Chapter 16: Princess Annabelle Part 3

Prince Aurelio still couldn't believe what happened. As he was riding along in his carriage with no certain destination in mind, he kept replaying the scenario from back at the castle over and over in his head, refusing to believe that the cruel person he was engaged to marry was the same adorable, sweet, and kind person he met as a child. As much as he wanted to completely ignore what he witnessed and heard and continue their relationship as if nothing happened, at the same time, he was also afraid of those things being true about her, and their future reign together becoming a nightmare. No longer being able to take the agony of having to think such thoughts about the person he loved, Prince Aurelio decided to take a rest and short vacation in the nearby, peaceful kingdom of Friedens, a place where he could put his mind at ease and eventually make a decision on whether or not to break off his engagement with Princess Annabelle.After a night of good rest, Prince Aurelio decided to go for a walk in the village, dressing up as simply as possible so as not to attract any distracting attention to himself. As he walked the streets of the busy village, he noticed how happy, content, and at ease everyone was. Children were laughing happily as they were running in zigzags among the crowds, playing some made-up game. Women were out shopping for delicious and nutritious food to serve to their families. And men were out handling wood and other supplies to ensure that their families had warm and safe homes. It all gave Prince Aurelio a warm feeling inside, as he was happy that the people of Friedens were able to live in such comfort and hoped that they could continue to do so. He also hoped that his own people could continue to live in peace, but based on the decision he made, that could all possibly change.Eventually, during his walk, Prince Aurelio came across a lovely lake. It was the most beautiful and peaceful lake he's ever seen, with an abundance of butterflies and flowers living in harmony with each other. The sight immediately put the prince in a very relaxed state and drew him closer to the area. As he stood near the water, the sound of happy children and singing birds in the background, the prince couldn't help but to stare at the majestic waters of the lake, his mind and heart at peace."I see that you like our lake," said a girl who appeared next to the prince, startling him."Oh...Yes, I like it very much," said Prince Aurelio, "You nearly scared me half to death.""Oh, I'm sorry. I truly didn't mean to scare you...It's just that it makes my heart soar whenever I see a foreigner taking the time to admire and enjoy our country's greatest wonder. And I see that our great lake has enchanted you the exact same way it does everyone else each time they give it the attention it deserves.""...Why, yes. Indeed, it has. And I'm quite sure that the people of Friedens are proud to have such a natural masterpiece.""Indeed, we are. The kingdom of Dalmary has large, beautiful flowers, the kingdom of Morado has the very best weather all year round, and we have this beautiful, enchanting lake.""Wow! You seem to be very well-informed about the world.""Yeah...Reading is one of my favorite hobbies, so I'm always learning something new.""...What is your name, if you don't mind my asking?""Oh. My name is Alena. I'm so sorry. I should have introduced myself sooner instead of just appearing suddenly and nearly scaring you to death. Ha ha. Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you."Alena did the most graceful curtsy Prince Aurelio has ever seen a commoner do, making him think that anyone else who saw it would think that she was a part of the nobility."It's a pleasure to meet you as well," said Prince Aurelio, "I' name is Aurelio."At the moment, Prince Aurelio was unsure of whether or not to tell Alena that he was a prince, so he chose to introduce himself simply."Alena," began the prince, "You seem like a very smart girl. If you don't mind my asking, how could you tell that I'm a foreigner?""...Well, please don't get upset but...I noticed you earlier on when you were walking amongst the people in the village," said Alena, "You seemed...different. I noticed that you were looking at the villagers with a certain wonder only someone who isn't native to our country would have. You seemed happy even, to see such tranquility among our people, which is something else our country is known for. Anyway, I got a bit curious. So, I followed you here.""Ha ha. Was I really that interesting? Does Friedens not get many foreigners?""Well, not really. You see, although Friedens is a very peaceful land, it's also not among the wealthiest lands. There are a few elite families who live here in their own special areas, and most of them are friends with the king. However, in short, people prefer to live in the surrounding, richer countries, such as Casadell'arte and Dalmary, and only come here for peaceful and relaxing vacations."Prince Aurelio began to feel a bit guilty, as he too was only in Friedens for a vacation."But it's ok, I guess," said Alena, "At least this way, Friedens will continue to be a peaceful and affordable place for us to live. Ha ha.""...Alena," began Prince Aurelio, "If you could change something about your country, what would it be?""...Oh...No one has ever asked me that before...I guess I would like for there to be more opportunities for advancement in education for everyone here.""Really? Are there no schools here?""There are, but most of them are very limited in what they teach. Mostly, we only learn about our own country's history, morals, and tasks that are conducive to maintaining a home and family. For those of us who want a higher education, in addition to learning about the world outside of our own, it's very expensive. Even one book about the history of other countries costs an entire week's wage. It's about the same way if you want to attend one of the schools of the elite. There are also libraries here, but again, the books there are also mostly about the same things taught in our regular schools.""