Chapter 37: Westminster Abbey

Chapter 37: Westminster Abbey

The next morning, Gu Xi, feeling a bit sore, slowly crawled out of bed.

A rare deep sleep left him in decent spirits.

However, for some reason, his back felt a bit sore.

Fortunately, a shilling was worth a shilling. Despite being a third-class room, it had all the necessary amenities. Even Gu Xi's clothes had been ironed, so he didn't have to wear damp clothes anymore.

Putting on his clothes, Gu Xi picked up the jerky from the nightstand, took a bite, and left the room.

As he went downstairs, the bartender, who was cleaning, looked up.

"How did you sleep last night? Do you need me to hold your room for you?"

"I slept well, but I'd like to change rooms tonight."

Gu Xi said, placing a shilling on the counter.

The bartender understood immediately, "Alright, I'll arrange a clean room for you tonight."

He pushed a key towards Gu Xi.

Gu Xi took the key and casually asked, "By the way, do you know how to get to Westminster Abbey?"

"What are you going there for? That place is full of rich people's graves."

The bartender asked, puzzled.

"There was a church in Victoria City before, which was demolished at some point. One of my ancestors was buried in the cemetery behind it.

When the church was demolished, the body was moved somewhere unknown. The only thing certain is that a knight's body from that church was moved to Westminster Abbey.

So, I want to check if there are records of the relocation."

"I see." Hearing Gu Xi's explanation, the bartender didn't ask further.

Although the British didn't care much about these things, no one would interfere with them.

If Gu Xi had such a need, he wouldn't try to persuade him otherwise. "Westminster Abbey is a bit behind the upper city layer. It's not far from here. Take the No. 19 steam bus from here and get off at Miannawei Station.

Westminster Abbey is huge. You'll see it as soon as you get off."

"Thank you."

Having gotten the directions, Gu Xi didn't linger. He took a bite of jerky and headed out.

After leaving the tavern, he looked up at the sky. Victoria City was still as foggy as the day before. Without a lamp, visibility was less than thirty meters.

At night, visibility was even worse. Even standing under a streetlamp, one could only see about seven or eight meters around. Any further, it was impossible to discern anything, let alone people.

Thus, all vehicles on the road, whether horse-drawn carriages or steam cars, kept ringing their bells while moving.

If one got hit without hearing the bell, it was their own fault.

While waiting for the bus, Gu Xi heard the characteristic sound of the No. 19 steam bus.

"Ding~ Toot toot~ Ding!"

Soon, a giant headlight appeared through the white fog. Under the steam and mist, Gu Xi could clearly see the number 19 on the headlight.

"It's here!"

Just as Gu Xi stepped forward to get on the bus, he felt slight footsteps behind him.

Gu Xi had become wary of Victoria City's ubiquitous thieves.

They were everywhere, even when he was waiting for a bus.

Without thinking, Gu Xi turned and shoved the jerky in his mouth into the thief's hand.

The thief intended to steal the money from Gu Xi's pocket but was caught off guard by the jerky shoved into his hand.

Still confused, the thief held the jerky as Gu Xi pointed at him.

Secondary Corpse Explosion!

Then Gu Xi quickly jumped onto the No. 19 steam bus.

Before the thief could react, the jerky exploded with a bang in his hand.

The explosion wasn't very powerful, about the level of a small firecracker.

But an explosion was still an explosion, and the thief's hand was ruined.

Stunned by the blast, the thief couldn't even think of pursuing Gu Xi, helplessly watching as Gu Xi boarded the bus and left.

Gu Xi, unaware he had been targeted, pulled out another piece of jerky and bit into it.

He found the jerky quite useful. Not only could he eat it, but it also had a decent explosive power when used against people.

Most importantly, it was cheap. Throwing jerky was much easier than throwing knives.

The jerky could even kill someone if thrown hard enough.

After all, carrying jerky was much more reasonable than carrying a bunch of knives.

Pleased with his choice, Gu Xi happily considered how to make the most of this discovery.

Perhaps roasting the jerky to see if it would carry the power of flames when used for corpse explosion.

Or maybe adding some poison to it?

As Gu Xi chewed the jerky, lost in thought, he suddenly realized the No. 19 steam bus was crossing the Victoria Bridge.

As the bus crossed the bridge, Gu Xi felt something sweep over him.

Ready to react, the feeling disappeared as quickly as it came.

Cold sweat broke out as Gu Xi realized it was the official Victoria enforcers monitoring the city.

Especially vehicles crossing the Victoria Bridge, all under their surveillance.

All professionals knew this but couldn't resist.

As an outsider, Gu Xi wasn't aware of Victoria City's circumstances, so being scared was understandable.

Luckily, the scan was brief, without focusing on all professionals.

After crossing the bridge, the surveillance ended, allowing Gu Xi to relax and find a seat.

The rest of the journey was smoother. Sitting by the window, Gu Xi noticed how much Victoria City had grown over the years.

Despite the fast-moving steam bus, it took nearly an hour to reach Gu Xi's destination.

Miannawei Station.

He knew he had arrived because as soon as the bus turned a corner, a tall church appeared directly ahead.

No introduction was needed; Gu Xi knew this was his destination, Westminster Abbey.

However, looking at Westminster Abbey from afar, Gu Xi felt this might not be an easy task.

Others might not see it, but Gu Xi could, at least three halos of white light spreading out from the center of Westminster Abbey.

This indicated the presence of at least three professionals above level 20.

And they were of the Holy Light category.