
In a different place with the 0 5 council in a long time all 13 member were together, not because of the fail mission but about Able.

The atmosphere in the O5 Council chamber was tense and solemn, the air thick with a mixture of concern and apprehension. All thirteen members were gathered around the large circular table, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation.

O5-1, the highest-ranking member, cleared their throat, breaking the uneasy silence that had settled over the room. "Gentlemen and ladies, we are here today to discuss the matter concerning SCP-076-2, also known as 'Able'," they began, their voice carrying authority and command. "Recent events have raised significant concerns regarding his behavior and capabilities."

O5-4, a stern-faced individual with a reputation for meticulousness, spoke up next. "Able's involvement in the recent mission and subsequent encounters with SCP-682 have demonstrated unprecedented abilities and unpredictability," they stated, their gaze sweeping across the room. "We need to assess the extent of his current capabilities and the potential risks he poses to Foundation operations."

O5-9, known for their cautious approach to anomalies, nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed. His time with SCP-105 and his apparent control over anomalous abilities raise questions about his true intentions and loyalty," they remarked, their voice tinged with skepticism. "We cannot afford to overlook any potential threats, especially given his history and the nature of SCP-076."

O5-2, usually reserved but decisive in critical matters, interjected. "Has there been any indication of instability or aggression?" they inquired, directing their question to the council at large. "We need a comprehensive assessment of his mental state and any potential factors influencing his behavior."

O5-7, a seasoned strategist, raised a hand to speak. "Furthermore, his interactions with other SCPs, particularly SCP-682 and SCP-105, warrant close monitoring," they suggested, their expression grave. "We must ensure that Able's actions do not inadvertently escalate into a larger containment breach or compromise our operations."

The council deliberated further, exchanging perspectives and insights into Able's recent activities and the implications for Foundation security. As the discussion progressed, it became evident that there were differing opinions on how to proceed with containing the potential risks posed by SCP-076-2.

O5-1 eventually brought the debate to a close, their tone resolute. "For now, we will continue monitoring Able's activities closely," they announced, their voice carrying finality. "We will convene again once we have gathered more information and formulated a comprehensive strategy moving forward."

05-13 the silent one finally spoke as they looked at everyone. So what are we planning to do, he said looking at all his council members. He went from a Beserker who is mad man to something else, so I have questions can he lead a MFT

O5-13's question hung heavy in the air, prompting a contemplative silence among the council members. Each one considered the implications of SCP-076-2's transformation and the potential ramifications for Foundation operations.

O5-1, the council's leader, took a moment to gather their thoughts before responding. "SCP-076-2's evolution from a berserker to a more complex entity raises significant challenges," they began, their tone measured. "While his combat prowess and strategic acumen have undoubtedly expanded, we must carefully evaluate his reliability and loyalty."

O5-4, known for their pragmatic approach, added, "Leadership of an MTF requires not only tactical skill but also discipline and adherence to protocol. SCP-076-2's history of independent action and occasional disregard for authority could pose challenges in a command role."

O5-9, the cautious member, raised a pertinent concern. "We must also consider the psychological and emotional stability of SCP-076-2," they remarked. "His interaction with SCP-105 and recent interactions with SCP-682 suggest a complex mental state that may affect his decision-making under pressure."

O5-2, who often analyzed risks and benefits meticulously, spoke next. "However, SCP-076-2's unique abilities and understanding of anomalies could be invaluable in containing and neutralizing threats," they pointed out. "Perhaps a specialized role, such as advisor or consultant to MTFs, would harness his strengths while mitigating risks."

O5-7, the strategist, offered a perspective on operational logistics. "Assigning SCP-076-2 to a specific MTF would require careful consideration of team dynamics and mission profiles," they suggested. "His presence could either bolster effectiveness or introduce unforeseen complications."

O5-13 listened intently to their colleagues' perspectives, absorbing the range of viewpoints on SCP-076-2's potential role within the Foundation. After a moment of reflection, they spoke again. "Given SCP-076-2's history and recent developments, I propose a phased approach," they suggested. "We continue monitoring his behavior and capabilities while exploring limited engagements with MTFs under controlled conditions."

O5-1 nodded thoughtfully. "Agreed," they said, their voice carrying authority. "Our priority remains the containment and utilization of anomalies for the greater good of humanity. SCP-076-2 will be no exception, but we proceed cautiously."