...Yet you're a very intelligent young girl. Does your family at times help with the purchase of your books?""...I-I live alone...I'm an orphan.""...Oh. I'm sorry.""No, no. It's fine...Although my parents passed a few years ago, I've still managed to become the person I am today due to my own efforts. I have my own humble cottage to live in, and I work as a seamstress. Any money I have left over after all of my necessary expenses are taken care of, I put towards the purchase of new books. So, as you see, I support myself very well.""...That's... very impressive for someone as young as you are.""Really? 'Someone as young as I am'? Ha ha. You don't look that much older than I am, sir.""I...You're right. I'm not. It's just that...What I meant to say was...I've never met someone as resourceful, intelligent, and selfless as you. Most of the other women I've been around are a bit...much, and only care about themselves. But you, milady, are a breath of fresh air."Alena couldn't help but to blush at Prince Aurelio's comment."Th-thank you," said Alena, "But there's no need to flatter me. The boys of the village try to do that all the time.""...Oh, this isn't flattery, Alena," said Prince Aurelio, taking Alena's hand, "I truly mean those words."For the next few silent minutes, Prince Aurelio and Alena stared into each other's eyes, the calmness and tranquility of Friedens's majestic lake surrounding them, until the prince himself suddenly broke the silence."Although," began Prince Aurelio, "I still must punish you for following me.""Punish me?" said Alena, playfully, "...*sigh* As you wish, my good sir. But however do you wish to punish me?""Well, my dear, I officially announce that your punishment is to guide me on an official tour of the most peaceful country I've ever visited. Do you accept this punishment, my dear?"Prince Aurelio bowed slightly towards Alena, holding up his hand towards her, waiting for an answer."...Ha ha. Yes," said Alena, taking the prince's hand, "I accept this punishment."And from that moment began Prince Aurelio's tour of the land of Friedens.It's been over a year since Alexiel last visited his uncle in Friedens. Although he was particularly wary of his uncle because of his occasional snobbish behavior, he still cared about him very much, and was glad that he wasn't among those of his family who were missing. He was also very thankful that Princess Annabelle even allowed him to come to Friedens on short notice, as the urgency in his uncle's letter worried him a lot, and he needed any leads he could get to figure out what happened to his mother, father, and twin sister. Alexiel's uncle was among the few elite who lived in Friedens, his estate being among the largest in the country. So, it was always an easy task for Alexiel to locate him.Upon arrival, Alexiel was welcomed quite generously by his uncle, as well as his staff. Soon after, the two sat down for tea and snacks."So, Nephew. How have you been?" asked Alexiel's uncle, "Life at the castle treating you nice?""Well, so far, yes," replied Alexiel, "...I've been promoted as the princess's personal attendant.""Seems to me that she likes you very much.""Yeah, I think so. She really trusts me a lot.""That's a very, very good thing, and we need to keep it that way.""...Uncle, do we really have to do this?...The princess...seems like a very nice person. She's only scared of certain things happening, and she only wants the best for her people."Boisterous laughter suddenly erupted from Alexiel's uncle."You naive brat. That's what she wants you to think," said Alexiel's uncle, "And if you're not careful, you'll end up just as delusional as she is. Hmm. Maybe we should reconsider allowing you to be the one who gets close enough to her for a possible marriage alliance to ensue.""...That plan won't work anyway, Uncle," said Alexiel, "The princess is already engaged to a prince.""A prince?! What prince?! I didn't hear of any prince!""It's Prince Aurelio of Casadell'arte, Uncle.""Hmph. Well, that's a shame. Looks like we'll have to figure out something else.""...Uncle, can you tell me the leads you have on my parents and sister now?""Oh, yes. I nearly forgot. So, anyway, your parents are safe and sound.""Oh, really?! That's great news!""However, your sister is still missing.""What?! Nicolette is still missing?! How?!""We don't know at the moment. Your parents were blindfolded and gagged when they were separated from your sister, and they assumed that the same was done to her because they don't remember hearing any screaming or struggling on her part. But one thing's for sure, they know who's responsible for all this.""Really?! Who?!""Ha ha! The same person you just tried to defend a few minutes ago, Nephew.""...The princess?""What do you think, idiot?"Suddenly, Alexiel stood up angrily from his seat, knocking it over."No!" shouted Alexiel, "She couldn't have. The princess is a kind, sweet, and generous person. Sure, she gets in a bad mood sometimes, but she's still a good person. I refuse to believe this nonsense!""Why the hell are you lying to yourself, Nephew?!" asked Alexiel's uncle, "No matter how much you don't want to believe it, or wish it never happened, the truth is still the truth! Now get a hold of yourself before you lose sight of what our family is trying to achieve here! You have a mission to fulfill, remember?!""...Well...well maybe I don't want to do this mission anymore, Uncle!""...""...*sigh* Anyway, can you tell me where my parents are at least?""...Sorry, Nephew. But your parents wish to stay hidden for the time being.""Why is that?""Obviously for safety reasons. What do you think will happen once the princess realizes that they've been found and freed from their prison? Also, we've decided to use this scenario to our advantage in the future.""