Covenant traitor.

As the first light of the red sun appeared, the Black Storm walked beside the horse-drawn carriage with the merchant sitting inside, guarding it.

Valentin and Kaio walked in front of the carriage, while Alexander and Leanna walked alongside, talking and laughing. At the rear were the Devil Boy, Gold, Saji, and Hiroshi.

The Devil Boy was deep in thought, planning to avoid any trouble, but Saji's voice interrupted him, "What are you thinking about, you sly one?"

The comment alarmed the Devil Boy, and he looked at Saji with worry in his eyes, "What do you mean by sly?"

Gold replied confidently, "We know your plan. You're going to search for the Devil Girl, aren't you?"

The Devil Boy was shocked and said with a shaky tone, "But how... how did you know?"

Saji answered, "Well, when Hiroshi left, Alex gathered us and explained everything. We didn't believe him at first, but when he showed us a bit of what he said, we believed him. I still can't believe we were being manipulated."

Gold added, "We know everything Alex told us. You don't need to tell us; you can trust us. Didn't I tell you we are friends?"

The Devil Boy smiled faintly, "Alright. There's a demon called Mephisto who awakened my power and gave me the power to transfer pain."

"But that's not all. I've always wondered why the Sins hate him, but I learned that he was responsible for killing the former Sloth Sin and for summoning the demon that devoured the kingdom."

Saji was puzzled, "Wait, there was a Sloth Sin before the current king, and Mephisto is the enemy of the Sins?"

Hiroshi, angry, looked at the Devil Boy and said, "You knew who caused the massacre of the clan and didn't tell us? Why?"

The Devil Boy, sweating, responded, "I was going to tell you. Also, I seek revenge against Mephisto. Moreover, I know where the demon that devoured the kingdom is now."

Hiroshi grabbed the Devil Boy by his shirt, "Where is that filthy demon? Tell me!"

The Devil Boy replied, "The demon is inside me. What will you do? Will you kill me?"

Hiroshi let go of his shirt and stepped back, "No... no, no, no, this can't be. Why... why did this happen?"

The Devil Boy said, "It's a cruel game between the Sins and Mephisto. The reason no one has carried my title for so long is that the Sins have been killing everyone who bears this name."

Saji, with confusion and many questions in his blue eyes, asked, "Why are we searching for the Devil Girl?"

The Devil Boy replied, "Because there's a secret and a dangerous mystery only she knows. The Sins and Mephisto are searching for her just as I am."

Meanwhile, Alex was conversing with Leanna. She teasingly said, "How far would you go to protect me, Mr. Alex? What are you hiding?"

Alex laughed, "My power is limitless, and I can protect you from anything, no matter how strong. And who said I'm hiding anything? I am a pure-hearted and completely innocent man."

Suddenly, the carriage stopped, and Valentin and Kaio prepared for battle as a masked man appeared. He wore a frightening mask, a black cloak, and had blood-red eyes with an intimidating aura.

The group at the back moved forward, but Hiroshi was deeply shocked. The masked man's eyes were Origami, and Hiroshi exclaimed in disbelief, "Impossible! I am the last user of Origami. How can there be survivors?"

Everyone prepared for battle while the merchant in the carriage trembled with fear. The Devil Boy, feeling immense anxiety from the masked man's aura, thought, "He can... no... yes, he can defeat us all with a single blow."

The masked man placed two fingers on his eyes, pointed at the Devil Boy, and his eyes turned completely white before he suddenly vanished.

After his departure, everyone stood in stunned silence, shocked by the terrifying power they had witnessed. The Devil Boy, using his arrogance to hide his fear, said, "Let's continue our journey, and don't worry, merchant."

They resumed their journey, filled with many questions about the terrifying figure. Along the way, they found corpses of demons or demonic creatures, all butchered or severed, with signs indicating someone had been eating them. It became clear that the masked man was responsible for this.

After an hour and a half of walking, they reached the kingdom and escorted the merchant to the grand buildings before leaving him. The group looked to the Devil Boy and asked, "What now, leader?"

The Devil Boy sent a message to King Mammon, saying, "We have completed the mission, and now I will take the team to the human world for a bit of exploration before returning." The king agreed.

Then he sent another telepathic message to the merchant Eugene, asking, "Where are you now?"

In the strait near the kingdom, where the trees were dense and the water blackened by the proximity of the Dead Sea, Eugene responded, "I am at the location. I am waiting for you."

The Devil Boy looked at the team and said confidently, "Since you know the truth, we will move now and board a ship nearby that will sail us across the Dead Sea to the other side. There we will rest and continue our journey."

Everyone agreed without question and hurried through the crowded streets toward the strait. The kingdom was large, with guards everywhere, and evident corruption. Guards demanded money from merchants and vendors for protection, beating those who refused to pay.

As they walked, Hiroshi noticed a thief stealing a wallet from a passerby and told the Devil Boy, "We should hide Gold a bit since his clothes are adorned with gold, and he looks royal. We don't want to attract attention from the thieves."

They walked through a long passageway leading to the strait, where they saw many people hanged on iron poles, marked with red crosses and a sign that read, "This is the punishment for heresy."

Alex, with great excitement, exclaimed, "Haha, what a splendid sight! This... this increases my ferocity and love for blood."

They passed through the passage and found the ship waiting for them. Everyone boarded, and Hiroshi told Eugene, "Sorry, but I brought my friends."

Eugene replied, "No problem, as long as you pay. There's a cabin below with food and drinks if you want to rest or eat."

Everyone spread out on the ship, and the Devil Boy stood beside Hiroshi. Hiroshi then called out loudly, "Gather around, everyone. There is something important."

Everyone gathered in front of him, and Hiroshi said, "I am honored to say this. I am stepping down as the leader and appointing the Devil Boy. I will proudly follow him anywhere."

The Devil Boy, taken aback, said, "But I don't deserve this," but Hiroshi interrupted, "No, you do. You've deserved it from the beginning, leader." The group applauded and celebrated, saying he deserved it.

The Devil Boy raised his hand and said, "From today, we are brothers and sisters who protect each other. Now, raise your hands."

In a beautiful scene, everyone raised their hands and declared their brotherhood. The sun pierced through the fog, illuminating the moment.

Then the Devil Boy took a knife and cut the mark of the Sins, saying, "I will not follow you anymore. I break the oath."