
"My life, huh? It was a bit normal, but not really that much. I had to survive, but I didn't care much. But who knew this is how I would end?" I muttered to myself as I lay there, feeling the life draining out of me.

"Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip," the sound of blood dripping punctuated the silence of the room.

"Yes, I died. Stabbed, I think 14 times. So yeah, killed by the girl I loved. Yeah, she was a psychopath," I continued, the bitterness evident in my voice. "As I died, I didn't know what would happen next. The last thing I expected was to see a fucking dragon."

"What the... what?" I exclaimed, staring incredulously at the massive creature that appeared before me.

"I see," the dragon spoke, its voice deep and resonant. "Welcome to the land of rebirth. Any questions?"

I blinked, trying to process the situation. "Uh, yeah, just a few," I stammered, my mind racing with disbelief and confusion. "First of all, why am I here? And... am I dead?"

The dragon regarded me with an almost amused expression. "You are here because your fate has brought you to this realm. As for whether you are dead... well, let's just say you are no longer where you were before."

I frowned, trying to make sense of the dragon's cryptic words. "So, I'm... reborn?" I ventured cautiously.

"In a manner of speaking, yes," the dragon confirmed. "You have been given a second chance, a new beginning. However, this world is not without its challenges."

I glanced around, taking in my surroundings. The environment seemed surreal, a blend of ancient ruins and ethereal mist. "What do you mean, challenges?" I asked warily, a sense of foreboding creeping over me.

The dragon's eyes gleamed knowingly. "You possess great potential, but also great danger. Your path from here will be shaped by your choices and the powers you wield."

I clenched my fists, feeling a surge of determination amidst the uncertainty. "Powers? What powers?" I demanded, my curiosity now piqued despite my unease.

The dragon nodded, as if expecting the question. "You will discover them in due time. But beware, not all who wield such gifts choose wisely. The consequences can be... severe."

I nodded slowly, absorbing the dragon's words. "So, what now?" I asked, feeling a mixture of apprehension and curiosity about the world that lay before me.

"Now," the dragon said solemnly, "you must decide your path. Embrace this new life, for it is yours to shape."

With those words echoing in my mind, I took a deep breath and faced the uncertain future that awaited me in this strange and mysterious realm of rebirth.

"But before we get started with anything," the dragon said, fixing its gaze on me, "we need to do something." It gestured towards a large wheel adorned with countless names and symbols. With a sigh, I approached, my mind racing with disbelief.

"As if I haven't read enough reborn fanfics," I muttered under my breath, reaching out to spin the wheel. It whirred loudly, names blurring past until it finally slowed and stopped.

"SCP," I read aloud, my heart sinking. "Oh, fuck no," I exclaimed, turning to the dragon. "This has to be a joke!"

The dragon shrugged sympathetically. "Oof, that is terrible luck," it acknowledged. "Well, let's take a look at your character rebirth."

Another wheel appeared before me, and with a mixture of hope and dread, I gave it a spin. I silently wished for a powerful entity like the Scarlet King or SCP-682.

"Able," I read in disbelief as the wheel stopped, my frustration growing. "Okay, you're really messing with me," I accused the dragon, staring incredulously. "This has to be a joke!"

The dragon sighed, its expression conveying pity. "You really do have bad luck," it remarked. "How about I offer you two wishes instead?"

"Two wishes, huh?" I pondered for a moment, weighing my options carefully. "First, I wish for immortality in its highest form. No one, not even beings like the Scarlet King, can kill me," I declared firmly. "Secondly, I wish for the ability to project from the Nasuverse, but with a modification: I can copy any and all powers and weapons instantly, along with the knowledge to use them, without any drawbacks."

The dragon nodded thoughtfully. "Very well," it agreed, its eyes gleaming with approval. "Your wishes are granted."

Instantly, I felt a surge of power coursing through me, a newfound confidence in my abilities. Despite the bizarre circumstances of my rebirth as an SCP and as Able no less, I was determined to make the most of this second chance.

