Chapter 29: Treasure Chest and Level Up

Chapter 29: Treasure Chest and Level Up

When Luna arrived, Gu Xi was still slowly walking in the sewer.

He was still puzzled at this moment, wondering why the battle hadn't started yet and why he hadn't heard any kill notifications.

Luna's shout surprised Gu Xi. Curious, he followed her to see what was going on.

They had only walked about 300 meters when Luna stopped somewhere, pointing at a crack in the sewer wall.

"Sir, look here."

Gu Xi approached the crack and looked inside. He found a skeleton that had already turned into dry bones, with a burlap sack on its back.

Because the sewer was quite dry, the skeleton's bones were well preserved, especially the burlap sack, which didn't have that wet, sticky feeling.

"What's going on here?"

"Not sure." Luna shook her head and said, "The only thing I can determine is that this crack was originally here. I don't know how the skeleton got inside."

"Alright, I'll handle this. You go take care of the other end of the sewer."

As he spoke, Gu Xi took out a complete soul.

Luna immediately knew what Gu Xi was planning. Without saying anything, she floated to the other end of the sewer.

At this moment, Gu Xi sent the complete soul to the skeleton.

"Soul Summoning!"

[You failed to use Soul Summoning and gained 1 point of Soul Summoning experience.]

With a prompt sound, the skeleton stuck in the crack exploded on the spot, scattering bone fragments everywhere. In the end, nothing was left but the burlap sack.

Feeling a bit helpless, Gu Xi had to use a broken bone stick to poke around inside the crack. It took him a while to drag the burlap sack out.

[You picked up Joseph's backpack. Do you want to open it?]


[You got an old coin, 1 pound 3 shillings 3 pence.]

[You got a dry bread (gray) *1]

[Dry Bread (Gray): Garbage, inedible food, can be exchanged for 1 pence.]

[You got a Land Purchase Order (white) *1]

[Land Purchase Order (white): A Victoria City land purchase order issued in 1777. It records that Joseph was forcibly conscripted for a farm outside the city. He can use this land purchase order to exchange for a piece of land not exceeding 300 square meters in Camden District, Victoria City, to build a house. No one can obstruct him.]

[You got a Hearthstone (green) *1]

[Hearthstone (green): A stone brought from beside a fireplace, containing some strange power and a longing for home.]

Looking at the items poured out from the burlap sack, Gu Xi fell silent.

He guessed that this might be a farmer who sold his farm in 1877 and came to Victoria City to make a living, but he wanted too much.

He really thought the land purchase order was useful and was eventually thrown into the sewer.

As for his luck, Gu Xi didn't know if it was good or bad. The man should have been injured and crawled in the sewer for a long time, dying in the oldest sewer in Victoria City.

For some reason, his belongings were replicated to this sewer, eventually getting stuck in the crack.

Now all these things belonged to Gu Xi.

After putting the items back into the burlap sack, Gu Xi slung it over his shoulder and headed towards the end of the sewer with a broken bone stick in hand.

At this moment, the battle at the end of the sewer had already begun.

With the previous battle experience, this fight was actually simpler.

As Gu Xi walked forward, various messages kept popping up in front of him.

[Skeleton Soldier (Summon) killed Rat (Level 0), you gained 0 experience points, the battle squad gained 0 experience points, the summon gained 1 experience point.]

[Skeleton Soldier (Summon) killed Rat (Level 1), you gained 1 experience point, the battle squad gained 1 experience point, the summon gained 4 experience points.]

[Skeleton Soldier (Summon) killed Giant Rat (Level 2), you gained 1 experience point, the battle squad gained 1 experience point, the summon gained 16 experience points.]


[Ding, total experience reached the upgrade standard, please choose whether to upgrade.]


The sudden ding sound made Gu Xi's eyes light up. He had reached the upgrade standard again?

Gu Xi quickly stopped and checked the upgrade information.

[After upgrading, the level will be raised to Level 3, health and mana will be fully restored, all negative statuses will be cleared, strength +1, and you can choose one of the following three skills as a reward.]

[Bone Spike: Active skill, upgradable, consumes 3 mana, releases a spike made of bones, dealing 35-60 damage to the enemy.]

[Rotten Land: Active skill, upgradable, consumes 5 mana, turns a nearby 10 square meter area into rotten land, providing negative energy for undead survival and rest, and dealing 10 damage every 5 seconds to living beings stepping on the rotten land.]

[Bone Prison: Active skill, upgradable, consumes 5 mana, uses a corpse to form a bone prison with health equivalent to the corpse's health in a designated area.]

Glancing at the three skills available this time, all of them were active skills, unlike the previous level 2 upgrade.

Gu Xi quickly made a judgment in his mind.

Among the three skills, Bone Prison was the most special, used for trapping enemies but competing with Corpse Explosion for corpses.

Rotten Land was an auxiliary skill but had obvious targeting effects.

Only Bone Spike was most suitable for the current situation.

After all, the previous battles made Gu Xi realize a disadvantageous situation. He might encounter battles without corpses. Without an attack method, he wouldn't know how to handle future fights.

Upon making his choice, Gu Xi immediately said, "Upgrade, choose Bone Spike!"

The next moment, a ding sound came to Gu Xi's ears.

[Level up to Level 3, undead contract limit +1.]

[Name: Gu Xi

Game ID: 629SHD2S0FXC30

Class: Necromancer

Level: 3 (1/10000)

Talent: Not activated

Status: Health (310/310, hungry), Mana (550/550)

Attributes: Strength 4.2, Agility 3.3, Constitution 3.1, Intelligence 5.5, Perception 3.7, Charisma 3.6

Class Skills: Soul Summoning Level 3 (336/500), Lesser Corpse Explosion Level 2 (178/200), Lesser Bone Shield Level 1 (9/100), Bone Spike (0/100)

Active Skills: Throwing Level 2 (91/200)

Passive Skills: Undead Knowledge Level 3, Undead Contract Level 1, Magic Knowledge Level 4, Basic Science Level 3, Basic Reading Level 2, Basic Copying Level 2, Undead Domination Level 1.]