Chapter 13: New Possibilities

As always, Morado's New Year's celebration ended on a positive note, with some of the guests remaining for the next few days to enjoy Morado's wonderful weather before returning to their respective homes. Meanwhile, I've decided to catch up on a bit of work, which thankfully, didn't take very long to finish. So, I decided to take advantage of being caught up on everything and take a day of relaxation, beginning with a stroll through the courtyard. As I was walking among the flowers, I noticed Prince Devin from the south, standing a short distance ahead of me. He appeared to be lost in thought as he was gazing into the clear, blue sky."Well, hello, Your Highness," I said, walking towards him."Hey," replied Prince Devin as he turned towards me to greet me, "What are you doing out here?""Ha ha. I should be asking you the same. I'm taking a stroll, enjoying this fine day. Am I not allowed to enjoy my own courtyard?""Ha ha. I'm just messing. I just figured I'd enjoy this place a little longer before I go back home. It's really nice here.""It is nice, isn't it? I'm quite proud of it. But you looked like you were deep in thought earlier, Your Highness.""Yeah, I kind of was...""Oh. Did I interrupt you?""No, no. Not at all. Ha ha...I was just thinking about how to become a stronger ruler than I am.""Really?""Yeah. I want a strong army no one can defeat, with which I can be the most powerful ruler in the world.""Ha ha. Well, too bad, Your Highness. That title is already mine.""Ha. Maybe for now. But just you wait. Once I train my army to be the most superior, I will surpass you and be the most powerful ruler in not the world, but the UNIVERSE!""The universe, eh? Not if I maintain my power and reach that title first.""Ha ha. Ok. You're on. I'd like to see just how powerful your military is. Either way, they will be no match for me.""Ok. We'll see."The rest of my time with Prince Devin was spent walking together through the garden in the courtyard, talking among ourselves about trivial matters.A little later in the day, I returned to my room, greeted by my ladies in waiting, who got me comfortable and served me tea and snacks. As I sipped my tea, I thought about my conversation with Prince Devin earlier."What has you so deep in thought, Your Highness?" asked Lily."I was just thinking..." I began, "Should I learn fencing and swordsmanship?""What!?" everyone in the room shouted."Yes," I said as I put down my teacup, "I was just thinking that maybe those would be good skills to have to help protect my people from harm one day."No one said anything for a while, my ladies in waiting looking at one another with concern."Is there such a threat to our country now that you should have to learn fencing and swordsmanship, Your Highness?" asked Helen."Oh, no. Don't worry," I said, "There's no threat to us right now, and hopefully no time soon. But in the event that something does happen, I want to be capable of fighting alongside my people. How is it fair that I encourage the women who live here to be fighters and capable of defending themselves while I, a woman myself, sit back and watch?"The room again became silent."Well, that being said, I would like to begin my training soon," I said, gazing out the window at the clear, blue sky, thinking of the possibility of being a great swordswoman. There was suddenly a knock at the door, and when one of my ladies in waiting went to answer it, the servant outside informed me that Prince Jaron wanted to see me."Oh. Let him in," I said."Hey, Your Highness," said Prince Jaron when he walked in."Greetings, Your Highness," I said, "What brings you here?""...I wanted to know if you had time to have a little chat with me for a bit.""Hmm. Sure. I'm available.""Great. Where would you like to chat? I was thinking maybe we could walk around the castle together for a bit.""Yes, the castle is fine. Let's go.""I appreciate you, taking this walk with me," said Prince Jaron as we were walking together in the corridor, "I'm surprised you didn't want to go outside or anything.""Oh, well that's simply because I think I've had enough outside time for today. So, I actually appreciate YOU for suggesting that we have our chat indoors.""Ha ha...Your Highness, I just want you to know that I think you were amazing a few days ago. You know, when you kicked out that prince. He didn't deserve you.""Yes...Well, thank you.""You're welcome...Well, Your Highness, I don't know if you know this, but I'll be leaving soon.""Well, I did know that you would have to leave at some point, like all of the other guests eventually did.""Yes, well...I was wondering if you would like to come back with me for a visit. I could show you what the south is like.""A visit? Now?""Yeah. It would be great, just us two.""Hmm. I don't know. I'm not sure if I will be able to go on a trip on short notice right now. How much longer will you be staying here, and how long do you intend for my visit to last?""I leave tomorrow morning...and I would like for you to spend a month with me.""...A month?""Yeah. Would you be able to?""...I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you right now, Your Highness, but I can assure you that you will have one by later on today.""Of course. I will be waiting for your answer, Princess Kai."I returned to my room to think, still a little anxious about taking a last-minute trip abroad."What did His Highness, Prince Jaron want, Your Highness?" asked Ana."...Well...he told me that he's returning home tomorrow morning, and that he wants me to accompany him for a visit to his land," I responded."*gasp* You should go!" exclaimed Helen, "That would be a nice outing for you, especially after everything that's happened.""Hmm...I don't know. What if work gets backed up here?""Don't worry, Your Highness," said Ana, "Everything will be fine here. Think about it. After everything that prince from the west has put you through, you still managed to keep yourself together and provide yet another very enjoyable New Year's party for everyone, something that took a lot of work and a long time to prepare for. Now that everything is over, you deserve a break. And taking a last-minute trip is the perfect way to enjoy a break.""But I'm requested to stay in the south for a month.""All the more reason for you to go, Your Highness. Things will be fine here. We promise. It's only a month. Besides, you never know...Maybe new flowers will bloom. Ha ha ha.""Well...if you all insist...I guess I'm going to the south.""Yay!" shouted all of my ladies in waiting before preparing to get things ready for me."Just you wait, Your Highness," said Lily, "We'll have everything ready for you in no time."Meanwhile, I prepared myself to find Prince Jaron to give him my answer.Meanwhile, in the kingdom of the west, Queen Maria was out by the shore, smoking, when a group of soldiers from the north appeared, dragging Prince Antonio and his mistress along with them. When the soldiers got close enough to her, she soon recognized her son in their grasp."Hey! Antonio!" shouted Queen Maria before walking briskly towards the soldiers, the soldiers soon stopping in front of her."Are you the queen of the west?" asked the commissioned officer of the group of soldiers."Yes! That's me!" answered Queen Maria, "What the hell are you doing with my son?!"The two soldiers who had Prince Antonio apprehended suddenly dashed him to the ground in front of his mother."What the hell?!" shouted Queen Maria, "How dare you treat my son like that?!""We hereby inform you," began the commissioned officer, "that the great princess of the north has banished your son from ever entering her land again due to his disappointing behavior. And because of your son's behavior, there are new laws in place to further prohibit your subjects from easy access to the land of the north without verifiable proof of records of good behavior. Your son has been found guilty of falsifying information and has been dealt with accordingly."