05-2 then speaked as he was like a vice leader. If we do give him MTF I have already been thinking of one, you know the Pandora Box project

O5-2, assuming the role of the vice leader within the council, continued to address the assembled members with a serious demeanor. "Indeed, the Pandora Box project aligns with SCP-076-2's capabilities and the Foundation's strategic goals," they began, their tone reflective of their meticulous approach to risk assessment and operational planning.

"As we are all aware," O5-2 continued, "the Pandora Box initiative aims to assemble an elite Mobile Task Force capable of confronting the most challenging anomalies and containment breaches. SCP-076-2's combat proficiency, adaptability, and unique abilities could prove pivotal in this endeavor."

O5-4, known for their pragmatic insights, interjected, "While SCP-076-2's inclusion in MTF Omega-7, or Pandora Box, could enhance our response capabilities, we must establish clear protocols and safeguards. His temperament and history necessitate stringent oversight and contingency planning."

O5-13, the silent observer who had spoken earlier, nodded in agreement. "SCP-076-2's participation in Pandora Box warrants a phased approach," they suggested. "Initial trials under controlled conditions will allow us to assess compatibility with team dynamics and operational readiness."

O5-1, acknowledging the deliberations, emphasized the strategic imperative. "The Pandora Box initiative represents a pivotal advancement in our containment and response capabilities," they remarked. "SCP-076-2's potential leadership in this initiative underscores our commitment to adaptability and innovation in anomaly containment."

With a consensus forming among the council members, O5-2 concluded, "I propose that we proceed with preliminary assessments and simulations to evaluate SCP-076-2's integration into MTF Omega-7. This will include psychological evaluations, simulated missions, and collaborative exercises to gauge operational synergy."

O5-1, affirming the decision, addressed the council. "Let us convene a special session to finalize the protocols and commence preparations," they declared, their authoritative voice signaling the next phase of planning for SCP-076-2's involvement in the Pandora Box initiative.

As the O5 Council continued their deliberations, the Foundation's leadership prepared to embark on a new chapter, navigating the complexities of integrating SCP-076-2 into MTF Omega-7 while safeguarding against potential risks and maximizing operational effectiveness in anomaly containment.

As I was training in the training rooms, as Iris was looking at me and talking photo, she was put to my security.

As Iris focused on her photography, capturing Able's training regimen in the SCP Foundation's secure environment, Able's thoughts turned inward, addressing the Me who possessed extensive knowledge of SCP lore and operations.

"So tell me something," Able began in the I'm my mind. "You mentioned they would initiate something called the Pandora Box project in the future, led by me. But it was eventually shut down and replaced by another MTF, Last Hope. Why did that happen?"

I paused in my activities, considering how much they could reveal while maintaining the Foundation's security protocols. "The Pandora Box project was intended to utilize powerful anomalies like you, You, to confront major threats," they explained quietly. "However, due to operational difficulties and unforeseen consequences, it was disbanded."

They glanced around discreetly, ensuring their conversation remained private. "Last Hope emerged as a successor," I continued, "focusing on specialized skills and strategic deployments tailored to specific anomaly classes. It represents a more refined approach to containment and threat mitigation."

Able nodded internally, absorbing the information. "So they adapted," he mused. "They recognized the need for structured operations and team dynamics."

T nodded in agreement. "Exactly," they affirmed. "Your involvement in any task force is crucial, but the Foundation is cautious about balancing capability with oversight."

Able listened intently as the MC expressed their thoughts. "But basically," they continued in his mind, "you messed up. The Pandora Box project had its final mission, and it couldn't be stopped. They learned from it and created Last Hope as a result. They still incorporated SCPs into the new initiative."

Able acknowledged the gravity of the situation, understanding the consequences of past failures shaping the Foundation's future strategies. "So," he reflected, "they've adapted, incorporating the strengths of SCPs while mitigating the risks."

As I nodded mentally. "Exactly," they confirmed. "It's about learning from mistakes and finding a balance between utilizing SCP abilities and maintaining containment."

As they carried on with their respective tasks, both Able and I contemplated the ongoing evolution of SCP Foundation protocols and the challenges ahead in managing anomalies effectively within a structured framework.

As I stopped my training and looked at Iris, she got up and followed me.

"Seriously," I said, turning to her. "Why was I given the task to take care of you?"

