Chapter 11: A Confident and Ambitious Person

June 22, 9:20 AM.

Before the alarm went off, Blake Bai's eyes shot open.

He lifted a slightly faded, freshly washed air conditioning blanket and got out of bed. Walking to the window, he pulled open the curtains with a swift motion.

Instantly, the bright golden morning sunlight streamed in, illuminating the bed and the wardrobe beside it in a large patch of brilliant light. He opened the window, letting in the fresh air carrying the scents of earth and sunshine.

Blake took a deep breath of fresh air, feeling invigorated. He had slept for less than seven hours, a bit shorter than usual, but he felt more energized and refreshed than ever. This was the change brought by his improved physique.

His physique attribute had increased from 9.8 to 10.5, a total increase of 0.7.

Don't underestimate this 0.7; the change was significant. Blake's body had greater endurance, recovered faster, and was less prone to fatigue. Because of this, he felt an increase in efficiency no matter what occupation he was working on. A strong physique truly made work easier.

Beep! An electric scooter drove past on the road below the window.

This reminded Blake to take his Hummer scooter for repair before heading to the martial arts gym. If it could be fixed, great. If not, getting a new one was also an option.

Next, as usual, he washed up, changed clothes, and left.

Since he got up early today, he could enjoy a quiet breakfast.

In a snack shop next to Huaguang Electric Scooter Repair Shop.

Blake sat in a brown leather chair, holding soy milk in his left hand and a fried dough stick in his right, along with two boiled eggs. The morning sunlight shone on the wooden table from behind him, as if draped in a soft golden veil. The air was filled with the rich aroma of heated soy milk, and the sound of car horns honking could be heard.

The vibrant scene brought a sense of leisure to everyone.

Blake's shoulders slowly relaxed.

Since arriving in this world, he hadn't stopped moving.

Training! Working! Training! Working! A constant cycle.

The confusion of suddenly being in a strange world had no time to develop, as it was filled with one task after another.

Now, he slowed down.

A sense of confusion and loneliness began to rise within him.

Slowly getting up, he threw the plastic bag into the trash can.

The bus stop was to the east, and Blake walked straight toward the crowd.

With a backpack on his shoulders, he walked with a blank expression. Different people passed by: high school girls in uniforms, office workers in suits, couples holding hands. Energetic, lethargic, attractive, tall, short.

All kinds of people, for all kinds of reasons.

Passing through the streets, heading to unknown destinations.

Blake suddenly stopped and stood still.

A strange world, a strange city, a strange environment, strange people, even a strange body. The only comfort was his unchanged name, Blake Bai.

"Confused? Anxious?"

"I can't believe I'm thinking like this."

He looked down at his gradually thickening hands. The parallel lines on his palms were unusually clear in the sunlight, dividing his palms in two.

In his dark eyes, a strange color gradually condensed.

"Confusion, anxiety, laziness, stupidity, greed for pleasure, lack of progress—all forms of weakness that only erode willpower…"

"They are all… things I need to reject."

"Where there's a will, there's a way."

"Instead of feeling sentimental, I should… train!"

Blake lifted his head and jogged toward the bus stop.

10:00 AM, Bai Niao Martial Arts Academy, Coach Zhang arrived on time.

In his hand was his essential tool, a black thermos.

"Start warming up and practice yesterday's Sanda moves twice."

With that, Zhang Hongtao stepped aside and began drinking his strong tea.

In the second training hall, on the black mats.

Many students began doing stretches, running, and shoulder exercises.

Blake stood in a corner, starting his standard warm-up routine. He particularly liked the feeling of his muscles and tendons gradually waking up, his blood flowing, and every part of his body being activated.

Blake exhaled deeply, feet together, and looked up.

He suddenly noticed that some of the students nearby were sneaking glances at him, even the black ponytail girl who was close to Guo Hao gave him a glance. Blake felt a bit puzzled, wondering if there was some oil stain on his face. In reality, his physique and demeanor had been changing rapidly over the past few days. Unlike the slightly self-conscious transparency of the original Blake, he now appeared more confident, composed, and hardworking.

The changes in his four-dimensional attributes brought by his entry-level Sanda training had also made his body gradually stronger and more upright, his breathing even and relaxed, different from ordinary people.

Moreover, Blake's appearance and height were already quite good.

It was normal for him to attract the attention of other students.

Confident and ambitious people slowly become extraordinary.

Soon, the warm-up exercises and review training ended, and Coach Zhang began guiding everyone to deepen their muscle memory, engraving each Sanda move into their minds. An hour later, the students practiced on their own, punching and kicking.

Among the whole class, four or five students with significantly faster progress were taken to the corner by Coach Zhang for live target practice. This group included both Guo Hao and Blake.

On the black mat, Blake adopted a standard combat stance.

With a quick step, he accelerated forward.

With a swish, a sidekick hit the practice partner's target pad.

The person staggered back a step.

Two seconds later, he looked at Blake and nodded.

Indicating to continue.

Blake nodded back, assuming a punching stance again.

Nearby, Guo Hao was also doing target practice, acting as the target.

However, his attention seemed somewhat divided, occasionally glancing at Blake with the corner of his eye, somewhat distracted. This led to him missing a punch from his practice partner, which landed awkwardly on his shoulder.

"Hiss…" Guo Hao took a sharp breath.

"Are you okay?" The partner asked quickly, concerned.

Coach Zhang Hongtao also came over quickly.

After a brief examination, he said, "It's just a bruise, some herbal oil will fix it."

After this minor incident, everything returned to normal.

"Pure Heart, activate!"

For the remaining time, Blake entered that cold, indifferent state again. He became rational and efficient, repeatedly practicing the core pure parts of Sanda, deepening his muscle memory.

As for the muffled footsteps of other students in the training ground, the low shouts while punching, the coach's guidance, all were blocked out.

In the entire training ground, it seemed as if Blake was alone, sweating as he practiced his punches, enjoying the sweat flying with each punch and retraction.