Chapter 14: I've missed you

Slow down with the questions I'll answer them all, firstly I'm not in shock because I'm emotionally strong and not as weak as some girls and I train almost every day. Secondly I don't know what David was doing there, thirdly I don't know what Jack was thinking that he tried to r*pe me and lastly Fiona and Jessica were actually looking for me so they are not to blame. I breathed heavily after answering all this his question non-stop.

After answering Andrew's questions we talked, watched a movie and went to sleep in our rooms.... Meanwhile,

[ Williams residence (Jack's house)

Jack is seen talking to one of his workers. "I hope you have been watching her every move?"

Yes sir. Replied the worker who dared not look into his boss's eyes.

The silence for a while before Jack's cold voice is heard once again. " Have you found anything about the guy who saved her that night." sir but we are still working on it. Said the worker obviously afraid as he stammered.

Well then be fast and find out if they have anything to do it each other, or if they're in any kind of relationship.

Ok sir. The worker quickly replied still avoiding to look up as he was still afraid.

Do you know where she is now.

Yes sir, she is currently staying with her brother in his apartment.

Good, make sure you keep a close eye on her.

Yes boss. The worker replied before finally breathing a sigh of relief as he was finally ordered to leave the room.

As Jack is now left alone in his room a small smiles slowly forms on his face........

( Andrew's house ) : Faith POV,

I woke up after a peaceful nap and went to take a shower. After taking a shower I packed the clothes I wore and went down for breakfast.

It was a Saturday so I didn't have to go to work, and I hesitantly told Andrew to drop me off at David apartment.

When will reached our destination I came out of the car and bid Andrew goodbye, I stood there staring at the back of the car until it disappeared completely from my sight.

I took a deep breath and was about to ring the doorbell when I suddenly received a message.

( Hello dear, I'm guessing you might be on your way to my house, or you might already be there. My cousin Kelly stays there so you will have someone to talk to when I'm not there and there are butlers and servants around in case you need anything. Can you see how much I care about you, hehehe, anyways see you soon.

From your boyfriend David.★)

I sighed after reading the message and decided not to think over anything he said as he was obviously trying to annoy me, the thing I couldn't get off my mind was his cousin Kelly, her name sounded too familiar yet I couldn't quite remember who it was.

After reading his message I finally had the courage to ring the doorbell.

Ding dong!.

In less than 30 seconds a butler opened the door and led me in. I was almost shocked to death, it was a very spacious and big house and I suddenly remembered Andrew's house and uttered inwardly. "If Andrew's house was a Mansion then David's house was a Castle.

Because compared to Andrew's house David's house was very bigger. As I stepped into the house the butler led me to be sitting room and said, Miss Faith please have a seat while I go keep your luggage in your room, Miss Kelly will be with you shortly.

Thank you. I replied nervously. When did butler left I decided to look around the sitting room. I stood up slowly and started looking around I kept on walking and wasn't leaking at where I was going before suddenly bumping into someone.

I was still a little hurt and slowly looked up before my jaw dropped as I screamed.


FAITH!!!, Is that you?

I couldn't believe it I was honestly frozen in place before I finally manage to speak. "Are you David's cousin?"

Yes I am, I can't believe it's you, it's been for long years since we last met I've missed you so much.

I've missed you too. Kelly where have you been, you didn't come to our school graduation ceremony and after that I didn't see you for four good years, I tried calling you but it didn't go through.

Actually my parents died in the plane crash and I was really depressed, I also lost my phone, I literbutt a new one but I lost all the contacts I had.

Oh my God I'm really sorry it's must being a tough time for you.

Yeah it's was, but let's forget about that, are you really the Miss Faith my brother has been blabbering non-stop about, and now you are his contract girlfriend.

A sighed heavily before replying, "Yes unfortunately I'm his contract's girlfriend,but do you have any idea why he's doing this."

Well as your childhood best friend I think the simple answer is that he likes you.

What, no we you're just kidding we haven't even known each for other that long he can't like me. I quickly said to Kelly while trying to avoid any more questions related to this topic but she didn't seem to get the hint as she continued.

Well I'm just saying, I mean I don't think there is any other logical reason for his behavior, but don't get upset I'm just saying my mind.

Well please stop. I quickly said trying to think of a way to change the topic before I heard Kelly say.

Okay fine, why don't I give you a tour of the house I mean we don't have any other thing to do.

Sure thanks I said while smiling sweetly at her.

I still couldn't believe David's cousin was my childhood best friend. I was so lonely when she left and the worst feeling was that she also went through a lot and I wasn't there to support her.

I'm glad we're back together and now she's giving me a tour of the house. David's house was so big it had a beautiful garden at the back which contained many different flowers and short trees the mere sight of the garden give me a calm and homey feeling.

There were different kinds of rooms for different activities. There was a video game room, David's personal study room, David's personal boxing room and a room that just had a cute table, a chair and a fireplace it looked really cozy and warm. It was simple yet beautiful.

There was also a room with only a swimming pool, I couldn't believe David built a room just for swimming. We passed the boxing room long ago but I still kept thinking about it I just couldn't believe that David was into boxing he just looked like someone who was innocent, I didn't even know he could hurt a fly and I knew he was the one who saved me but I didn't watch him fight Jack as I was mostly closing my eyes that night.

So I decided to ask Kelly about it and she said. " Yeah actually David received training when he was still a little kid, he was trained to know how to protect himself so when he was building this house my uncle forced him to add a boxing room."

I slowly nodded at her reply as we kept walking. Kelly showed me her room, it was beautiful, there was a balcony and inside there was a chair and a table and the small fence over looked the entire city. The view was simply amazing.

We stood there talking about our childhood and got so lost in our past memories that's we didn't even notice when David arrived and said.

"Hey girls what are you both doing. Don't tell me you have gotten so close already"....