Chapter 12: Enhancement

Chapter 12: Enhancement

The enemy that infiltrated Gu Xi's team was something akin to shadows.

At first, they hid within human shadows, mimicking the actions of the person they targeted.

Then, they slowly emerged from the shadows, replacing the person they imitated.

In large crowds, it might be impossible to notice the switch until it was too late. By the time you realized it, you might find yourself surrounded by imposters, with only you being the real human and everyone else being eerie duplicates.

But this tactic didn't work on Gu Xi.

Despite having nearly two hundred people, most of them were skeletons.

At first, Gu Xi didn't notice anything unusual. But once he mobilized the skeletons, he immediately realized that the shadows following behind some of them were out of place.

Gu Xi decisively ordered, "The enemy is among us. Kill them!"

The skeletons didn't need to turn around. At the sight of an unusual skeleton or shadow, they immediately attacked.

[Skeleton (Summon) killed Shadow Creature (Level 1). You gained 1 experience point, the combat squad gained 1 experience point, and the summon gained 4 experience points.]

[Skeleton Warrior (Summon) killed Shadow Creature (Level 1). You gained 1 experience point, the combat squad gained 1 experience point, and the summon gained 5 experience points.]

[Skeleton (Summon) killed Shadow Creature (Level 1). You gained 1 experience point, and the summon gained 7 experience points.]


As more shadow creatures were killed, Gu Xi noticed some thumb-sized black beads on the ground.

While keeping up with Luna, Gu Xi found time to pick up some of the beads.

[You obtained Eerie Bead (White) *1]

[Eerie Bead (White): A bead exuding an eerie aura, each equivalent to ten days of eerie power concentration. It can be used to trade with eerie entities or to enhance eerie, demon, and undead units.]

Gu Xi crushed one of the beads in his hand, releasing a chilling aura.

This aura wasn't like the negative energy or soul energy needed by necromancers but had a quality that seemed to pull one towards the eerie side.

Gu Xi felt he could absorb some of this aura, but not too much, as it might turn him into something neither human nor ghost.

He also realized that these beads could enhance the power of his skeletons.

But the amount needed wasn't small, and the skeletons would mutate after absorbing the beads.

Thus, Gu Xi loudly commanded, "Gather all the eerie beads on the ground. Every third bead is mine; give one to the combat squad and keep one for yourself. Those without a combat squad, keep both beads."

Following his command, the skeletons quickly picked up the eerie beads and handed them over to each other.

The beads meant for Gu Xi were handed over by the skeleton leaders, while those for the combat squads were kept by the leaders.

After obtaining the beads, each skeleton leader reacted differently.

The leader of the first combat squad, remembering his specialty, used over a dozen beads on his reversed dagger.

As he infused the dagger with the beads, it transformed into a black recurve knife with serrated patterns on the surface.

This weapon now had additional slashing and tearing capabilities, besides its original backstab function.

When the leader's weapon changed, the ordinary skeletons' weapons in the squad also transformed.

All weapons now matched the recurve knife, making the squad's left-hand attacks sharper.

However, not all combat squads used the beads on their weapons.

The squad wielding two-handed swords didn't enhance their weapons but absorbed the beads into their leader's body.

At first, Gu Xi thought the leader wanted to strengthen himself.

After all, the number of members in a combat squad was directly related to the leader's level. Each level-up of the skeleton leader could increase the squad by at least two members.

But Gu Xi was surprised when the leader absorbed the beads not for personal gain.

As the beads disappeared into the leader, a notification sounded in Gu Xi's ear.

[Combat Squad 2 is transforming towards the eerie direction. Squad attribute increased. All members' attack +2.]

This surprised Gu Xi; he hadn't realized this was possible.

Just as Gu Xi planned to order the other two skeleton leaders to do the same, he found they had already used up their beads.

This left Gu Xi somewhat speechless. He had given an order, but they executed it too quickly.

Thankfully, their choices were made according to their respective situations.

Combat Squad 3, wielding spears, enhanced their weapons like Squad 1. Their spears' length increased by about a meter, and the spearheads became sharper.

Combat Squad 4 made the most unique choice. The skeleton leader used the beads to enhance their forearms.

Now, all skeletons in the squad had visibly black forearms, and wielding their sword and shield, their movements were notably more stable.

Gu Xi didn't comment further on the combat squads' transformations.

He collected the beads given to him and closely followed Luna.

The skeleton army monitored each other vigilantly, hoping to encounter more shadow creatures.

The enhancement from the eerie beads was noticeable to them, and they yearned for more beads to grow stronger.

However, the shadow creatures seemed to realize that Gu Xi's troops were not easy targets and stayed away.

Meanwhile, the skeleton Gu Xi had sent to investigate the figures in the mist returned.

Gu Xi inspected the skeleton and found it was still under his command, unaffected by the eerie presence, and bore no battle scars.

Clearly, the skeleton hadn't encountered any enemies in the mist.

This puzzled Gu Xi, but he didn't inquire further. Luna had led them to a two-story building in the city.

The building resembled others in the city, following a 15th-century style with stone structures and wooden doors and windows, though it appeared old.

The surroundings and the structure indicated it was a residential building.

Though unsure why Luna led them here, Gu Xi trusted her instincts.

As Luna stopped, Gu Xi waved his hand.

"Surround it!"