Where's My Wife?!

The air seemed to thicken, the silence between them palpable. Marjorie's pulse raced with anticipation, her mind screaming warnings. She was trapped, with no escape from the fate she had unwittingly chosen.


The room went déad silent, only their heart beats could be heard, especially that of Marjorie. She was scared of the man.....devil before her that stood right in front of her. 

Lucian's eyes gleamed with amusement, his gaze fixed on Marjorie's flushed face. He was so enjoying this.

His voice was low and husky as he spoke, his words dripping with intention. 

"I know the thoughts running through your mind, Marjorie. And I'm here to fulfill them. It's our wedding night, after all...wife" He said, smirking.

Marjorie's body trembled, her heart racing as she struggled to process his words. How did he know her innermost thoughts? Was he guessing, or could he see right through her? His piercing eyes seemed to bore into her soul, making her feel vulnerable and trapped.

As she stood closer to him, Lucian's strong scent enveloped her, making it hard to breathe. She felt suffocated by the proximity, her senses overwhelmed. Lucian drew even closer, his breath whispering against her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

What in the world was he trying to do? Was he just trying to scare her? Or was he trying to show her who he really was?

Wait, was he a ràpist also and no one talked about it?!

"How about we start from completing our kiss? It happened so fast and I didn't get to...." His voice was huskier than ever and that made Marjorie's heart race faster, her mind struggling to form a coherent thought. She couldn't deny the attraction between them, but her doubts and fears lingered. 

Lucian's gaze was now fixed on her lips, a sly smirk playing on his mouth. Marjorie felt her face flush with embarrassment and her heart race with anxiety. 

She had heard whispers about this ruthless Prince, but never thought she'd be alone with him, face to face in his bedchamber, at his mercy.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you, your highness?" Marjorie accused, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lucian chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Guilty as charged" He admitted, his eyes locked onto Marjorie's, who was desperately trying to avoid his piercing gaze.

Lucian took a step closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. 

"Shall we begin?" He whispered, his warm breath caressing her neck, sending a shiver down her spine as Marjorie's breath caught in her throat.

The air seemed to vibrate with tension, Marjorie's heart pounding in her chest. She felt trapped, cornered by the Prince's words and her own desires.

And just when she thought he was about.... Lucian suddenly turned and began to walk away, leaving Marjorie to breathe a sigh of relief. She watched him go, still trying to process the man who was now her husband.

She couldn't believe the Prince's audacity - all that bravado and intimidation, just to unsettle her? How cunning and ruthless could he be? Was he trying to warn her of the danger that lurked beneath his charming facade? One thing was certain: he had revelled in her fear, exploiting it with a precision that left her shaken.

Marjorie was still lost in thought when Prince Lucian's firm, serious voice broke the silence, his words halting his departure. 

"The king has summoned us. We must see him right now" He stated, his tone brooking no argument. Then, without another word, he turned on his heel and strode away.

Marjorie's heart raced as she whispered, "The king?" Her mind raced with trepidation. What could he want with them? Oh, no! Not the man responsible for her people's suffering...the man who had killed her mother! She dreaded the thought of facing him, of seeing the face that haunted her nightmares. But she had no choice; disobeying the king's summons would only lead to more trouble.


As they entered the grand throne room, Marjorie's heart raced with a mix of fear and awe. The high ceiling and ornate tapestries seemed to close in around her, making her feel small and insignificant. The air was thick with the scent of old books and dust, and the flickering torches cast eerie shadows on the walls. She felt like a trespasser in a place where she didn't belong, and the weight of the king's gaze upon her made her skin crawl. She clung to Lucian's arm, her eyes fixed on the king's gaunt figure on the throne, his sunken eyes seeming to bore into her very soul.

The king's voice was weak and strained as he spoke from his throne.

"Lucian...Marjorie...come closer" His weak voice echoed in the throne room.

They approached the throne, bowing deeply. The king's eyes, sunken and pale, gazed at them with a hint of suspicion. 

"I am glad you're finally married, Lucian. Congratulations" He said.

Lucian's expression remained neutral, but his eyes flickered with relief at the king's words.

He had really been bugging him on this marriage thing.

Being the crowned Prince, who would of course be the King soon, his father wanted him to get married as soon as possible, because he could only rule with a queen by his side. That was to show how responsible he was.

"Thank you, Father" Lucian replied with a little bow.

The king's gaze then turned to Marjorie, his eyes narrowing slightly. 

"And you, Marjorie...you seem...adequate. I expect you to fulfill your duties as the future queen....producing an heir for the kingdom" He said, his voice firm and serious.

Marjorie curtsied, her face pale and tense.

"Y-yes, Your Majesty. I will do my duty" She replied, her voice a bit shaky.

The king's voice was laced with skepticism, but he continued

"Well, congratulations to you both, and welcome to the family, Marjorie. May your union strengthen our kingdom." He paused, his chest rattling with a cough. "Lucian, you'll ensure our kingdom's interests are protected, I trust?" His gaze was intense and terrifying, sending shivers down Marjorie's spine.

She had only heard of this ruthless king, but never actually seen or met him. Now that she was right before him, she couldn't tell how she felt. He looked really terrifying.

Lucian's face was a mask of loyalty, he let out a short smile, staring at his father's face.

"Always, Father. I will never fail you or our kingdom." He assured him.

The king's eyes lingered on Marjorie for a moment before dismissing them with a wave of his hand. 

"Very well. You may leave. I have...matters to attend to." He said, and with that, they left, with Lucian going his separate, leaving Marjorie to wonder where he was going to.