"I don't know, Able," she replied, meeting my gaze. "They must have had their reasons."

I considered her response, knowing that the SCP Foundation's decisions were often shrouded in layers of secrecy and strategy. "Fair enough," I muttered, continuing down the corridor with Iris by my side.

Iris and I walked through the corridors of the SCP Foundation facility, passing by various personnel engrossed in their duties. Her presence beside me was a constant reminder of the complexities and mysteries that surrounded SCP containment and research.

"Iris," I began, breaking the silence as we walked. "Do you ever wonder about the anomalies we contain? About their origins and what they might mean for the world?"

She glanced at me, her expression thoughtful. "All the time, Able," she admitted softly. "Some of them... they seem so far removed from what we know as reality. Yet, here we are, trying to understand and control them."

I nodded in agreement, my mind drifting to the countless SCPs I had encountered since my transformation. Each anomaly had its own story, its own peculiarities that defied conventional understanding.

"We're tasked with containing them," I mused aloud, more to myself than to Iris. "But sometimes, I wonder if we're doing the right thing. Is containment always the answer?"

Iris paused, considering my words carefully. "Containment is about protecting others," she said finally. "It's about preventing these anomalies from causing harm. But... I suppose there's always a question of whether we could do more."

As we continued our walk, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to our role than just containment. The Foundation's mission was to secure, contain, and protect, but what if there was a way to understand these anomalies better? To find solutions beyond mere containment?

"Hey," Iris spoke up, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Do you ever think about what happens if we fail? If an SCP breaches containment?"

The question hung in the air, heavy with implications. I knew the consequences well—the chaos, the potential danger to innocent lives. "Yeah," I replied quietly. "That's why we do what we do. To make sure that doesn't happen."

She nodded in understanding, and we continued our journey through the facility, each lost in our own thoughts about the strange and dangerous world we inhabited.

Iris followed quietly as I walked through the SCP Foundation's corridors, her presence a reminder of the responsibilities and secrets I carried. The weight of my unique knowledge pressed upon me—a burden and a privilege intertwined.

"Iris," I began, choosing my words carefully, "there are things I know, things that haven't happened yet, but could. Events that could test everything we've built here."

She looked at me with a mix of curiosity and concern, sensing the weight behind my words. "What do you mean?" she asked softly.

"I mean," I continued, pausing to gather my thoughts, "there are potential cataclysms, apocalyptic scenarios that I've seen in my... unique perspective. They haven't occurred, but knowing they could..." My voice trailed off, unsure how much to divulge.

She nodded slowly, her expression serious. "So you carry the weight of possible futures," Iris remarked, understanding dawning in her eyes. "How do you handle knowing all that?"

"It's a constant challenge," I admitted, glancing down the hallway where containment chambers held anomalies that could alter reality. "Knowing what could be, and feeling responsible for preventing it."

Iris placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to carry that burden alone," she assured me. "We're a team here, and together, we can prepare for whatever challenges may come."

Her words were a reassurance, a reminder that despite the knowledge I bore, I wasn't alone in this endeavor. Together, we continued down the corridor, the weight of the SCP Foundation's mission palpable around us, but with a renewed sense of purpose and solidarity.

Wait a minute. Irish said looking at me. Do you have future visions as well, I thought you only had your portal and sword

Hearing that I just basically a new perfect lie to hide my Meda knowledge, as smart as I am I am really done sometime.

"Iris," I replied with a thoughtful expression, "it's not exactly visions of the future. More like... glimpses. Impressions of what might come to pass, based on patterns and probabilities."

She tilted her head, clearly intrigued. "That's incredible," she said softly. "So, you have a sense of what could happen?"

"In a way," I said cautiously. "It's not always clear-cut. Just snippets, like pieces of a puzzle that haven't fully formed yet."

She nodded, processing my explanation. "And you keep this to yourself?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Mostly," I admitted. "It's... complicated. Knowing too much can sometimes be as unsettling as not knowing enough."

"I understand," Iris said sympathetically. "But if there's ever something we need to prepare for..."

"You'll be the first to know," I assured her, grateful for her understanding.

As we continued down the corridor, I couldn't shake the feeling that Iris saw through my facade. Yet, her support offered a glimmer of reassurance amidst the uncertainties I carried. Together, we navigated the challenges of the SCP Foundation, each with our own burdens to bear and secrets to safeguard.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones for my story