Chapter Sixteen

The banana-colored taxi drops Ava off right in front of Becky's house. Ava quickly pays typing in way too many zeros during the process, the receipt spits out and she shoves out of the taxi and runs. The driver yells thank you before getting out to close the door. He just had a thousand-dollar fair and he needed that to pay rent this month. He wishes her well as he drives off.

Seth runs out of her car, grabbing her hand for support.

"I can come in with you if you will like." Ava looks down at their hands and smiles a bit at how perfectly they fit together. Like a matching puzzle piece.

"I think it would be best if you stay in the car, Becky needs me and if I were you it could make her feel worse. Just wait in the car for me. I might send you a text to go and get some champagne and chocolate." Ava explains making him smile. She kisses his right cheek and then the side of his mouth.

She hugs him real quick and runs to the door of Becky's Apartment building. She runs up three flights of stairs and opens the unlocked door.

Becky is in the fetal position crying on the couch. Ava goes and sits right next to her, wrapping her up in a huge warm. They sit in silence for a while Ava holds her shaking form.

Becky looks up at Ava and says "He came back, and I'm-" she hiccups and cries into Ava's chest.

"I didn't mean to. I am so stupid." She hits her head a few times. Ava tries to stop her, holding her wrist back.

"What's wrong Becky? Tell me, so I can fix this." Ava coos as Becky musters up all her strength.

"I'm pregnant." Ava is a bit shocked by this since Becky doesn't date nor does she sleep around. For god's sake, she is a single mother. When could this have happened?

"Taylor's father Jacob was in town for about a month. We swore, he was going to see Taylor more. But that meant, he was going to see more of me. So, I started telling him about her, and then we started sleeping together. I thought I got the old him back, he wasn't ready to be a father and I wasn't ready as well for motherhood. I stood up and raised her on my own, and he left. How in the hell could I still love a man who did this to me? He wants to see his daughter, but now I made the same mistake again. I can't take care of two on my own, I'd have to quit my job." She sobs into Ava's shirt.

"I can take care of you three, I love you all. I can protect you and secure your family. It's all going to be okay." Ava says in a very hushed tone.

"You have done so much already. I owe you so much already. I still haven't paid you back from the loan on this apartment." Ava sighs.

"I told you it was your Christmas bonus." Becky shakes her head.

"I thought the paid vacation time you gave me was that." Ava shakes her head no.

"I still owe you, you feed my daughter almost every night. I can't cook for shit."

Ava holds Becky tight.

"I'd be lost without you, I would have no one. I should be thanking you more often. You showed me, real love, you gave me people to call home. Money doesn't mean a thing to me. I'd give it all away if that meant your health and safety." Both Ava and Becky start to sob together.

"I love you too, girl. We raised one kick-ass child together. If we were Lesbians, I would date you." Ava giggles a little at this comment.

"In another world, we are lovers, I bet." This causes Becky to laugh.

"If I were a man he would be the female dealing with this. If he wants to see his daughter, then he is going to have to pay child support. Plain and simple." Becky explains.

"If I weren't pregnant, I'd be drinking some of that vintage wine you hate." Ava's nose scrunches up at this comment.

"I like scotch, whiskey, vodka. Classy stuff doesn't hit me the way those do." Becky gets up.

"I'm gonna go and shower before I have to pick up Taylor."

"Okay, if you want her to stay with me tonight she can. I am free." Becky looks at Ava in awe.

"You would rather watch my daughter than ride that handsome man's dick." Ava blushes at this comment and throws a tissue at her.

"That handsome man is my boyfriend," Ava says and Becky starts freaking out happily.

"Oh my god, you go girl!  He is so hot! Like the looks panty dripping sexy with his suit on, I can't imagine the hotness that radiates off him with no clothes." Ava gets up off the floor and swats her with a bridal magazine.

"I don't think, I will charge him for my help. You can take a break and I can work on it. I'll call when I need you. I can't wait for that baby! Let's order some food and invite him up. He was worried about you too, I came here in a cab like a madwoman." Becky laughs.

"Everyone here can take a cab, you hate them with a passion. I can not believe you took one." Ava slams the door laughing.

"I am going out to get some comfort food and Taylor. Shower and relax babe." Ava shouts.

Ava runs down the stairs in a hurry.

She runs out to Seth with a big grin on her face.

"We need Taylor and comfort food. I am watching her tonight after I spend some time with Becky. You can join if you would like?" He steadies her placing his large hands on her shoulders.

"Slow down. What is wrong with Becky? Is she good now?" He asks, worriedly.

"She is fine, comfort food, and Taylor will fix it." She slides into the back seat.

"You get to be my taxi man." He throws his head back and laughs.

"I don't even have my license."

"You drove my car without one?" Ava asks.

"Well, my assistant has it, to be fair." He explains blushing.

"To be fair, I don't think we will get caught. Let's live life a little on the edge." He laughs and gets into the driver's seat.

"My girlfriend wants me arrested." He says sticking his tongue out at Ava.

Ava winks.

"Cuffs are cuffs." A pool of liquid heat runs through her, he looks at her with a sexy grin. A grin that makes her smile and blush.

*the next few chapters are going to be filler, but some crazy shit will happen, I promise.*