Sonia killed Shina

*Dark at Night*

Sonia walked out of the school, intending to visit her company. On her way, she suddenly spotted a man and a woman who seemed to be quarreling. At first, she wasn't very interested in them, but then she heard a name that stopped her in her tracks. Her expression turned cold immediately as she stared dangerously at both of them.

The man and the woman didn't notice Sonia's presence as the woman continued questioning the man.

"What do you mean she left Devin's house? Do you even know how to do your job? She is merely a girl with no background, you know!" the female voice sounded in anger.

"It's not that we don't know how to do our job. Perhaps that Emmy you told us was already informed of our intention, as we couldn't find any trace of her," the male voice responded.

"Shut up! Shut up! Just shut up! Are you telling me I was the one that inform her myself? I want her dead! How will I plan against her and go ahead and reveal my plans to her? Just tell me if you are incapable, and I will find someone else!" the female voice was filled with fury.

"I'm afraid there's no chance of finding another person to assassinate her," Sonia's chilling voice echoed throughout the dark night, interrupting the man and woman conversation.

"Who is there?" the lady shouted in alarm, looking all around.

The man drew out his gun, ready to fire at any moment.

The woman who was questioning the man was, of course, Shina, Devin's arranged fiancée. She had planned to murder Emmy, who didn't even have any thoughts about her, just to have Devin for herself.

Sonia's chuckle could be heard from a distance, making Shina shiver. "Who... who are you?" Shina stammered, her shivering voice betraying her act of bravery.

Sonia appeared out of thin air behind Shina and tapped her shoulder lightly.

"Ah!" Shina shouted and jumped back.

The man saw Sonia and fired immediately, but surprisingly, the gun didn't discharge a bullet. He tried again but failed. He was left speechless, shocked.

"Fall under the charm of the Fox Queen and do as she wills," Sonia murmured slowly, rays of golden light surrounding the man. He now smiled foolishly, like a fool.

Shina was terrified; her legs lost strength, and she fell heavily to the ground. "Who... who... are you?" she stammered, feeling the weight of death pressing down on her as tears began to escape her eyes.

Sonia looked deep into Shina's eyes, her golden irises reflecting a cold fury that made Shina tremble even more.

A low, icy smile crept onto Sonia's face as she locked her gaze on Shina. "You were the one who wanted to kill my mother?" Her voice was deadly cold.

"N-no... you've mistaken me for someone else. I'm not the one," Shina rushed to say, disbelief palpable in her voice as she realized who Sonia was—Emmy's daughter. "She can't be her daughter" she thought to herself, refusing to believe but looking at Sonia face which look exactly like Emmy, she couldn't even convince herself.

"Oh, did I make a mistake?" Sonia smiled coldly, revealing her sharp, elongated fangs.

Shina's horror was evident, her entire body turning as cold as ice. Looking at Sonia's gleaming fangs, she instinctively shifted back, trying to put as much distance between them as her trembling body could manage. "Please... please... I'm not the one!" She shook her head fervently.

"Forget whether you are the one or not." Sonia advanced toward Shina, grabbing her by the neck and lifting her off the ground. "You die tonight," she proclaimed with a chilling smile. Her nine ethereal tails fanned out behind her, her hair billowing in the wind as her fangs and nails sharpened to lethal points, already drawing blood from Shina's throat.

"Am... am I... sorry... I didn't plan against your mother! Every... everything was an act" Shina choked out, desperation evident in her voice.

Sonia had no intention of listening. Instead, she threw Shina aside, letting her slam against a thick tree, the sound of cracking bones echoing in the night. Blood trickled from the corner of Shina's mouth as she gave Sonia a pleading gaze, a mix of fear and regret.

Sonia, feeling the rush of power coursing through her, transformed fully before pouncing on Shina, her sharp nails sinking into Shina's throat with deadly precision.

Shina's eyes widened in terror as life faded from them, ultimately dying with a look of sheer horror.

Pulling herself away from Shina's lifeless body, and transformed back into her human form, She looked down at her blood-stained hands. A brief moment of temptation washed over her as she thought about licking the blood off, but then she remembered Emmy's words from their time in the cave together: "You are all human now. Behave like one; you can only eat what humans eat and drink what humans drink."

She sighed and shook her head. She looked at the dummy man and smirked coldly. She walked closer to him, wiped his memories away first, and dragged him over to the dead Shina. To make things more realistic, Sonia tore Shina's clothes and dripped her blood on the man's hand. Then, she put his hand around her neck. She found a sharp nail and stabbed the man in the stomach. The nail struck in, and Sonia placed the dead Shina's hand around the nail. Laying the man over Shina, she tore the man's clothes as well. The scene looked like they both planned to kill themselves during lovemaking.

Until everything happened, the man wasn't aware—or let's say, he was already dead.

Sonia adjusted them in a safe place that both attracted and didn't attract people. She looked at the scene and smirked coldly. She disappeared into the silent night, leaving no evidence related to her behind. Even if no one noticed them in time, she would ensure that they did.


The next day.

As expected, what Sonia did yesterday was the top search, and the headline for the news was: "The Eldest Rich Daughter of the Demson Family and Her Gang Lover Exposed: They Killed Each Other While Making Love."

The post attracted a lot of attention, and it was visible worldwide.