Event Results and Rewards


Our results are in, and we made it quite high up!


Third Server Ranking:

1st Place: Team 3 (That's us!)

2nd Place: Team 1

3rd Place: Team 45


We ranked first within our server. It's nice to see our hard work pay off. Next, we compete against teams from other servers.


Overall Server Ranking:

1st Place: Team 6 from First Server - Number of Bosses Defeated: 8

2nd Place: Team 1 from Fourth Server - Number of Bosses Defeated: 7

3rd Place: Team 52 from Sixth Server - Number of Bosses Defeated: 7

4th Place: Team 3 from Third Server (That's us) - Number of Bosses Defeated: 6

5th Place: Team 28 from First Server - Number of Bosses Defeated: 6


We did well overall, ranking fourth. I'm astonished that the first-place team defeated eight bosses. Even the seventh boss seemed daunting, but they managed to defeat higher-level raid bosses.