Chapter 7: Battle Again

Chapter 7: Battle Again

[Name: Gu Xi

Game Number: 629SHD2S0FXC30

Profession: Necromancer

Level: 1 (317/1000)

Talent: Not Activated

Status: Life (165/310, Hungry), Mana (450/450, Energized)

Attributes: Strength 3.2, Agility 3.3, Constitution 3.1, Intelligence 4.5, Perception 3.7, Charisma 3.6

Profession Skills: Summoning 1 (7/100), Minor Corpse Explosion 1 (5/100), Minor Bone Shield 1 (2/100)

Active Skills: Throwing 2 (22/200)

Passive Skills: Undead Knowledge 3, Necromantic Contract 1, Magic Knowledge 4, Basic Science 3, Basic Reading 2, Basic Copying 2.]

After sleeping for more than an hour, Gu Xi woke up and immediately checked the surroundings. The escapees from the cell were all huddled together, staring at the skeleton in front of them with gloomy faces, not daring to move an inch. Even though the skeleton's bones were thinner than theirs and it couldn't possibly monitor them all, they didn't dare make a single move.

Gu Xi despised their reactions. If they had dared to make a move while he slept a second time, he would have at least admired their courage. But now, they were just a group of ordinary people, wanting benefits but too cowardly to act.

Shaking his head, Gu Xi stood up. "Alright, I don't know what you're pretending for. Get up. If I wanted to harm you, you'd already be skeletons."

The few people cautiously looked at Gu Xi, but when they raised their heads, they saw Luna behind him, glaring at them with her hollow eyes. The coldness in her gaze made them shrink back instantly.

Rolling his eyes, Gu Xi said to Jack, "Where's the map?"

Jack hesitated, "Master Mage, we need to..."

"Stop. I know you have your plans, but I have my considerations too. Either you lead the way now, or I'll turn you into a skeleton to lead the way."

Jack instantly shut up and obediently led the way. The people in the room exchanged glances, seeing the unwillingness in each other's eyes. After hesitating for a moment, they followed reluctantly.

Following Jack, they soon reached the entrance to the secret passage they had initially entered. Before they could activate the mechanism to open the door to the external corridor, they heard knocking sounds from outside. Gu Xi gestured, and Luna phased through the wall, arriving at the ceiling of the corridor.

Outside, about thirty black-robed cultists were tapping the walls, seemingly searching for hidden mechanisms. Behind them, a cultist who looked like a leader was shouting orders. "Check every inch of this wall carefully. I don't care what methods you use, find those escaped sacrifice candidates. If not, strip yourselves and get on the altar."

Luna observed them briefly before moving towards the nearby underground space. The traces of Gu Xi's previous battle with the cultists were still there, untouched. The remaining black-robed cultists stood in front of the abandoned gate, their numbers noticeably fewer. Other cultists were dragging new recruits to the gate, seemingly trying to replenish their ranks.

While Luna was outside, Gu Xi was busy inside, handing the scimitar to the skeleton and carefully sharpening his dagger. He occasionally glanced at Jack, who was visibly frightened. Just as Luna phased back in, her hollow gaze swept over Jack, making him nearly scream.

Gu Xi quickly covered Jack's mouth. "They're looking for us outside. Do you want to die?"

Once Jack calmed down, Gu Xi turned to Luna. "What's the situation outside?"

"There are only thirty people in the corridor, not strong."

"Then the usual tactic." Gu Xi waved his dagger and activated the mechanism to open the secret passage. A black-robed cultist tapping the wall didn't react in time, getting a dagger to the head.

[Killed cultist (level 1), gained 12 experience points.]

The skeleton charged out, slashing at another cultist. The cultists were stunned by the sudden attack. They hadn't expected Gu Xi to attack immediately and failed to react, resulting in one of them being killed by the skeleton.

[Skeleton (summon) killed cultist (level 1), you gained 1 experience point, summon gained 6 experience points.]

The cultists finally reacted. Their leader shouted, "Shield bearers, surround them! Watch out for corpse explosions..."

Gu Xi, knowing the leader's position from Luna's description, charged forward while the skeleton was attacking. As he approached, he threw three daggers simultaneously at the leader.

The cultist leader didn't expect Gu Xi to prioritize him and failed to defend in time. The first dagger activated his defensive artifact, the second forced him to dodge, and the third struck his neck.

[Killed cultist leader (level 2, elite), gained 42 experience points.]

[Completed three-hit combo, successfully killed the target, gained 40 throwing experience points.]

With the leader dead, the cultists panicked, rushing to check on him. Gu Xi initially planned a corpse explosion but changed his mind at the last moment, chanting a summoning spell instead. The leader's body burst apart, and a stronger skeleton emerged, pulling the dagger from its neck and stabbing a nearby cultist.

[Successfully used summoning, gained a skeleton leader (level 0), summoning experience +1.]

[Skeleton leader (level 0, summon): experience (0/500), attack 2, defense 1, health 15, skills: combat elite, squad command (30 people).]

[Skeleton leader (summon) killed cultist (level 1), you gained 1 experience point, summon gained 4 experience points.]