"So?! What does that have to do with you throwing my son on the ground like that?!"

"Due to the magnitude of your land's disgrace, there is no longer an ounce of respect from us towards your people. Deal with it. And here's your son's mistress."Kendyl was then dashed to the ground the same way Prince Antonio was before the soldiers departed without another word."Ugh. Hey, Mom," said Prince Antonio, his mother staring coldly at him as he got up from the ground."Let's go home. We need to talk," said Queen Maria."Alright," said Antonio before helping Kendyl to her feet.When the trio arrived home, Queen Maria prepared herself to discuss things with her son when she noticed that Kendyl was still in their presence."I'm sorry. Who are you again?" asked Queen Maria."Mom, this is my new mistress," said Antonio in Kendyl's stead."Yeah, well I would like to speak to my son alone, please. Please step outside the room.""Oh. Ok," said Kendyl, looking to the prince for a measure of reassurance before exiting the room."What the hell did you do, Antonio?!" yelled Queen Maria as soon as Kendyl disappeared, "How the hell did you manage to get yourself banned from the north?!""It's not my fault, Mom!" yelled Prince Antonio, "After all, you were the one who told me to fake my documents!'"What the hell do you mean?! Oh, my god! First your ugly little sister ends up being a failure, now YOU!? What the hell!?"Queen Maria started pacing the room as she tried to calm herself down."Look," began Prince Antonio, "Kai was controlling and crazy anyway. All she did was use her power against me out of spite. She's not that important. Besides, I have a mistress now.""...Antonio? What the fuck am I going to do with a mistress?! Is she even rich or anything?!" said Queen Maria."...She said she comes from a rich family.""*sigh* Antonio? You are going to go back to the north and marry that princess.""But Mom, she just banned me.""So? Who the hell does she think she is, telling my son where he can and can't go? She's just a little princess, but I'm a queen, and I will make sure that you two are married if it's the last thing I do..."