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**The Devil Boy**

**Ark Saga: The Naval Battle**

**Table of Contents:**

- The First Gathering........

- Plan and Mission.........

- The Traitor...........

- Sea Voyage...........

- The Naval Battle Part One........

- The Naval Battle Part Two........

- The Awakening of Both Devils........

- Protection and a Dangerous Secret.........


The devil boy emerged from the Court of Sins, still haunted by countless questions, though he had learned enough.

Instead of opening a portal and teleporting, the boy decided to fly.

As he soared, something shadowed him like a predatory hawk waiting for a lapse in its prey's vigilance. Absorbed in his thoughts and questions, the devil boy didn't notice the approaching threat.

Suddenly, a powerful punch struck his abdomen, making him spit blood. He was hurled high into the air and quickly steadied himself to identify his attacker, only to find Mephisto before him. But before the boy could react, Mephisto appeared beside him and said, "Last time, I let you do as you pleased. Now it's my turn. I wish you a happy death."

Mephisto grabbed the boy's head forcefully and began reciting incantations that drained the boy's strength. Then, he opened a portal and threw him in.

Upon entering the portal, the boy found himself in his home. But something felt off, as fog covered the ground. His anxiety grew when he heard a noise from the kitchen and felt a peculiar sensation of being watched.

Moving cautiously towards the kitchen, with each step, his fear intensified, nearly paralyzing him. He abruptly stopped when something swiftly moved behind him. He looked back but found only a wall where a room should have been. Astonished, he muttered, "What's happening? Why are my powers not working?"

He entered the kitchen quietly but found everything in place. Suddenly, the bathroom door swung open, emitting the sounds of tortured screams mixed with sinister laughter, amplifying his terror.

As he tried to run out of the kitchen, he fell, his leg grabbed by black hands. They slowly dragged him towards the bathroom. Despite his struggle, the stronger the boy resisted, the stronger the hands became, pulling him completely inside and slamming the door shut.

Inside, he hovered above a liquid surface, unable to open his eyes. His ordeal continued until he decided to open his eyes, finding himself hanging upside down, bound by his feet in a room with blood-painted incantations on the walls and a corpse suspended before him.

Breathing heavily, his heart pounded in fear. Footsteps echoed outside the room, growing nearer, as blood oozed from the walls like the room itself was bleeding. The boy's hair stood on end, and as the footsteps approached, he struggled desperately against his restraints. The door opened, breaking his chains, causing him to fall into a seemingly endless pit.

Standing at the pit's edge was a monstrous, hairy figure with eyes full of malice. As the boy fell, the pit's heat increased, accompanied by a blinding red light and agonized screams, making him feel like he was plunging into hell.

Eventually, he landed on a bed in a dimly lit red room. Rising slowly, he turned to see his reflection in a mirror. It was a sinister version of himself, smirking and saying mockingly, "What's wrong? Did you see a ghost or a demon?"

Approaching the mirror, terrified, he stood before his reflection, which spoke to him, "I've grown tired of always being behind you, watching. Why don't we switch places for a while?"

In a blink, the boy found himself inside the mirror, with his reflection on the other side staring at him. The mirror world was cold and dark, everything inverted and distorted.

In a panic, he shouted, "Let me out! Who are you? Don't trap me here! I don't want this! Let me out!"

His reflection laughed and replied, "Well... well, I didn't know the devil boy could be so scared. Tell me, do you fear solitude or death? It doesn't matter; I'll find out soon."

In another instant, the boy was out of the mirror, only to see his reflection scream a shattering cry, breaking the mirror into tiny pieces.

Before he could catch his breath, three demonic creatures with sharp horns and scepters descended from the pit, multiple eyes opening from the walls to watch him. The creatures attacked him.

Regaining his composure, the boy fought back, avoiding their strikes as best as he could. Despite his efforts, he was injured, his leg and arm slashed, and a spear pierced his shoulder. Spotting a small door in the corner, he crawled towards it, desperately dodging the attacks.

Reaching the door, he found it only large enough for a crawling person. He moved quickly, narrowly avoiding the creatures' strikes. However, a large, hairy hand grabbed him through the door, trying to pull him back. The boy kicked the hand with his free leg, eventually forcing it to release him, and slammed the door shut.

Relieved, he thought the ordeal was over, but his fear and anxiety surged as he found himself in a coffin buried underground. Panic-stricken, he tried contacting the sins and Alexander for help but to no avail.

After five agonizing minutes, which felt like an eternity, the boy calmed down, overwhelmed by despair. Suddenly, the soil above the coffin began to move as if someone was digging it up.

Hoping for rescue, he yelled for help, but fell silent when he saw a black eye staring at him. The coffin was lifted onto a vehicle; he recognized the engine sound. As the vehicle moved, sunlight seeped through the coffin's cracks until it stopped, and the coffin was placed upright in a brightly lit yellow room.

A voice taunted, "What's the matter? Is the devil boy afraid of death?"

The voice continued, "Welcome to your first gathering, where you die and live again. Here, there's no god to save you; you survive on your strength and determination alone."

With a loud command and a shake of the coffin, the voice announced, "Cursed Technique: Eternal Chains of Sealing."

The coffin shattered, chains burst from the ground, piercing the boy's body, binding his hands, feet, back, and wrapping around his neck three times.

Before him stood Mephisto, with his mocking grin. The boy roared, "Mephistoooo! I should have known it was you!"

Mephisto smirked, "How was it? Enjoying the show? Welcome to your palace, your world. Guess which palace we're in."

Before the boy could respond, Mephisto's eyes turned black, his head twitching as he chanted, "Ogia Shrike ai ve forma... Ogia Shrike... Ogia Shrike in formia mi orka ve di vanka... Ogia Shrike in ronka..."

He repeated the incantations, each time causing the boy immense pain, wounds opening on his body, blood pouring from his mouth, nose, ears, and injuries, with strange symbols appearing on his skin, glowing red and moving.

The boy's eyes turned white, he screamed in rage, and a black horn with incantations emerged from his forehead.

Ceasing his screams, the boy stood calmly, his skin and hair turned black and red, respectively. A powerful black aura emanated from him, shaking the place, pushing Mephisto back in alarm. The boy smirked, "What's wrong? Is Emperor Mephisto worried about my dark aura and cursed power?"

"I didn't expect such a dirty trick from you, but I must commend you for standing before me now. And what's Lucifer doing here? Did you bring him too?"

Mephisto replied, "He's here to see who wins the game."

The boy snarled, "What game? I know what you did to the sins."

Mephisto explained, "After the Kingdom of Sloth disappeared, I faced King Mammon, resulting in a wager. The winner takes everything. I bet that a boy bearing the devil's name would come and kill the sins as before, while the king bet on stopping me at any cost. Over a thousand years, Mammon slaughtered all bearing the names of the devil boy and girl. In the end, he cared for the one who would cause their downfall."

The boy, enraged, demanded, "Release the chains! Are you afraid of me?"

He threatened, "I'll kill you and torture you. To look at me is to look at death. No, no, no, you're not the strongest. But my power is sealed. You're lucky. But once I control the boy and unite with him, you'll be the first..."

Countless mouths opened on every wall, chanting in unison, "You will die, you will die, when I get my power, you will die, you will die, you will die, when I am free, you will die."

The chains broke, but the boy's body froze as Lucifer spoke telepathically, placing a seal on him and reciting an incantation.

Mephisto, curious, said, "I look forward to seeing how you'll kill me. Now go."

Everything shattered like glass, and the boy found himself before the kingdom, declaring, "The ordeal is over, let's go out," but nothing happened. Smirking wickedly, he said...