Chapter 41: Generating a Replica

Chapter 41: Generating a Replica


As the pink flower was plucked by the skeleton, a scream echoed in Gu Xi's ears.

The scream was even sharper than Luna's banshee wail. Under this scream, Gu Xi spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and his health dropped sharply, falling to half.

Then Gu Xi felt the ground shaking, as if something wanted to burrow out from underground.

At this moment, Gu Xi couldn't care about anything else. He grabbed the flower thrown by the skeleton and decisively shouted.


At the same time, he ran towards the No. 19 steam bus station.

When Gu Xi shouted this, the people who had fallen due to the silk threads sprayed by the flower seemed to react.

They stood up in twos and threes from the ground, some fled to nearby rooms, and some followed Gu Xi in escaping.

There were also some holy knights who, upon standing up, tightly gripped their swords and shields, facing the writhing roots and vines on the ground.

Their eyes were filled with determination. As holy knights, their faith made them choose to fight to the end.

But Gu Xi didn't care about them. At this moment, he could clearly feel the danger behind him.

If he turned his head, he would be forever left here.

So Gu Xi didn't have time to look back. He kept running, passing the No. 19 steam bus station.

After running for about two thousand meters, Gu Xi felt the sense of danger behind him weaken.

Before he could look back to see what was happening, he was pinned down by someone.


Gu Xi was about to release bone spikes to attack the person, but before he could move, a surge of positive energy was injected into his body, dispersing all his preparations.

Looking up, Gu Xi saw a short-haired woman with black hair standing in front of him, her cold arm pressing on his shoulder.

The woman was wearing a white robe with gold trim, with a golden griffin embroidered on the hem of the robe.

"Did you escape from Tamworth?"

"Ah, yes, yes!"

"Anna, Anastasia, you should have heard my name. Can you tell me what happened in Tamworth?"

After being asked, Gu Xi finally reacted. Although he hadn't heard of Anna's name, he could tell she was a high-ranking presence from Britain, here to deal with the current situation.

He quickly recounted the situation at Westminster Abbey.

Regarding Hart's assistance and what Gu Xi encountered in the alley, Anna didn't seem to care much.

It wasn't until she heard that Gu Xi had plucked a pink flower that she asked seriously.

"Where's the flower?"

Gu Xi quickly handed over the flower in his hand.

As he handed over the flower, Gu Xi was surprised to find that the originally pink flower had turned pure black.

"How is this possible?"

Gu Xi said in shock, but Anna in front of him showed no surprise.

Instead, she nodded as if it were normal, "It seems this is true, it's the mirror anomaly. Everyone, prepare to rescue Westminster Abbey."

As soon as Anna finished speaking, Gu Xi suddenly felt the space around him pause, and then his vision shifted from the vicinity of the No. 19 steam bus station to the sky.

From the aerial view, Gu Xi saw the changes at Westminster Abbey. At this moment, in the various areas around Westminster Abbey, many roots and vines had appeared in the alleys, each with a pink flower on it.

Under the influence of the flowers, people nearby were controlled by the red threads sprayed out, struggling to resist, but ultimately being led towards Westminster Abbey.

In the center of Westminster Abbey, a giant apple tree broke through the ceiling of the abbey.

The giant apple tree was over three hundred meters tall, its canopy covering half of the large square of Westminster Abbey.

Gu Xi could even see many people fighting inside Westminster Abbey.

But their efforts could not change what was happening.

More and more people, controlled by the red threads, walked to the square in front of Westminster Abbey, and then something descended from the apple tree, lifting these people up.

In the end, these people hung on the tree like apples, covering the entire apple tree.

When Gu Xi saw the full situation at Westminster Abbey, he suddenly felt a pain in his head, snapping back to reality.

At this time, Anna, who had obtained the flower, had handed the black flower to an elderly man beside her.

"Grand Duke, hold this flower. We can hold out for three days. I hope you can find a way to deal with the mirror anomaly within these three days."

"Grand Princess, you can't..."

"This is the coronation place of the royal family. I can't let the mirror anomaly occupy it. It's my duty as a royal member.

Grand Duke, I'll leave the rest to you.

Let's go!"

After giving these few instructions, Anna led her followers towards Westminster Abbey without hesitation.

Behind her were a large number of holy knights in white heavy armor. After entering Westminster Abbey, they quickly formed a defensive line, preventing the anomaly from spreading further.

At this moment, Gu Xi heard a ding in his ear.

[You have encountered the Westminster Abbey major event. As a major event affecting Victoria City, this event has automatically generated a replica. As the first player to encounter this event, you have obtained the replica crystal stone, which can be activated five times.]

[Replica Crystal (Blue)]

[Replica: Westminster Abbey Major Event (Level Requirement: 5-10)]

[Replica Tasks: External Tasks 3 (0/3), Internal Tasks 5 (0/5), Exclusive Tasks 2 (0/2)]

[Replica Bosses: Five (0/5)]

[Replica Rewards: Purple Equipment (Guaranteed 1), Blue Equipment (Guaranteed 5), Green Equipment (Random)]

Along with this voice, a blue crystal appeared in Gu Xi's hand.

Holding the crystal, Gu Xi could clearly see the situation inside Westminster Abbey.

It was exactly like the scene Gu Xi had just witnessed.

It seemed everything was being repeated endlessly in the crystal.

Gu Xi understood that this was his given opportunity.

The current Westminster Abbey had become a replica. He could take this crystal out, or use it now.

Looking back at the mist-covered Westminster Abbey, Gu Xi didn't hesitate. He quickly put the crystal away.

Gu Xi wasn't stupid. From the current situation, he could tell he couldn't defeat any of the monsters inside. So why rush in and die?

He decided it was better to find a place to level up and come back to handle the replica later.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Gu Xi decisively left.

He circled around the area of Westminster Abbey, found a station, and casually boarded a steam bus to leave this troublesome place.

Although he didn't know where the steam bus was heading, Gu Xi didn't care anymore.

He only had one thought in his mind, to get as far away from this dangerous place as possible and come back to deal with the replica when he was stronger, to rescue Anna who had voluntarily entered the replica!