Chapter Eleven

"Spill," Becky says as soon as they reach her kitchen. Ava blushes not wanting to get into the details.

"He is over for dinner, that's it," Ava explains grabbing plates and glasses. She puts whiskey in Seth's glass and grape juice in hers. Ava can drink, but the hangover from the night before still lingers on. Also, she wants to be sober tonight. The last time she was under the influence she ended up under him.

"Come on boss there is a perfectly godly guy out there who boned you last night and wanted to search for you," Becky says this right as Ava takes a sip of juice.

Ava can't control the little bit that escapes her mouth due to the shock. "Becky we were both intoxicated and I don't have any intentions to repeat. He was great and all but you know what happened with my ex." Ava is interrupted by the giggles of Taylor and Seth. Ava's heart begins racing as she goes and looks at the site of the source of laughter. She peaks through the kitchen door.

Seth is playing Simon says with Taylor.

"Simon says, make a funny face." Taylor giggles as she sticks her tongue out at him pulling the corners of her lips with her two pointer fingers. The pure joy is shown on his face as she does this, Ava's heart melts at the scene that's going on before her eyes.

The next thing Ava knows is she is getting pushed out and into the living room by Becky.

"You two seem to be having fun." Taylor jumps up and down running towards Ava to embrace her.

"Yes, you should play. It's fun!" She runs back over to Seth's side.

"It's her turn right. She can be Simon now." Seth laughs at this comment.

Ava smirks at his laughter. "Simon says twirl like a ballerina." Seth's jaw drops as both Ava and Taylor twirl. He does it with a grumpy expression and both Ava and Taylor laugh at their pouty prince.

"Oh oh it's Seth's turn!" Seth smiles and thinks for a second. His eyes glimmer as he gets the idea.

"Simon says do the chicken dance." Taylor looks at Seth like he has just said the stupidest thing ever.

"What's that?" Taylor asks, jumping up and down with excitement.

Ava takes it upon herself and starts doing it with a smile. She walks over to Taylor and teaches her.

"Yeah, wiggle that little butt and then clap." Taylor laughs the whole time. While Ava teaches the silly dance moves Seth watches her like a hawk. Smiling at how cute, but silly it is.

"Seth, can you do the chicken dance?" He puts his hands up.

"No can do, I am Simon." Taylor pouts.

"You're a chicken so why won't you do the chicken dance?" Taylor asks pouting. Ava decides to pout with her puppy dog eyes and a slight bottom lip quiver. He tries to look away and he sighs in defeat.

He starts doing the chicken dance and both girls laugh so hard they fall over. A man in a suit doing a chicken dance. Seth starts laughing and stops dancing. He walks over to help the girls up. Taylor gets up still laughing.

"Again, Again!!" She says jumping around.

Seth goes to help Ava up and once she is in his arms he holds her a bit more than necessary. She looks into his gorgeous eyes, sea blue.

"I am Simon now. Simon says to kiss her already you big chicken!" Taylor shouts smiling and jumping up and down.

Both Seth and Ava laugh. Seth leans in and kisses Ava's left cheek lightly, his lips softly brush up against her skin. Ava can feel the tingles where his lips were just at.

"Chicken," Taylor whispers under her breath at Seth.

"Now Ava Simon says kiss him." Ava blushes as she gets on her tiptoes to kiss him on the lips. It's a quick peck and right after Ava backs away from his grasp. His gaze still holds onto her. Ava looks over at Taylor.

"Better, it still needs work if you want him to be your prince charming." Ava laughs and goes and picks up Taylor.

"You know what little Ms. Thing I am Simon now and Simon says tickle, Taylor." Ava turns around and smirks at Seth. Seth grins as they both tickle Taylor. Their fits of giggles filling the room.

Becky stands in the kitchen, the plates are ready but she doesn't want to disturb the little bit of happiness, her daughter is getting. Taylor's father left her when she found out Becky was pregnant, if it wasn't for Ava her daughter would probably have been taken away. Five years ago, Ava met Becky, Ava was all bruised up from a fight with her Ex husband.

