Chapter 40: Unexpected Incidents

Chapter 40: Unexpected Incidents

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Westminster Abbey's response was swift.

Though the chaos was not extensive, it was critical.

Upon seeing the cultists they had been guarding against appear, Westminster Abbey's troops decisively released the prepared team.

The knights in heavy armor were divided into eight teams, wielding swords and shields as they marched into the alleys near the main square.

Simultaneously, as the bells of Westminster rang, the sound of hymns also emanated from the church.

The pure white light of positive energy swept back and forth from Westminster, radiating in all directions.

When the positive energy light fell on Gu Xi, he felt as if every cell in his body was about to ignite, and every inch of his skin burned hotly.

Even the temperature of his blood rose significantly, his face turning red, making him look as if he were drunk.

Gu Xi understood that this was a manifestation of positive energy stimulating vitality.

But this sensation was unbearable.

Gu Xi had to retreat repeatedly, unwilling to be affected by this positive energy light.

At this time, the knights charged into the alley, wielding shields nearly as tall as themselves. Whenever they encountered someone unfamiliar, they would press them down with the shield.

As Gu Xi tried to retreat, he was immediately pinned by two shields.

The bone shield on him was directly crushed by the shields, and two thick swords were raised high.

"Don't move. If you move, our brothers will strike."

"What the hell are you doing?"

Gu Xi was both angry and helpless.

He hadn't even gotten involved in this situation.

But the two knights ignored him; they had orders to follow.

They couldn't determine who was friend or foe, so they were to control everyone who wasn't from Westminster Abbey.

If anyone resisted, they would be struck down, regardless of whether they were friend or foe.

Gu Xi, being a necromancer, was a prime target. The two knights were also novices; their current combat strength was boosted by the hymns from Westminster Abbey.

Normally, they hadn't even reached the point of wielding holy light.

Now, though they had Gu Xi pinned against the wall, they were very nervous, with their swords raised and ready to strike at any moment.

Seeing the anxiety in their eyes, Gu Xi calmed down instead.

"Don't be nervous. I'm not your enemy. I won't move, and you shouldn't either."

Just as Gu Xi finished speaking, an explosion sounded behind the two knights.

Their swords wavered and swung towards Gu Xi.

Gu Xi ducked his head. "Be careful!"

Luckily, the swords hit the wall behind him instead of injuring him, but it was a close call.

This scare changed Gu Xi's stance. He hadn't resisted before because he had no conflict with Westminster Abbey's forces and was unclear about the situation, so staying put seemed reasonable.

But he wasn't someone who would take hits without retaliating.

"Enough! If this continues, I will fight back."

The knights didn't respond, nor did they pull their swords out of the wall.

This puzzled Gu Xi, who looked at their faces and saw that they were twisted, with blood vessels bulging near their eyes.

He tried pushing them, and they fell to the ground.

Before he could help them, he saw something that shocked him.

From the spot of the explosion, a thick vine had emerged from the ground.

Atop the vine was a pink trumpet-shaped flower, emitting red threads from its stamen.

Everyone nearby was entangled by these threads, clearly being controlled by the vine.

Gu Xi was lucky. He was squeezed against the wall by the knights and hadn't been hit by the threads yet.

But he knew he couldn't just watch.

Without the knights' protection, he'd be in trouble if he got entangled.

He scanned the battlefield and saw the cultist he had killed earlier.

The corpse wasn't far from the vine, and he decided to act.

He pointed at the corpse. "Minor Corpse Explosion!"

The corpse exploded, scattering the nearby people.

Gu Xi raised his hand. "Bone Spikes!"

Three bone spikes flew out, hitting three unarmored individuals.

[Killed Cultist (Level 2), gained 22 XP.]

[Killed Cultist (Level 1), gained 11 XP.]

[Killed Saint Worshiper (Level 2), gained 27 XP.]

Ignoring whether he had hit the wrong targets, Gu Xi focused on breaking the stalemate.

Not attacking the knights was already a favor to Hart.

"Summon Skeletons!"

[Summon Skeletons successful, gained a Level 0 Skeleton, Summoning XP +1.]

[Summon Skeletons successful, gained a Level 0 Skeleton, Summoning XP +1.]

[Summon Skeletons failed, Summoning XP +1.]

"Damn it!"

Gu Xi cursed.

The new skeletons were all Level 0, unchanged despite his death city gains.

He waved his hand. "Go, pull out that flower."

The skeletons ran towards the vine.

The vine noticed and closed its flower.

Gu Xi quickly dragged a knight up.

Just in time, as the flower sprayed red threads like a net.

Shielded by the knight, Gu Xi avoided the threads.

After blocking the attack, Gu Xi pushed the knight down and ran.

The flower tried to attack again, but the skeletons reached the vine and pulled the flower off, ending its threat.