"Now what?" I asked the dragon, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in this unpredictable world of rebirth and anomalies.

"Now," the dragon replied with a hint of amusement, "you begin your journey. Embrace your new identity and explore the possibilities that await you. Remember, the choices you make will shape your destiny."

With those words of wisdom echoing in my mind, I took a deep breath and stepped forward, ready to forge my path in this strange and dangerous realm where nothing was as it seemed.

As my soul was engulfed in light, chaos reigned in the SCP Foundation. Another containment breach had unleashed havoc across the facility, and amidst the turmoil stood SCP-076, Able. His dark skin adorned with red markings, he wielded a sword with deadly precision, cutting through scientists and security personnel in his path. His singular focus was on finding one person: his brother, Cain.

In the midst of his search, a sudden flash of light struck Able. He staggered, clutching his body in pain. "What the hell... what... are... you?" he managed to gasp out before collapsing to the ground.

As I screamed and blacked out in my own reality, my soul and Able's essence fused together. When I regained consciousness, I found myself in the driver's seat of Able's powerful body, while Able himself seemed relegated to a passive presence in the back seat.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts, feeling the weight of Able's memories and experiences merging with my own. The power coursing through me was undeniable, a blend of Able's anomalous abilities and the wishes I had been granted.

"Okay," I muttered to myself, steadying my breath as I surveyed the chaos around me. The SCP Foundation personnel were regrouping, containment protocols kicking into high gear as they attempted to quell the breach.

With Able's instincts guiding me, I swiftly assessed the situation. "Cain," I murmured, recalling Able's determination to find his brother. It seemed that whatever had caused the fusion between us had also granted me insight into Able's mission.

Ignoring the commotion around me, I focused on tracking down Cain. I navigated through the labyrinthine corridors of the facility, using Able's heightened senses to detect any trace of his brother's presence.

As I moved with purpose, utilizing Able's combat prowess to fend off any obstacles in my path, I felt a strange duality within me. Able's presence in the back of my mind was a constant reminder of the responsibilities and dangers that came with his identity.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of pursuit, I spotted a figure ahead. "Cain," I called out, my voice echoing through the corridor. The figure turned, revealing a man with a haunting resemblance to Able, yet with an aura of darkness that set him apart.

"Cain," I repeated, my heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and determination. "It's time we settle this."

As Cain's gaze locked onto mine, I braced myself for the inevitable confrontation between two brothers, bound by fate and anomalous powers in a world where reality itself was mutable and unpredictable.

As I faced Cain, the air crackled with tension. His eyes bore into mine, a mixture of recognition and defiance. "Able," he acknowledged coldly, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"Cain," I replied evenly, my grip tightening on the sword at my side. "It's time we end this."

Without hesitation, Cain lunged at me, his movements fluid and precise. I parried his attacks with Able's skill, each clash of our blades sending sparks flying in the dimly lit corridor. Despite our shared abilities, Cain fought with a ruthless determination that made it clear he harbored no intention of holding back.

As our battle intensified, memories and emotions surged through me—Able's memories of their shared past, the bond that had been shattered by betrayal and tragedy. Yet amidst the conflict, a plan formed in my mind, a risky gambit that would require sacrifice.

With a calculated move, I feigned a stumble, allowing Cain to land a devastating blow. Pain shot through me as the sword pierced Able's chest, but I gritted my teeth and maintained my focus. This was the moment I had been preparing for.

"Finish it, Cain," I gasped through gritted teeth, staring defiantly into his eyes. "End it now."

Cain hesitated, his expression betraying a flicker of doubt. "Why?" he demanded, his voice wavering slightly. "Why do you want this?"

I chuckled bitterly, blood trickling from the corner of my mouth. "Because it's the only way," I replied hoarsely. "Trust me."

With a final, resigned nod, Cain withdrew the sword. As darkness closed in around me, I felt Able's presence fade into the background. The plan was in motion.

