Protection and a dangerous secret

And now, let's end this.

A ring of fire surrounded the demon boy as he said, "Amidst madness, danger surrounds me. I used to love the smile on my face, but I loved evil more."

In the blink of an eye, the demon boy delivered slaps to the king's face, and with his arms, delivered numerous punches, pushing him away.

In the same moment as the king's advance, the king appeared in front of the demon boy, time slowed, and he punched the demon boy in the face. Simultaneously, the demon boy turned and punched the king, pushing him to the shore of the sea and said with a look full of pure evil.

"Oh, oh, this is going to be... power, bullying, evil, good and evil, gangs, and demons. I am an immortal legend. Justice for the scum, the only lesson: there is no place for the weak in a place ruled by the strong. The backs break, and blood flies. I hope you love the demon you've awakened."

Alex was greatly excited by the transformation of the demon boy, and since they share the same memories, he knew how to transform like him.

He stood, smiling maliciously, and said, "It's time for my other side," and began to scream with great anger. His pink aura glowed, making everyone stop and look at him. As it began to diminish, Alex emerged in his new form.

The aura around him was shaped like hearts, and he smiled, bleeding pink blood from his eyes.

He appeared strangely in front of the king, shocking everyone. He pierced the king's heart, bit a piece of his neck, and with blood dripping from his mouth, said with joy charged with evil, "I loved it. I will take more."

The king threw himself into the sea again, trying to escape and return to the depths.

But Alex, with lightning speed, stood above the sea and launched an electric charge at him, stopping the king in agony.

The matter didn't stop there as Alex moved supernaturally fast everywhere, creating glowing lines with his aura. A barrage of violent strikes from Alex's speed rendered him invisible.

Blows landed on the king's face and back, wounds opened all over his body without mercy. The king tried to use magic, but his arm was cut off. Yes, the esteemed king, the demon boy, cut his hand and transferred the injury to the king.

In the sky, Alex flew, looking at the village and noticed that Kafrid had entered it. He didn't waste time and entered the village, creating an aura wall to trap everyone inside.

He stood in front of Kafrid with excitement, waiting for him to move, and Kafrid said to him, "You pink bastard, it seems you won't leave me alone."

Alex replied mockingly, "Who misses a fish dinner? But excuse me, I'll finish the battle with one blow."

Kafrid ran towards Alex, but Alex danced in place, laughing, "Oh oh, I'm an evil bastard, the esteemed king is about to be killed."

With a gesture of arrogance, he formed an aura arrow with his right hand, "Vojo," a word he said, making the arrow burn more and launched it with force.

The arrow's fire was so powerful it burned Kafrid in place, pierced him, and destroyed everything in its path, from houses to people, until it hit the church and exploded.

Alex turned his back to the church, made a showy gesture that added to his grandeur and the scene.

The demon boy was about to kill the king but stopped, worry showing on his face as he heard a whistle, the same whistle of the masked man. No, it was the masked man's whistle.

The king dived into the sea and emerged after returning to his natural size. Before he could prepare for anything, giant chains emerged from the sea, binding him from every part of his body.

He noticed someone sitting on his head and looked to find the masked man sitting on him. He said in disbelief, "Impossible, this can't be. There can't be two demon boys in the same era."

Those words struck everyone like lightning.

The masked man stood and said angrily to the king, "You have spoken more than you should," and with intense anger, "Black Magic: The Millennium Seal."

From the water, many black hands covered the king's entire body except for his face. He said, "I cannot be defeated. This cannot be my end. To become a servant."

The masked man replied, "This is the fate of anyone who challenges the demonic family, the Origami bloodline from which the legend of the demon boy was born."

He pulled the king forcefully to the depths of the sea where a black gate opened, swallowing him like a black hole and closing.

The masked man floated above the water and then disappeared, appearing next to the demon boy. He said, "Next time, finish your enemy quickly."

