Chapter 57: The Holy Artifact from the Fairy Tale

Chapter 57: The Holy Artifact from the Fairy Tale

With a single sentence, Gu Xi managed to hit the old goblin's weak spot. The goblin obediently fixed the magical sand table.

"How long will it take to complete?"

After finalizing everything, Gu Xi didn't hesitate to ask the old goblin directly.

"Tomorrow, it'll be ready by tomorrow."

The old goblin proudly replied, "Don't worry, our speed may be fast, but we never compromise on quality. If you don't see a complete small building by this time tomorrow, come here and trouble me, I'll compensate you with this entire store."

Gu Xi glanced at the old goblin, then quickly pulled out a parchment from the goblin's store. As the goblin screamed, trying to reason with Gu Xi, he swiftly wrote a few lines on the parchment.

'Confirmed, during the period of XX year X month X date, workers will enter to build the small building, the time is one day, to serve as proof, ensuring safety.'

After writing, Gu Xi handed the parchment to the goblin.

"Have your workers carry this while working, otherwise, if they die on my territory, I won't pay for it."

The old goblin, being a shrewd person, only needed one glance to understand that Gu Xi must have set up some traps on his territory. He didn't bother arguing with Gu Xi further, rolled up the parchment, and immediately gave orders.

After clarifying the most important matters, Gu Xi didn't linger in the old goblin's shabby place any longer.

Staying there any longer, Gu Xi felt he would be marinated with its smell.

After leaving the old goblin's territory, Shaya, who had been standing outside the door, quickly followed Gu Xi, coming to his side.

Seeing Shaya's reaction, Gu Xi smiled wryly.

After laughing, Gu Xi slowly blended into the small dock ahead.

Gu Xi noticed that apart from the old goblin who had his own territory, most professionals who came here could only find a spot on the roadside to set up stalls.

The items they displayed were similar to those at the flea market, mostly mirrors, but of much higher quality.

Just one look was enough for Gu Xi to see that most of the items sold here were white, unlike the flea market where most were gray trash.

Unfortunately, Gu Xi wasn't very well-off financially, and there was nothing here that caught his attention. So he wandered around for a while but didn't find anything good.

Not even better than the three mirrors he bought before.

This made Gu Xi, who wanted to find a bargain, quite helpless.

It seemed that the people here were all clever, and finding a good deal here required a lot of time and effort.

If Gu Xi had that kind of time and energy, he would rather find a place to hunt monsters.

Just as Gu Xi was about to leave with Shaya, Shaya gently tapped his shoulder.

"Shaya, if you have something to say, just say it. Don't tap my shoulder; it harms the yang energy."

As Gu Xi spoke, he looked towards the direction Shaya was pointing. He noticed a modest stall, run by a rat-faced human, wrapped in a black tattered cloth.

In front of him, there were more than a dozen branches of varying thickness.

These branches were about a meter long, each with different enhanced magical auras.

"What are these?"

"These are branches I've collected, good materials for making staffs, wands, or magic rods. I can guarantee each one has decent attributes. Would the customer like one?"

Gu Xi glanced at Shaya, then reached out to pick up a relatively short branch.

The moment Gu Xi held the branch, the human immediately said, "The customer has a keen eye; this is the best one I have, an elderberry branch, 73 centimeters long, perfect for making a short staff."

Ignoring the human's words, Gu Xi saw a string of messages pop up.

[You obtained an Elderberry Branch!]

[Elderberry Branch (Green): A magical elderberry branch, can be used to make short staffs, wands, or other weapons and equipment.]

[Ding! While searching for materials, Shaya (Contract Spirit) unintentionally triggered the direction of a certain fairy tale, activating a temporary quest!]

[Temporary Quest: Holy Artifact in the Fairy Tale]

[Quest Description: Collect the Deathly Hallows and challenge the Death Avatar!]

[Quest Requirements: Collect the Deathly Hallows (2/3), Kill the Death Avatar (0/1)]

[Quest Reward: Necromancer skill - Death Incarnation.]

[Note 1: Depending on the collected Deathly Hallows, the summoned Death Avatar can be real or fake, with varying strengths. But regardless, killing it counts as success.]

[Note 2: After completing the quest, the summoned Death Avatar by the Necromancer will have similar power to the summoned one, with strength equal to Necromancer level +8.]

After glancing at the temporary quest conditions, Gu Xi raised his hand and tossed the elderberry branch to Shaya.

Shaya took the elderberry branch, twirled it in her hand, then swung it twice, making a hammering motion, finally telling Gu Xi.

"Sir, this thing feels a bit light, good for a surprise attack."

Before Gu Xi could respond, the human said, "Customer, it's okay if it's light, just cover it with silver at the forge over there, and it'll be much better."

"Shaya, keep it."

Gu Xi stopped Shaya from putting the elderberry branch down and turned to ask the vendor.

"How much for this branch?"

"Customer, I carefully selected each branch from many trees."

"Name your price." Gu Xi interrupted the boasting, knowing if he let the vendor continue, he wouldn't be able to afford it.

"Ten pounds." The vendor cautiously quoted a price.

Just as the vendor was expecting a counteroffer, Gu Xi tossed ten pounds of cash.

"Sir, I usually use daggers; this thing isn't much use to me. Also, it's too expensive. One or two pounds would be enough."

"Keep it for now. Once we have suitable materials, I'll find a way to process it for you. It will be useful in the future."

Although Shaya didn't understand why Gu Xi specifically bought this elderberry branch, since Gu Xi said so, she kept it.

Meanwhile, Gu Xi was considering where to find the last Deathly Hallow. He couldn't just keep running around Victoria City.

After thinking it over, Gu Xi turned to Shaya.

"Shaya, do you know where to find books on the extraordinary or professions?"

"Sir, there's a library in Victoria City, and several famous academies also have libraries. If you have connections, you can find these books. Sir, what kind of books are you looking for?"

After hesitating for a moment, Gu Xi finally said, "Fairy tales!"