...So, you really can't give me my parents' location?""I'm sorry, Nephew. But it's better that no one besides myself knows your parents' location for right now.""*sigh* Alright. On that note, I will take my leave...It was nice seeing you today, Uncle."When Alexiel turned to leave, his uncle called after him."Yes?" responded Alexiel."Just know that if you ever change your mind about being a part of this, you will be welcomed back immediately. Even if you don't change your mind, you will still be considered a part of the family and won't be harmed in the process of things," said Alexiel's uncle."...Thank you, Uncle. Goodbye."Evening began to fall in the land of Friedens by the time Prince Aurelio and Alena finished their tour. They found a nice field to rest in and watch the day's impending sunset together."I hope you enjoyed your tour today, Aurelio," said Alena."I did. I had a very enjoyable day today with you, Alena," said Prince Aurelio."I'm glad...Aurelio, you never told me where exactly you are from.""Oh, you're right...I'm from Casadell'arte.""Casadell'arte? Really? That's brilliant! I've always wanted to go there for a visit to see the land's masterpieces.""Ha ha...Well, maybe I can bring you there for a visit sometime.""So, what brought you here to Friedens?""...Well, actually Alena, before I answer that question...there's something I should tell you.""...Oh?""Yes. You see, I'm not just Aurelio...I'm Aurelio, Prince of Casadell'arte.""*gasp* You're a prince?""...Yes. And you're probably not going to like this, but the reason I'm here is the same as most of the other nobles'. I'm also among those of the nobility who come here simply to vacation...I just really needed a place to clear my head. Something very...stressful happened back in Terresaine.""Terresaine? What were you doing there?""...Before I answer that, please allow me to ask you something.""Yes, of course.""...What if you had a really good friend who you've known since childhood, and suddenly, you weren't able to see her for a while. But once the time comes when you can see her again, you notice she's...changed. You start having doubts about her, and you're unsure about whether or not to continue your friendship with her...What would you do?""...Well, how exactly has your friend changed?""...She used to be a kind, sweet, and generous person a long time ago...Now she's very selfish, two-faced, and likes hurting people for her own personal gain. I don't even recognize her anymore...And I'm worried that if I continue my friendship with her, a lot of innocent people will get hurt.""...Then, if you genuinely care about the people around you, and want the very best for them, it would be wise to completely cut off contact with such a person. The safety of hundreds of innocent people is more important than the feelings of one dangerous, selfish individual.""...Thank you, Alena, for taking so much pressure and stress off my shoulders...And the reason I was in Terresaine is because that's the homeland of the person I'm referring to...It's been about a year since we've last seen each other, mostly due to there being much business to attend to on my part. But when things were a little more settled, I decided to go to Terresaine to visit her. And that is when I noticed how much she's changed...I cared about her a lot, and I didn't know what to do about this situation at the time...But now I know what to do...thanks to you, Alena."Not knowing what else to say, Alena couldn't help but to awkwardly look down at her knees."...Well, Alena, it's getting pretty late. Would you allow me to walk you home?" asked Prince Aurelio as he stood up and held out his hand to Alena."...Oh...Of course," said Alena, taking the prince's hand as she stood up from the grass. Before long, she and Prince Aurelio were on their way, walking together arm in arm."Aurelio...I mean, Your Highness?" said Alena, "Now that I know that you're a prince, and that you have received the peace of mind you were looking for when you came here...will I ever see you again?""Of course, you will," said Prince Aurelio, "We're friends, are we not? Also, you don't have to address me formally. You can continue to refer to me as simply Aurelio.""Really?...Wonderful."It was a long day for Alexiel, mentally. After having that argument with his uncle about Princess Annabelle, he didn't quite know how to feel about his family anymore, or what they were planning. But one thing's for sure, he wanted everyone to be safe. And if he ever did find out where his parents were hiding, he would try to convince them to call off their plan to rebel against the princess. He didn't know why, but Alexiel began to feel an odd sensation of wanting to protect Princess Annabelle with his life. And given the position he was in, he had the perfect opportunity to do just that. Therefore, Alexiel firmly refused to believe the claims people were making against Princess Annabelle about her being an awful person.Meanwhile, as Alexiel was walking along through the village of Friedens, he saw a familiar figure walking a distance from him. Feeling skeptical and concerned that his tiredness was making him hallucinate, Alexiel found a nearby bush to hide behind, rubbed his eyes, and peaked back at the figure from behind the bush. And very surely, the figure turned out to be the very person he thought he saw."It''s Prince Aurelio," thought Alexiel, surprised. He began to wonder what the prince was even doing in Friedens when he noticed that he was accompanied by a young girl, who was walking happily with him. The sight made Alexiel furious for Princess Annabelle, especially when he remembered how Prince Aurelio left her suddenly after going to visit her for a short time.Deciding he's seen enough, Alexiel angrily forced himself away from the sight and walked off. And knowing that he was due to return to Terresaine soon, Alexiel found himself with yet another inner conflict: whether or not to tell Princess Annabelle of Prince Aurelio's infidelity.