Chapter 23: Journey to the South

It was another warm, breezy day in Morado as the final preparations for my departure to the south with Prince Jaron were being made, which meant that it was almost time for me to go. Although, I did like traveling to new places, I also really loved my homeland. And because I didn't currently know just how long I was going to be absent, I knew I would probably miss being in Morado after a while. So, I decided to take a relaxing stroll through the courtyard and enjoy Morado's beautiful weather one last time."Your Highness," said Lily as she walked towards me in the courtyard, along with Helen, "Why are you here? Isn't it almost time for you to leave for your trip?""Greetings, ladies," I said, "I figured I'd enjoy this wonderful weather one last time before I leave. It's such a beautiful day, isn't it?""Indeed, it is," Lily agreed, "Who would want to miss out on a day as lovely as this?""Agreed!" Helen chimed in, "It's simply just beautiful!""Your Highness! Ladies! You have to read this!" said Ana as she suddenly appeared, carrying an issue of the capital's latest newspaper, "Look what happened to the princess of Terresaine! She was impeached recently! Executed, even!""*gasp* Really?!" said Lily and Helen, in shock."Yes!" said Ana."A-are you sure?" asked Lily, "That sounds so terrible. And why are you so enthusiastic about such terrible news, Miss Ana? How uncouth.""Here. Just see for yourselves what happened."We all gathered around Ana as she held the newspaper before us, and as I read the news for myself, I was indeed shocked at what I discovered. Poor Annabelle, the former fourteen-year-old monarch of Terresaine, was indeed impeached and sent to the guillotine for multiple crimes, including the mass murder of innocent people. It was very hard for me to believe that someone like little Princess Annabelle was capable of doing such things. It was also stated that the former princess had a very unhealthy obsession with me, something that ended up playing a large part in the decay of enjoyable life in Terresaine under her rule, as she was preoccupied with emulating my way of rule at the expense of her own people. And finally, the throne ended up being taken over by the esteemed Tremblay family, with a new princess by the name of Nicolette being deemed as the next heir to the throne after her parents." such terrible news," I said, "I...really thought that the former princess would follow in her mother's footsteps and continue her legacy. I...didn't think that she would end up constantly trying to be like me...I somehow feel like her downfall is partially my fault."After looking at each other with concern, my ladies in waiting immediately rushed to comfort me."Your Highness must not feel this way," said Lily, "It's not Your Highness's fault for being a great princess. However, every person is different and responsible for their own actions. Although, it wasn't wrong for the former princess of Terresaine to admire Your Highness, she was still the one who chose to do all of those horrible things in the end, so please don't feel so awful.""...You're right," I said, "...I won't beat myself up over this.""Yay! That's the spirit!" yelled Ana. We all then stood silently together in a group, looking at the bright, blue sky above us.Suddenly, a new thought came to me. Going to the south for a visit was likely going to be an enjoyable experience. However, I didn't know anyone there, of course, and I barely even knew Prince Jaron. I didn't want to feel...lonely."Ladies," I began, "I've been thinking...How would you all like to join me on my excursion to the south?""*gasp* Really?! We'd love to go!" exclaimed Ana, "It would be an honor for all of us to accompany Your Highness on this most exquisite journey!""Is...this really ok?" asked Lily."Of course, it is," I said, "I really value having you three ladies in my life. I myself would be honored if you three came with me.""...Thank you, Your Highness," Lily said, teary eyed, "We would love to accompany you.""Great. Well, you three had better get ready. It's almost time for us to go.""Yes, Your Highness," the three ladies in waiting said in unison before running off, jovially. Smiling to myself, I looked back up at the sky, the sun shining brightly above.The moment of my departure finally came, and I was ready to go. Upon my exiting the castle, a carriage was already stationed out front, Kam and Prince Jaron standing in front of it, talking among themselves. As I walked towards them, Prince Jaron noticed my presence and immediately made his way towards me."Hi, Your Highness," said Prince Jaron, grabbing my hand, "You're as beautiful as ever.""Thank you," I said, almost blushing. I was wearing one of my best gowns for the trip."Are you ready to go?" asked Prince