A New Leader


But there is one final test: surviving the Aura Amplification.

Hiroshi and the demon boy woke up and said in unison, "What happened? All I remember is that bastard's face." Then they noticed they were standing in a line, which meant the battle had ended. They put their hatred for each other aside until the test was over. One of the Crimson Order members stepped forward and said:

"I am the leader of the Crimson Order members, but forgive me, I cannot reveal my name. Just call me Mr. 1. The final test is that I will expand my aura, and you must find a way to escape it. Don't worry, the field's power is at ten percent, and you have five minutes to get out. After that, the field will operate at one hundred percent, and you will die in a way you do not want to know. Now, get ready."

The anxiety was evident on everyone's faces. No one knew what they might face, especially since the Crimson Order is known for their powerful auras. Then the leader said:

"Aura Amplification: Sacred Tree Maze."

A veil of darkness appeared in the sky, covering the entire area, turning everything black. The demon boy and everyone else stood anxiously in the darkness that enveloped the place. Then the darkness disappeared, and the sky turned blood-red, the ground made of blood, and everyone found themselves in a maze made of blood.

The leader's voice then said, "Begin now!"

Saji tried to freeze the walls, but the heat of the place melted his ice. The Golden Boy tried to use his power, but it didn't work. Then Liana the Eternal said, "Let's all regroup and find an exit." Alexander grabbed her hand and said, "I know this is inappropriate, but do you have a lover?"

The Golden Boy and the demon boy said in disappointment, "He's started."

In the maze of blood and darkness, everyone was running, searching for a way out before time ran out. But the demon boy stopped Hiroshi. Hiroshi prepared to fight, but the demon boy closed his eyes, blood dripping from them.

As he opened them slowly, he said, "Sorry, but I need you." Hiroshi looked into the demon boy's eyes and immediately stopped moving, blood flowing from his eyes as well. His body trembled as if he were witnessing hell.

Both fell to the ground. Hiroshi, filled with fear, anxiety, and astonishment, stammered, "What... what... what is this?"

The demon boy, breathing heavily, replied, "I showed you things that will happen in the future through my unique visual technique. What you saw is part of my memory."

Hiroshi asked, "Is that really what will happen? Are... are they manipulating us? All this for a damned game, and we are the pieces they move?"

"Yes, that's what we are to them. I don't know the details of what or how it will happen. All I see are blurry glimpses of the future. Don't worry, I have a plan, but I need strong people like you. We don't have time to talk; I have a plan to get us out of here. I'll send everyone a telepathic message."

Hiroshi used telepathy to call everyone to their location. Within seconds, everyone gathered, and the demon boy said, "We don't have much time; the place is starting to boil. Give me your auras so I can activate my field."

Liana asked, "Why should we trust you?" The Golden Boy replied, "Because he might be our only hope of getting out of here. Listen, everyone, I've dealt with him before, and he won't betray us, so let's support him."

Everyone looked at each other, then agreed, granting their auras to the demon boy, albeit with suspicious glances. A massive aura emerged from the demon boy, and he said confidently, "Aura Amplification: Effortless Cutting."

An aura enveloped everyone, protecting them from the amplification. Then a strange symbol appeared behind the demon boy, and the aura spread, forming air blades that cut everything in their path. Anything touched by the blades was shredded, even reaching the sky, breaking the leader's amplification field. Everything disappeared, and they returned to the arena.

The demon boy dropped to his knees, panting from exhaustion. The leader said, "Well done... well done. You survived my field thanks to teamwork. Excellent."

Everyone rejoiced, with the Golden Boy supporting the demon boy. Alexander grabbed them and said happily, "We did it, my friends."

The Sin of Pride stood up, with evil in his eyes, and said, "Now you are the Black Storm team. Your task is no different from the Crimson Order.

As you know, we expand our kingdom by subjugating other kingdoms and villages. Your job will be to go to the villages or kingdoms that refused our invitation and subjugate them by force. This is your duty, and with each successful mission, you will be rewarded and have your wishes fulfilled."

The demon boy, angry, said, "Do you mean we are just a team of killers or executioners, slaughtering everyone you choose, whether they are men, women, or children, and destroying kingdoms and villages until they surrender and accept the imposed reality?"

The Sin of Pride replied, "You have a keen intuition. Yes, this is your job. Do you have any objections? If so, I'd like to hear them."

The demon boy remained silent, not wanting to engage in a losing battle with the Sin of Pride, and also because of the murderous look in the Sin of Pride's eyes.

The Sin of Pride then said, "From now on, you are the Black Storm team, and your leader is Hiroshi due to his strength. The second in command, when Hiroshi is not present, is the demon boy. Now, head to your rooms in the Demonic Family's castle until you receive a mission."

The Sin of Pride concluded his speech, and the kings began to disappear one by one. Everyone went to the Demonic Family's castle.

On their way, the demon boy congratulated Hiroshi, and a conversation began between them. In the back, Alexander talked with Liana, while Saji and Kayo spoke with Fantine.

Hiroshi asked the demon boy, "What is your plan?"

The demon boy replied, "My plan is not complete yet, but for now, I want to find the demon girl."

"Is she your sister or your lover?"

"Neither. I don't know anything about her. All I know is that there is a big mystery, and she knows the answer."

"Don't worry. When you're ready, I'll be by your side. After what I saw, I'll follow you, but I hope you're not wrong."

Everyone arrived in the kingdom, filled with questions about what Hiroshi saw, what the demon boy is hiding, and the true nature of the Sins.