**The Deadly Teams, Part Two**

In the grand arena with massive walls and columns, everyone was tense about what might happen in this battle. On one of the columns stood Alexander, his eyes gleaming with a bloodthirsty look, as if he was eagerly waiting for the bloodshed to begin. The large arena was divided into several areas with different terrains.

Then, the Sin of Lust stood and said in a loud voice, "The teams will be chosen randomly. The Demonic Boy and Damas the Invincible against Liana the Eternal and Mirar of the Moon. The Golden Boy and Fantine against Ryan of the Sun and Zeno. Ariwey and Origami Hiroshi against Usagi and Kaio."

The Demonic Boy said, "Isn't it bad to make the team fight against each other?"

Alexander's voice appeared in the Demonic Boy's mind, saying, "In the end, only the representatives of the sins will remain, so don't be surprised if you find betrayal."

Each team was transported to different areas. The Demonic Boy, Damas, Liana the Eternal, and Mirar of the Moon were moved to a bridge made of massive stones with strong winds. The Golden Boy, Fantine, and their enemies were in a forest filled with dense trees. Ariwey, Origami Hiroshi, Usagi, and Kaio were in a desert terrain.

Then, the Sin of Lust shouted, "Fight now!"

After the start, Damas hit the Demonic Boy and threw him far away, suggesting to the girls that they join forces. Everyone agreed and moved towards the Demonic Boy. However, a black aura surrounded the area, pushing them back. The Demonic Boy's features changed, becoming more serious, with increased arrogance and an evil look emanating from his red eye.

Before anyone noticed, the Demonic Boy disappeared and appeared behind Damas, arrogantly saying, "I knew you were just a cowardly scoundrel. Die now."

The Demonic Boy grabbed Damas's hand and broke it. He disappeared again and reappeared in front of him, punching him in the face. At that moment, Liana drew a sword out of nowhere, and Mirar opened a portal from which flames shot towards the Demonic Boy.

Arrogantly, the boy said, "Is this all you have? You will see the power of the mighty and what he can do."

Liana stabbed the Demonic Boy in the heart and quickly moved away. Then, the flames hit him. But from the rising smoke, the Demonic Boy stood unaffected, lifted his leg to its highest point, and tore his shirt. He moved swiftly, creating a lot of smoke, quickly hitting Liana in the stomach and kicking Mirar in the face. He then engaged in a fistfight with Damas, who stood there without blocking the punches.

The Demonic Boy stepped back, saying, "So, you're protecting yourself with an aura. Impressive, but can you protect yourself from magic? With one word, 'Aspectus,' I haven't forgotten my dagger." The Demonic Boy cut himself, transferring the pain and wound to Damas, who fell, drowning in his blood.

The Demonic Boy looked at the girls and said, "It's your turn now," looking at them with a mix of arrogance and despair.

At the same time, in the desert terrain, Usagi froze Ariwey and then delivered such a powerful blow that he shattered because he was frozen.

Usagi: "What should we do now?"

Kaio: "I suggest we move to another terrain and join the fights."

Origami Hiroshi: "Let's go."

Hiroshi, Usagi, and Kaio ran towards the nearest arena, which was the bridge where the Demonic Boy was fighting. But during their run, something was thrown at them, creating a crater in the ground and separating them.

With malicious laughter, Alexander emerged from the rising dust due to his powerful dash. Usagi signaled Hiroshi to continue. Hiroshi kept running while the others stood before Alexander.

On the kings' platform, the Sin of Lust said in confusion, "He resembles the Demonic Boy... no, they are of the same spirit. Could it be?"

Leviathan: "Yes, it is the forbidden technique, the Spirit Split."

Alexander stood before Usagi, laughing, "Kill me, both of you."

While the Golden Boy and Fantine fought Ryan of the Sun and Zeno, it seemed the fight was in favor of the Golden Boy. The ground shook, and malicious laughter filled the place, which was Alexander's laughter.

Alexander moved at an incredibly high speed, so fast that Usagi couldn't see him. Alexander struck Usagi with numerous, violent blows. Kaio used his hardening magic, but Alexander looked at him and dashed towards him. Usagi quickly stood up, using his ice magic to create swords. Usagi and Kaio hit Alexander with great force, but he dodged all the blows. Then, he jumped in the air, hitting Usagi with his hands and Kaio with his feet, saying joyfully, "Oh... oh... oh... let's start the party. Why don't you call for your mother?"

The violent blows continued rapidly. Then, he grabbed Usagi and threw him far away, giving Kaio a blow that knocked him to the ground.

Meanwhile, the fight turned against the Golden Boy. Zeno and Ryan disappeared into the forest, standing before each other. Zeno said:

"Don't think I'm on your side. I will kill you after finishing them, but for now, I will fight with you."

Ryan: "I expected you to say that, but don't expect to live afterwards."

Zeno: "Now listen, I will cast sound waves on them, which will hinder them. You go from the other side and hit them hard. Make it a decisive blow, understand?"

Ryan: "Of course, I understand."

Fantine stood side by side with the Golden Boy in the dark forest where shadows moved, creating terrifying faces and illusions. Both were alert, looking right and left, hearing sounds coming from all around them. Sounds of running on the grass surrounded them.

Then, a scream with specific vibrations took control of their minds. It was so intense that Fantine fell to the ground, bleeding from his ear as if his eardrum had burst. From behind, Zeno chanted a spell, causing flames to emerge from beneath their feet.

The Golden Boy couldn't bear it anymore. He said, "Fantine, when I give you the signal, move away from here. Understand?"

Fantine: "What are you going to do?"

Golden Boy: "Trust me."

The Golden Boy took a ring out of his pocket and put it on, saying, "No choice but to use this new power."

As soon as he wore the ring, a golden aura mixed with darkness burst from him, pushing Zeno away. He told Fantine, "Now!" Fantine jumped and ran at full speed, saying, "What is this ominous aura? Something is wrong."

The aura swallowed the Golden Boy, then exploded from him. With the rising smoke, the Golden Boy emerged, clad in gold and golden feathers, wearing a strange mask. He said arrogantly, "You will die now."

Before anyone could react, Zeno tried to approach the Golden Boy, but a giant gold pillar emerged from the ground, lifting the Golden Boy and Zeno high into the sky. The pillar stopped, and the Golden Boy, looking at the nervous Zeno, said, "Your end has come."

Zeno: "No, it hasn't. Blessing magic, disassembly... ah... ah..."

The Golden Boy appeared quickly before him and stabbed him in the heart, turning Zeno's body into gold upon touch.

At that moment, Ryan fled from the battlefield. The ground shook violently, and ice pillars emerged from the ground, with lightning strikes from the sky and malicious laughter. Yes, it was Alexander's fight with Kaio and Usagi. All three were using their powers intensely. Kaio used a technique that created intense light, temporarily blinding Alexander. Usagi unleashed his ice magic, freezing Alexander.

Deep in the forest, Hiroshi emerged and found himself at the bridge where everyone was defeated by the Demonic Boy. In a split second, he found himself standing before the Demonic Boy. Both stood facing each other, exchanging looks of arrogance, anger, and tension. The wind intensified in the area. The Demonic Boy teleported Liana the Eternal from the place to the forest, seemingly clearing the area for the legendary battle about to happen.

Then he said...