punch far exceeded his own strength of 11. Moreover, Zhang executed the punch with ease, clearly not using his full strength.


Blake stepped down, and another young man with a crew cut took his place.

Soon, the target practice session ended.

Coach Zhang then demonstrated the methods for training powerful punches and kicks after mastering the basic movements. At this point, it was time to bring out the large punching bags.

In the corner of the training hall, three different-sized black leather punching bags were attached to iron poles. They were 80 cm, 120 cm, and 160 cm. The largest, the 160 cm bag, was thick and long, appearing bigger than a human.

Above the punching bags were the two artistic words "Bai Niao," full of dynamic energy.

The robust Zhang Hongtao stood in front of the largest bag, assuming an attack stance. Around him, the thirty-some students watched intently.


His fist shot out, landing squarely in the center of the bag.


The chains and metal frame screeched unpleasantly.

The 160 cm bag swung high backward instantly.

It arced beyond ninety degrees before crashing back down.

Among the onlookers, someone gasped in surprise. A bag that large weighed at least eighty kilograms, heavier than an average adult man.

Coach Zhang could send this punching bag flying so high. One can only imagine the effect if such a punch landed on an adult man.

"Holy crap, Coach, that was insane!"

A usually rambunctious student shouted in shock.

"Insane? Heh..."

Zhang Hongtao glanced at the student, chuckled, and shook his head. As he reached out to steady the swinging bag, he began to speak.

"My skills are nothing to brag about."

"There are plenty of people in Bai Niao Martial Arts Academy who are far better than me."

"Do you believe that there are people who can punch this leather bag so hard that it bursts on the spot or break the chain holding it up?"

Many students shouted their disbelief, demanding that Coach Zhang bring out such a person to prove if anyone could really burst a punching bag.

This was not just any canvas bag; it was high-quality leather designed to absorb impact.

If someone could burst a leather bag with a single punch...

They could probably punch through a person as well.

Among the crowd, Blake Bai's eyes sparkled with a burning intensity. He believed Coach Zhang was likely telling the truth—there truly were people who could burst a punching bag with a single punch.

It seemed that the Fighter occupation indeed held greater potential.

It wasn't just limited to ordinary combat like in his previous life.

In front of the punching bag, Zhang Hongtao smiled and remained silent for a moment before speaking again.

"You should know that the Tianxia Federation has an official grading system for combat, used to regulate various events and enthusiasts. There are five amateur levels and four professional levels, collectively known as the Federation Nine Levels. Above the Federation Nine Levels are the renowned champions in various combat sports..."

"People like Ye Feng and Taishan."

"And those of you who are still beginners are collectively referred to as combat enthusiasts. Combat enthusiasts have not yet obtained official certification and cannot participate in various combat events."

"My rank is Professional Level 2, with a punch strength of around 160 kilograms. If I use special techniques... hehe..." Zhang Hongtao laughed and slowly turned around. "In short, training in combat is a process..."

"As long as you have the talent and are willing to persist in your training, under the guidance of Bai Niao Martial Arts Academy, you can gradually reach my level..."

His gaze swept across the crowd, pausing deliberately on Guo Hao and Blake Bai, before retracting when they returned his gaze.

"Enthusiast, Amateur Level 5, Professional Level 4, Champion."

Blake muttered softly, quickly forming a clearer understanding in his mind. He was lost in thought but suddenly felt a gaze upon him. He turned and saw a handsome young man with deep features looking at him through the gaps in the crowd.

Guo Hao.

Blake and Guo Hao locked eyes from a distance, and after a moment, they both looked away.

Time passed in the training hall.

By 3:30 PM, the training session ended, and the students dispersed.

Blake, who was at the back, glanced around the hall. Guo Hao hadn't left yet; he was surrounded by a follower and the two girls from before, laughing and chatting. It seemed they planned to go somewhere after the training.

Blake glanced at them expressionlessly before heading to the locker room.

Unlike Guo Hao, who was a high school student on summer break, Blake still had to grind for his occupation experience and had important tasks to complete.

The information from his personal panel flashed across his retina.

[Your skill 'Sanda' has gained +10 experience!]

[Your occupation 'Fighter' has gained +2 experience!]

Around 4:10 PM, at Sunshine Neighborhood.

Blake set off as usual, riding his beat-up bike.

Familiar residential areas, familiar city streets, familiar corners—Blake had almost explored every inch of the city. By 6 PM, he arrived again at the remote industrial area he had visited before.

It was the same factory and the same gatekeeper.

As Blake left, he was inexplicably drawn to the telephone pole.

He paused and glanced over.

There were a few more missing person notices than before, indicating they were newly posted.

"June 2nd, June 5th, June 7th…"

"The number of missing people... is increasing…"

Blake couldn't help but think of the shadow he encountered the other night.

He had a feeling that in the shadows of this city's night.

Something was slowly stirring up chaos.