It was a very cold, very peaceful and very beautiful night. The bright, cheerful and all around enjoyable sun had just finished it's shift on the day and now it was the moon's turn to be seen in the sky. The sun at set and the moon was in the spotlight. All through the peaceful and vibrant town of Ponyville, the town's ponies were hitting the hay for the day as one by one, more and more ponies headed back to there homes. They each turned off any light in there house and began to dream away as they crashed for the night. This was no different for Golden Oak Library, the home of the recently crown princess of friendship, Twilight Sparkle and her #1 assistant, Spike the dragon. They had just gotten back from Canterlot after Twilight's coronation as the Princess Of Friendship. It was a very exciting day for Twilight as this day would change everything that was yet to come for her and her friends. The after party was also very exiting as she got to witness her brother shed liquid pride in pubic, talk with her former foul sitter Cadence and just had a really good time overall. While she may seem happy on the outside, a question in the back of her mind had moved into her brain with no rent to pay. This question of hers kept popping into her thoughts as she just couldn't remove it. This question of her's was: "Do I really deserve this?" It wasn't that she was ungrateful this quickly, she just didn't feel…like she accepted herself with these wings. She tried her absolute hardest to not it bug her during the party, thankfully, it worked. After the party had ended and almost everypony was ready to hit the hay for the night, she along with her very best friends took the first available train back to Ponyville. They talked about a lot of things from Twilight's ascension, wether or not Pinky should throw a few more Twilight themed parties and things like that. It was a very long train ride for sure but even the longest rides have to end at some point and this was no different. Around a little after midnight, the train had reached the Ponyville station and the six friends stepped off. Twilight, including her friends waved there goodbyes as they headed back to there homes to hit the hay. Twilight along with Spike headed back home to Golden Oak as Spike wasted no time as he slowly walked over to his bed and before you knew it, he was asleep before he even hit his pillow as he was crashed out for the night. Not wanting to keep him cold, Twilight used her magic to put his blanket over him as he fell asleep before he could pull it over him. "Sweet dreams Spike." The purple alicorn said as she then headed upstairs to her bed. Once she got to her bed, pulled over the covers, she expected to fall asleep just like with Spike. This wasn't the case however as even though she physically was worn out and desperately needed some rest, she couldn't fall asleep. Every time she tried to sleep for the night, something happened that prevented this from happening. Part of it was her wings as she just couldn't get use to sleeping with them as they kept opening and closing whether she liked it or not. The other part of it was that she just had a lot on her mind with everything. "Now what?" "What is left for me?" "What is my purpose now?" These were the questions that would keep somepony up at night, for days even. This time, it was Twilight's turn to face these questions as they just wouldn't go away. After a while, she stopped trying to sleep and got up as if it was the morning for her. She walked around her room for a while, being careful not to make any noise as to not wake Spike up from his slumber. After pacing around her room for a good while, trying to think of something to do since sleeping wasn't a viable option, she choose to do something that she thought would help, write everything down like the old days witch felt like last week for Twilight. Wasting no time whatsoever, she pulled out a quill and a regular scroll and began to write. "I knew that being a princess was going to be a change but, I wasn't expecting this. I…feel like a completely different pony then I was just a week ago. Is this how the story is going to be from now onward? I feel like everything's changing in front of my eyes and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm not even that sure I can tell my best friends about it and that's rarely happened. I just don't know what to do. Take a self discovery journey? Maybe but I can't when I'm the front page of the newspaper for the next few weeks. I just wish there was a way I could get rid of these doubts like a spell…" Twilight poured her thoughts and feelings into the scroll as she wrote. She hoped that this would all blow over in the blink of an eye...but something else happened. Something that would create a chain of events like never before. When Twilight finished her last sentence with the final period, the scroll started to levitate in mid air. "I really should try to sleep, I'm starting to see things." Twilight said as she tried to walk away, thinking that she was just dreaming or something when the scroll started to glow, lighting up the room in the process. "Uh…what's happening?" Twilight asked herself, seeing that this was very much not a dream when she also began to float as well. "Uh…Help! Help!" Twilight shouted in fear, hoping that Spike would come to the recuse or something. Even if her cries did wake him up, no pony or creature would come fast enough to save her. The scroll then disappeared into thin air, taking whatever it needed, in this case, it was Twilight herself. Her room then appeared untouched since nothing besides Twilight and the scroll was taken as her room was just how it normally was. During this, the commotion was enough to wake up a very tired Spike as he got out of his bed and slowly walked over to Twilight's room just when she disappeared. "Uh Twi? What's going on in here?" Spike asked as he opened her door while seamlessly rubbing his eyes from his half awake state. "Twi?" Spike asked again as he saw no one else in the room besides himself. "Twi?" Spike asked around the library as no sign of his sister could be seen. "Eh, that's moring Spikes issue." Spike said as he went back to his bed and fell asleep again, as the night continued like always, except this time, Twilight was far, far away.