Jaron."Of course," I replied. However, Prince Jaron made no move to prepare us for boarding the carriage. He simply stared into my eyes long enough to make me a bit uncomfortable. Thankfully, my ladies in waiting suddenly appeared, running towards the carriage, Ana leading the way."Wait for us!" yelled Ana, "We don't want to get left behind!"The ladies ran past me and Prince Jaron, immediately beginning to settle themselves into the carriage. The whole scene brought about a look of confusion on Kam's face, resulting in him looking over at me and Prince Jaron with concern."You're bringing your servants, too?" asked Prince Jaron."Yes. And they're more than just servants to me, Your Highness," I said, "I consider my ladies in waiting my friends. So, I would indeed love for them to accompany me on this trip. I hope that won't be a problem.""No, not at all. If Your Highness wants to bring them along, they're just as welcome.""Wonderful. Alright. The day is getting away from us. Shall we begin our journey?"I immediately made my way towards the carriage, Kam helping me get settled in. And soon after, Prince Jaron followed suit, seating himself beside me. Once everyone was finally in the carriage, we were on our way."Oh, my goodness! This is so exciting!" yelled Ana, "It's been so long since I've last been on a trip anywhere. Also, I've never been to the south before. I wonder what it's truly like.""You'll love it," said Kam, "It's a really beautiful place, with really nice people.""*gasp* Really? That sounds great. I can't wait until we get there...Is the south far?""Well, it's not too far. But it is across the ocean from here.""*gasp* Really?""We will be riding this carriage to a ship that's waiting for us. And from there, we'll be sailing the rest of the way to my homeland," Prince Jaron chimed in."We'll be on a boat?! Ooh, what fun!" said Ana."Oh, dear," said Helen, "I've never been on a boat before. Will I get seasick?""Well, we won't know until we get there, right?" I said, "But regardless of what happens, I'm sure His Highness will see to it that you get the very best care while we're on our journey, so don't you worry too much, Helen.""Yes, Your Highness."The majority of everyone's conversation in the carriage consisted of answers to curious questions from Ana, who really wanted to know more about the south, and what life was like there. Her enthusiasm for the trip enhanced everyone's mood, which led to plenty of smiles and laughter all around."Oh, Your Highness. There's something I forgot to give you," said Lily, producing a small bag and handing it to me, "This bag contains some special, last minute thank you letters from some of the guests who attended the New Year's party. I thought you might want to look at them while on our trip.""Oh, yes, of course," I said, "Thank you so much for bringing them, Lily."As Ana continued keeping everyone occupied with her chattiness, I silently perused the special letters of thanks I was given. Eventually, I came across one that was from Prince Juan. Utterly curious, I opened it up and read its contents."Dear, Your Highness, Princess of Morado," the letter read, "I want you to know that I had a really good time at the New Year's party, and I look forward to the next one you have. Before I left, I wanted to give you a proper goodbye, but I had to get back home right away. I really apologize, my princess. Although, we've only just met each other, I already have a fondness for you, and I look forward to seeing you again. Maybe we can get to know each other. Yours Truly, Juan, Prince of Aguasuave.""Hmm...interesting," I whispered to myself."That is interesting," said Prince Jaron, who apparently also read the letter while sitting beside me, "This guy really seems to like you."I gave Prince Jaron a small smile before promptly putting the letters away. And for the remainder of the carriage ride, I continued to listen as my ladies in waiting made conversation about the things they would like to see in the land of the south.At long last, we arrived at the ship Prince Jaron had waiting for us, and before long, we were sailing across the ocean. As poor Helen expected, she did indeed become seasick. She felt like she was going to vomit at any given moment. But thankfully, Prince Jaron saw to it that she was well taken care of.Meanwhile, I was standing off in the distance, watching the waves. Eventually, Prince Jaron came to my side to join me. It's been a while since I've last went sailing, so the ocean looked a lot bluer than it did the last time I saw it. It was indeed a majestic sight for me to see.It was going to be many hours before we arrived in the land of the south, so in the meantime, everyone settled themselves in for the day, ate something, and kept occupied with stories, songs, and much laughter.