Chapter 4: Underground Space

Chapter 4: Underground Space

As he turned the corner, Gu Xi raised his dagger, ready to throw it.

But at that moment, Gu Xi stopped.

When he rushed over, he thought the skeletons had encountered resistance from cultists and wanted to hurry over to help.

But he never expected the situation to be what it was.

At the corner of the corridor was a fairly large underground space.

The entire space was as large as seven or eight football fields. Looking up, it was impossible to see the ceiling, only vines hanging down from above.

At the other end of the underground space stood a huge abandoned stone gate, surrounded by a group of black-robed cultists standing like statues. Despite the battle happening nearby, they showed little reaction.

In the dark underground space, their motionless figures resembled neatly arranged terracotta soldiers.

Anyone seeing such a scene in the darkness would feel their whole body shiver.

But that wasn't the most important part.

Gu Xi could clearly hear the breathing of these black-robed cultists, but they didn't even turn their heads. They all faced the abandoned stone gate without moving, like statues.

Even when skeletons with weapons appeared, they showed no reaction. Only when attacked directly would they draw their weapons to counterattack.

Because of this, the four skeletons under Gu Xi's command had already engaged the cultists.

This situation made Gu Xi pause for a moment, then he laughed.

This was a good thing. If they only reacted when attacked, none of them would wake up.

Gu Xi raised his scimitar and slashed at a nearby black-robed cultist.

When Gu Xi struck, it felt like chopping into rotten wood, not like hitting a person at all.

At the same time, Luna flashed behind the black-robed cultist, and from the copper mirror in her arms, a ghostly blue tentacle shot out, touching the cultist's back.

As the cultist, struck by Gu Xi, was about to draw his weapon to counterattack, Luna's touch quickly covered him in frost, immobilizing him.

Gu Xi swung his scimitar again, decapitating the cultist on the spot.

With a ding, a message popped up before Gu Xi.

[Killed Elite Cultist (Level 2), gained 19 experience points. Due to cooperative kill, Contracted Undead gained 16 experience points.]

Scanning the message, Gu Xi's eyes lit up.

Seeing so many motionless black-robed cultists here, Gu Xi felt extremely fortunate.

This was truly a blessing after surviving a disaster.

Having just escaped, he stumbled upon such a treasure trove for gaining experience. Now was the perfect time to grind and level up.


Luna immediately understood Gu Xi's intention. Without needing further orders, she used her Icy Touch, and nearby black-robed cultists were frozen upon being touched.

Gu Xi, wielding his scimitar, sliced at another cultist's neck.

This cultist was even less fortunate, dying under Gu Xi's blade without a chance to react.

[Killed Elite Cultist (Level 2), gained 17 experience points. Due to cooperative kill, Contracted Undead gained 13 experience points.]

With two cultists down, Gu Xi knew he was onto something. He swiftly moved with Luna, targeting other black-robed cultists nearby.

Just as Gu Xi and Luna were about to go on a killing spree, a group of black-robed figures emerged from a nearby passage.

A total of twelve people, grouped in fours, carried an immobile black-robed figure between them.

This new group entered the underground space close to where Gu Xi had come from, immediately spotting him.

"Who's there? An intruder!"

Upon seeing Gu Xi, they shouted and drew their weapons, dropping the black-robed figure they were carrying.

Their shout alerted nearby black-robed cultists, who started to turn and look at Gu Xi.


Gu Xi immediately decided, bending down to drag a cultist's corpse back to the passage he came from.

Luna followed closely, holding the copper mirror and floating in front of Gu Xi.

The skeletons, having strayed farther, received Gu Xi's command and abandoned their current targets, hurrying back with their weapons.

However, the skeletons were soon surrounded and shattered by the now-active cultists.

After destroying the skeletons, more and more black-robed cultists turned their attention to Gu Xi.

Gu Xi, gripping his scimitar tightly, watched the cultists' movements closely.

There were too many.

If they remained motionless, Gu Xi could take his time to gain experience. But now, escape was necessary.

Gu Xi signaled Luna with a glance. Luna inhaled deeply, facing the charging cultists.


The Banshee Wail activated.

The charging cultists clutched their heads and squatted down.

Gu Xi kicked the corpse he had dragged over towards the cultists.

"Lesser Corpse Explosion!"


The explosion instantly killed six cultists.

[Killed Cultist (Level 1), gained 9 experience points. Due to cooperative kill, Contracted Undead gained 6 experience points.]

[Killed Elite Cultist (Level 2), gained 8 experience points. Due to cooperative kill, Contracted Undead gained 19 experience points.]

[Killed Cultist (Level 2), gained 11 experience points. Due to cooperative kill, Contracted Undead gained 10 experience points.]


But after the explosion, more cultists rushed over.

They stepped over their fallen comrades' bodies, weapons raised, charging at Gu Xi.

Gu Xi, wanting to take it slow, realized there was no time for that. He pointed at the corpses on the ground, casting another Lesser Corpse Explosion.

As the explosion went off, Luna unleashed another Banshee Wail.

The dual magic attack once again killed several cultists.

[Killed Cultist (Level 2), gained 13 experience points. Due to cooperative kill, Contracted Undead gained 5 experience points.]

[Killed Elite Cultist (Level 2), gained 16 experience points. Due to cooperative kill, Contracted Undead gained 11 experience points.]

[Killed Cultist (Level 1), gained 4 experience points. Due to cooperative kill, Contracted Undead gained 3 experience points.]


But by now, all the cultists in the underground space were active, swarming towards Gu Xi like zombies.

As soon as the explosion cleared, twenty more cultists filled the space.

Gu Xi glanced at his own mana.

"Luna, five more Corpse Explosions. Use Icy Touch to freeze this area."

Luna nodded, quickly preparing another Banshee Wail.

Just as Gu Xi was about to point at a corpse, a voice called out from behind him.