As I regained consciousness, I found myself inside a containment chamber, the sterile surroundings and dim lighting instantly recognizable as belonging to the SCP Foundation. I lay there, processing the events that had led me to this point—the plan, the sacrifice, and the hope for a new beginning.

I knew it had worked. The death of SCP-076 (Able), orchestrated as part of my plan, had triggered a transformation. Able was now undergoing a profound personality change, a consequence of the repeated deaths and rebirths I had strategically orchestrated.

But as I lay there contemplating my next move, I heard a voice—a presence in my mind that sent a chill down my spine.

"Who are you?"

I turned, startled, to see Able standing there before me. Not in a physical form, but a presence in my thoughts, his voice resonating in my mind.

"Able?" I whispered uncertainly, unsure of what to expect.

His presence felt different now—less hostile, more introspective. It was as if the cycle of deaths and rebirths had unlocked a deeper understanding within him, a glimpse of humanity buried beneath layers of rage and resentment.

"I... I'm the one who orchestrated your death," I admitted reluctantly, my voice echoing in the containment chamber. "To change you, to set us both free."

There was a moment of silence, the weight of our shared history hanging between us. Then, slowly, Able's presence seemed to soften, a hint of curiosity mingling with his newfound introspection.

"Free?" he echoed, the word carrying a mix of disbelief and cautious hope.

"Yes," I affirmed, gathering my thoughts. "I believe we can coexist now, in a way that benefits both of us. We share this body, this existence. Together, we can navigate the challenges of this world."

Able's presence flickered, as if considering my words. "Coexist," he repeated, testing the concept.

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief and determination. "Yes," I said firmly. "Together."

As I closed my eyes, I felt Able's presence settle beside mine—a partnership forged from sacrifice and resilience, bound by the shared desire for freedom and understanding.

And as we stood there, united in purpose, I knew that our journey within the SCP Foundation had only just begun. Together, we would confront the mysteries and dangers that awaited us, embracing the complexities of our shared existence with newfound resolve.

"Together," Able echoed, his voice resonating within my mind. The tension that had once defined our relationship seemed to ease, replaced by a tentative acceptance.

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of our newfound understanding. "Yes, together," I affirmed, my thoughts clear and resolute. "We can make this work. We can find a way to coexist, to use our combined strengths."

Able remained silent for a moment, as if processing the implications of our shared existence. "Strengths," he mused finally, his tone thoughtful yet cautious. "What do you seek to gain from this... partnership?"

I considered his question carefully, knowing that honesty was crucial in building trust between us. "Freedom," I answered truthfully. "Freedom from the constraints of our past, from the fate that once bound us. And... understanding. I want to understand you, Able. To understand the depths of your abilities and the person you were before..."

Before the anger consumed you, I finished silently, remembering the tales of SCP-076's violent outbursts and relentless pursuits.

Able seemed to ponder my words, his presence within my mind a swirling mix of emotions. "Understanding," he repeated, almost to himself. "I have known only battle and containment. If this... partnership can offer a path beyond that, perhaps it is worth exploring."

Encouraged by his openness, I pressed forward. "We can learn from each other," I suggested. "I can share my knowledge of the SCP Foundation, the anomalies, the intricacies of this world. And you... you can teach me about your experiences, your perspective on existence."

Able's response was measured, but I sensed a growing curiosity. "An exchange of knowledge," he acknowledged slowly. "Very well. Let us see where this path leads."

As we stood there, united by our shared goals and tentative trust, I knew that our journey within the SCP Foundation would be filled with challenges and uncertainties. But for the first time, I felt a glimmer of hope—a belief that together, we could forge a future that defied the constraints of our past.

And with Able's presence beside mine, I faced the unknown with renewed determination and a burgeoning sense of camaraderie.

To be continued

Hope people like these Ch and give me power stones so yeah, also rip my finger from all my fanfic that I am writing