The demon boy replied angrily, "Don't interfere in what doesn't concern you, understand? Now, admit who you are and why you're following me."

The masked man did not answer. The demon boy became annoyed and charged at him to hit him.

But the masked man easily avoided the blow, grabbed his arm, broke it, and threw him away, standing with his hand raised (signifying he was challenging everyone).

The demon boy healed his arm and moved towards him. The masked man avoided a knife thrown at him by Hiroshi.

Hiroshi, the golden one, Kyo, and Saji joined the fight, knowing that the masked man was extremely powerful.

But this didn't worry the masked man even slightly. His eyes glowed, inscribed with a skull.

Ice was shot at him, but a glance from him shattered and evaporated the ice. He clashed with the golden one in a sword fight, but the masked man broke the sword with his fingers and dropped the golden one with a touch to his brain.

He looked at Hiroshi, something happened to Hiroshi, and he fell to the ground as if paralyzed.

Kyo used his magic, and before he could touch the masked man, he hit him hard in the face.

The demon boy intervened, getting behind the masked man, but chains tied to rocks appeared from nowhere, binding his arms.

Saji was frozen in ice, standing, and before the masked man could hit him, the demon boy screamed, pulling with every ounce of his strength the rocks, jumped, and raised his arms. He dropped the rocks on the masked man, but they broke without a scratch.

The masked man said, avoiding all the demon boy's blows, "I am a vengeful soldier, the ice freezes my heart. I am far from death. I look into your angry eyes and know that goodness is still within you. But in the end, you and I share the same shame."

A gate opened, and the masked man entered it, leaving only his voice, saying, "Head to the nearest kingdom, there your search ends."

Everyone stood, filled with despair from their defeat. Hiroshi said to the demon boy, "What do we do now?"

The demon boy replied calmly, "As he said, let's continue our journey."

Everyone sat in a café in the village, resting. Hiroshi asked how he gained such power. "Could it be one of the techniques from the books?"

But the demon boy said, "I'll tell you."

The demon boy was about to die and accepted his fate. Before he closed his eyes, he heard female laughter. When he closed his eyes, he woke up and found himself in a strange red room with no windows or doors, a closed room as if made to imprison whoever was inside forever without any escape.

There was only a bed on which a girl about 15 years old was sitting. She was thin but beautiful with her red hair and eyes and a beautiful face, but her look was terrifying.

She said to the demon boy calmly, "I am Leviathan, the sin of envy, the source of your power."

The demon boy was surprised and said, "Leviathan, how is this possible and what is this place?"

Leviathan said, "There is much you don't know. Welcome to the middle world between life and death. I saved you from death."

"And what do you want?"

"I want you. The tattoo, the serpent tattoo, has consumed you, and your soul now belongs to me alone. Let's leave the questions for another time. Don't you want to kill that octopus bastard?"

The demon boy said, "Yes, strongly. You said you're the source of my power. Now give me the power to kill that damned octopus."

"If that's your request, it will be granted, but your soul will become mine, and you will transform into a demonic mermaid."

The demon boy accepted, and black hands emerged from the ground, grabbing every part of him. He said, "Someone save me."

More happened, but I summarized.

Far away from the place, near the kingdom of sins, specifically in the graveyards of the demonic family, King Mammon, the sin of greed, stood in front of a grave inscribed with "The Demon Boy."

Behind him, the masked man quietly appeared, finding Mammon's scythe in his face. The masked man grabbed it and easily broke it. Quickly and powerfully, King Mammon tried to kill the masked man, but he evaded all attacks.

King Mammon drew another scythe, saying, "Quick technique: the evil scythe." Slowly, he spun, pointing the scythe. In a moment of tension, he cut everything in front of the scythe, even the ground itself cracked from the technique.

The masked man, sitting on one of the graves arrogantly, said, "If you want to kill me, don't use one percent of your power. Use it all against me."

The king stood calmly again