Ava saw Becky crying and walked over to see what was going on.

"Are you okay?" Ava asked holding an ice pack to her bruised jaw. Becky smiled, "Shouldn't I be asking you this?"

Ava smiled through the pain.

"I am a klutz, heels are just not for me." She explained lying through her teeth.

"Yeah, I guess accidents happen." Becky frowned new tears falling on her already puffy face.

"May I ask what's wrong?" Ava asked with so much admiration and love towards Becky even though she didn't know Becky. Becky's heart was warmed by this kind woman.

"My boyfriend left me a few months back. I can't cover the medical bills and eat. My feet are killing me from the extra shifts I have taken at the office." Becky wipes away some tears. Ava frowns a bit.

"You're pregnant and he just left you. My husband and I have been married for 2 years. Relationships are tough. If you need anything, money, shelter, food a shoulder to cry on I am here. I have a position at my small business that needs to be filled. Can you manage emails from home and schedule appointments?" Becky was in shock. This stranger was too good to be true.

"I pay 22.50 an hour. I also cover medical expenses. You can work from anywhere." Ava Explains as Becky thinks of her home in New York. Her mother and father could help with the baby.

"Yes, I could, my parents are in New York and they can help with the baby," Becky explains holding her small bump.

"I can work from there if you wouldn't mind?" Becky worries that this is a figment of her imagination.

"Deal. Here is my business card and email send me your background information and then you can clock in and get to work. You don't know how long I have been looking for someone." Becky smiles and hugs Ava.

"Thank you so much, but why me? You don't even know my name." Ava hugs her quickly.

"You have something to work for, you need this job as much as I need you. So it's a win-win." Becky begins to cry happy tears.

"Thank you so much I will make you proud." Ava smiles and stands up.

"My name is Ava Willows by the way." She extends her arm. Becky's mouth falls open in shock.

"The Ava Willows the one who married the rich billionaire playboy. The one who helps celebrities?" Becky sits up straight.

"I am Becky Williams." Becky shakes her hand.

"Well see you soon, I will call you in a few days and train you." Ava walked away feeling better that she helped someone, but worse because she has to go back home to him. Becky and Ava became long-distance partners in crime. Ava even took trips to see them and was there when Taylor was born. When Ava needed a fresh start Becky was there for her and Ava gave her a raise and a better position.

End of FlashBack*

Becky sighs and calls out dinner, "Dinner, now go wash up you all."

Everyone does as says as they enter the dining area.

"Thank you for everything, boss." Becky hugs Ava tightly.

"We are more like sisters." Ava laughs, and Becky joins in grateful for everything she does.

"Yeah, sister." She agrees as they all sit down to enjoy the meal.

"Oh damn, this is good," Seth says taking a bite.

"That is 20$ in the swear jar," Taylor says sticking out her hand ready to collect.

"If I give 100 right now will you let me say whatever?" He asks, and Taylor shakes her head greedily. Ava laughs at this not wanting to tell him the swear jar only gets smaller bills. He hands her a hundred-dollar bill from his wallet.

"Aunt Ava, he is a keeper." Ava blushes at Taylor's words, realizing maybe he is. But not because of his wallet.

"So, Seth says he has a date with you oooooh Aunt Ava's got a Boyfriend." Becky looks over at Taylor and says "Give it to me if you are going to be that way. Ava has a business, nothing more with Seth." Becky then apologizes for raising her voice.

"No, the date is a real date. We get along well." Ava says this looking at Seth.

"Too bad, he is a bad kisser." Taylor chimes in making everyone laugh. Well everyone, but Seth.

"I am not," he says to Taylor.

"You are too," Taylor argues back.

"I am not," Seth says firmly.

"I saw the way you kissed Aunt Ava, I kiss my grandma that way. You-" Taylor gets cut off by Becky.

"Enough. The dinner table is no place to discuss kissing." Ava has to hold back her laughter at how both of them look ashamed of their argument.

"I will deal with mine, you deal with yours, " Becky whispers to Ava causing both of them to laugh. Ava sets her napkin down, takes a sip of her drink, and glares a Seth for a few seconds.