Chapter 31 Leaving the City

Chapter 31 Leaving the City

While Gu Xi was patrolling his territory with his subordinates, Luna had already completed the construction arrangements for the city gate.

Luna positioned the city gate near the well. The gate didn't directly connect to the main street but was placed in front of a pile of collapsed huts.

As the city gate was being built, the ruins of these collapsed houses were also being cleared. It was evident that Luna intended to clear this area and transform it into a military square.

Meanwhile, the materials from the ruins could be stored for future use in building the city walls or other constructions.

When Gu Xi arrived at the city gate, it was only half-built. He noticed that there didn't seem to be anyone actively working on it. Instead, the wooden planks and bricks were stacking themselves.

He wasn't sure what was going on.

Gu Xi stood in front of the city gate for a moment, understanding that the four-hour estimate given by the system was accurate. The time would be neither early nor late.

Gu Xi also noticed that the city gate would be ten meters wide. From the layout, he deduced that once fully built, the gate would be about fifteen meters high, making it a large city gate.

The gate would also have walkways for people, and in the future, it could be fitted with gates and iron doors.

The future city wall would start from here and extend outward. The height and thickness of Gu Xi's future city wall would be related to this city gate.

This was quite important to Gu Xi, so he took a few extra glances.

At this moment, Luna floated out of the council hall.

"Luna, how big do you estimate that district to be?" Gu Xi pointed to the lower district.

"That area is small, only about 0.4 square kilometers."

Luna immediately understood Gu Xi's thoughts. She also believed that the dock area in front of them was the best place to take action.

However, Gu Xi's current forces were clearly insufficient. Attacking now could lead to unforeseen issues.

"Sir, we don't have enough forces right now."

"I know. Once the city gate is finished, send me to Victoria City. I'll see if I can find some suitable corpses to bring back and replenish our forces and negative energy. As for these troops," Gu Xi glanced at the combat squad beside him, hesitated slightly, and then said, "leave all these troops here. If there's an invasion while I'm gone, you handle it."

This was Gu Xi's first time dealing with the Death City skill, and since it was in a contested territory, he couldn't determine if other areas would target him.

So, after some hesitation, he decided to leave his forces in Aridowei City.

Luna also understood how important Aridowei City was to Gu Xi.

Hearing Gu Xi's instructions, Luna agreed.

Gu Xi then took Luna for another tour around the city.

After this tour, Gu Xi discovered a serious problem.

There was no food in Aridowei City that he could eat.

Having been imprisoned before, Gu Xi was already starving, and now he was nearly faint from hunger.

"Sir, should I send some people to other districts to search for food?"

Seeing Gu Xi continually drinking water to stave off hunger, Luna was concerned.

Since signing the contract with Gu Xi, Luna had never seen him eat anything.

Not only had he not eaten, but he had also been fighting continuously, which consumed a lot of energy.

Even though leveling up restored his health and mana, hunger wasn't something that could be fixed by leveling up.

Luna was somewhat worried about Gu Xi's condition.

But Gu Xi didn't mind. He drank a mouthful of warm water from a wooden cup and smiled, saying, "It's fine. In a few hours, the city gate will be finished, and I'll leave directly.

I have money on hand. In Victoria City, there will be food for sure. I'm really hungry now, and eating a big meal suddenly wouldn't be good for my body. Drinking more water to stave off hunger will have to do until I get out."

Hearing this, Luna didn't persuade further and just floated beside Gu Xi.

After drinking a few more mouthfuls of warm water, Gu Xi found a place to sit and closed his eyes.

"I'm going to rest for a bit. Wake me up when it's time."

As he spoke, Gu Xi's expression was natural, hiding how famished he really was.

He just wanted to fall asleep quickly, as only sleep could make him forget the emptiness in his stomach.

Four hours passed in a flash.

As the time arrived, Gu Xi was awakened not by Luna but by a ding sound in his ears.

[Ding! Small building city gate construction completed, city experience +1, city level increased to level 2.]

[City Name: Aridowei

City Direction: Death City

City Trait: Contested Territory (More than half of the city is uncontrolled, and the city is subject to attacks from uncontrolled areas. Conquering the city will automatically expand the city's territory)

City Level: Level 2 (0/50)

Core Buildings (1/2): Council Hall (provides 500 negative energy points daily)

Large Buildings (1/2): Cult Chapel (trains 20+10 skeleton soldiers weekly)

Medium Buildings (1/3): White Candle Factory (provides 300 negative energy points daily, 30 units of white candles weekly)

Small Buildings (2/8): Well (increases weekly soldier training by 50%), City Gate

Auxiliary Buildings (0/20): None

Garrison Hero: None

Garrison Troops: None]

After glancing at the information that appeared, Gu Xi quickly stood up and greeted Luna.

"I'm leaving now. When there are enough resources, build a warehouse first. The chest at the gate can't store much. Don't worry about me in Victoria; just manage Aridowei City well.

For the skeleton soldiers, arrange for them to patrol. Always keep a combat squad at the city gate."

After giving all the instructions, Gu Xi stored away the shattered bone club and eerie head, preparing to leave.

"I'll escort you, sir!" Luna said obediently.

Gu Xi nodded without saying anything more, taking a step forward. He then felt a dizzying sensation, as if he had been thrown off a roller coaster.

This was actually the main function of Death City.

A necromancer who mastered the Death City skill could freely enter and exit the city if alone.

The entry and exit points were fixed; in Death City, Gu Xi's exit point was in front of the council hall.

In the real world, Gu Xi would exit where he entered.

However, since he entered this world through Victoria Tower this time, his exit was randomly assigned.

After spinning in the air for half a turn, Gu Xi suddenly saw a bright light and heard a splash as foul-smelling sewage filled his mouth. He had been thrown into the Isis River running through Victoria City.