He didn't say any word to her, after scaring her heart out minutes ago. This Prince was really a devil!

What was that all about? What were his intentions? And what was he planning?

Were his plans just to scare her? Or there was really something he was planning and hiding behind those eyes that could trap someone in forever?

She didn't know!

As Marjorie strode back to the chamber, her mind racing with the king's words. "Duty" and "heir" echoed in her thoughts, conjuring up images of intimacy and conception. She felt a flutter in her chest, a mix of excitement and trepidation.

Did the king really think she was here solely to produce an heir?

As she approached the chamber, she collided with a woman who seemed to be waiting for her. The woman's eyes gleamed with sarcasm, and her voice dripped with malice.

"Well, well, well. Finally, I meet the crowned Prince's wife. The one who's supposed to give the kingdom an heir." Anastasia's tone was laced with mockery.

Marjorie's eyes narrowed, her gaze locked on the woman.

"Who are you?" She asked, her voice firm but polite.

Anastasia's smile grew wider, her eyes glinting with mischief. 

"Oh, I'm Prince Stefan's wife. The first wife, of course. The one who knows all the secrets."

Marjorie's eyes flashed with annoyance, but she kept her tone even. 

"Nice to meet you, Prince Stefan's wife. First wife of the kingdom." Marjorie's words were laced with sarcasm, her eyes locked on Anastasia's, as if she was even smirking.

Anastasia's jaw clenched, her eyes flashing with anger, but she forced a smile.

"I see you're a witty one. I like that. So, I was thinking... maybe I could help you. You know, with the whole 'duty' thing. First times can be nerve-racking, you know" Anastasia said, studying Marjorie intently with that sly smirk.

Marjorie's eyes narrowed, her brows furrowed. She didn't trust this woman, and she wasn't about to let her get under her skin.

"I appreciate your kind gestures, Prince Stefan's wife," she said, her voice firm but still polite, "but I don't need your help. I'm quite capable of handling my duties on my own." Marjorie replied.

Anastasia's smile never wavered, her eyes glinting with amusement.

"Oh, I'm sure you are. But it's always nice to have a friend, isn't it? Someone to guide you through the... complexities of royal life?" Her voice was laced with innuendo, her eyes locked on Marjorie's, a silent challenge.

Marjorie's grip on her dress tightened, her heart pounding in her chest.

What did she know? Why did she feel like Anastasia knew something about her?

And what did she mean by "guide you through the complexities of royal life"? 

She didn't think she was from a royal family or what? Was there something she knew about her already?

Oh, Lord! Marjorie's heart was starting to pound even louder.

"I have to go now, I have a lot of important things to do" Marjorie said, and left immediately. 


"My Lord, are you thinking about Lady Marjorie again?" Carl, his trusted advisor, asked as he approached him, his voice soft with concern.

"I can't help it, Carl. I just miss my daughter" Lord Augustus replied, his eyes gazing out the window, his mind a thousand miles away. 

"It's been days since she left for Azov, and every day feels like an eternity without her bright smile and sparkling eyes." He said, and Carl nodded.

"I know, my lord. But she's there to fulfil what you want her to do....what will benefit and help us get our kingdom back. She'll make you proud." Carl said, his voice calm and comforting.

"I know, Carl. I guess I should stop worrying. I trust my daughter on this, she'll make me proud for sure" A small smile formed on his face.

"Did you get the information we are searching for?" He asked.

"Yes, my Lord, that was what brought me here" Carl replied, with them leaving his chambers afterwards.


Lucian strode into his chamber, exhausted from the meeting with his father and the council. When he got in, he didn't find Marjorie inside.

He called out for Marjorie, but the room remained silent. He searched the chamber, his eyes scanning every corner, but she was nowhere to be found. A knot of worry suddenly formed in his stomach.

He remembered her fondness for watching the sky and made his way to the east wing, where she often sat with her parrot, Goldie. But the room was empty, and Goldie's perch was vacant. Lucian's concern grew, a deep frown formed on his face.

He couldn't tell why he was suddenly getting worried about her whereabouts, she probably was around the palace and there he was, worrying about nothing.

He still couldn't stop worrying, anyway, even when he tried to.

He immediately summoned a few of his guards, his voice firm but controlled.

"Have any of you seen my wife? I can't find her anywhere." His tone was firm and a bit scary.

One of the guards hesitated before speaking up.

"Your Highness, I saw her leave the castle a short while ago. I tried to follow her, but she insisted she wanted to be alone." He explained with fear of what might happen.

Lucian's eyes narrowed. 

"And you let her go? Alone?" He said, his face slowly turning to what they always dreaded to see.

The guard took a step back, fear flickering in his eyes. 

"I-I tried to follow her, Your Highness, but Prince Stefan intervened. He said it was okay, that she wanted to be alone..." The guard's voice trembled in fear.

Lucian's face darkened with rage!

"You fool!" He snarled, his fists clenched. "You'll pay for your negligence!" He thundered and with a swift motion, he struck the guard, sending him crashing to the floor with a heavy thud. The other guards gasped, taking a step back as Lucian's anger boiled over.

"Bring me my horse!" He bellowed, his voice echoing through the halls. "Now!" He thundered aloud. 

Without waiting for a response, he stormed out of the chamber. He mounted his horse and rode off.


Marjorie strolled through the forest, her pet parrot, Goldie, perched on her shoulder. They chattered and giggled, enjoying the warm sun on their faces and the fresh forest air. Marjorie felt alive, free from the castle's suffocating walls.

"Isn't it lovely, Goldie?" Marjorie said, twirling around, her skirts fluttering. "The forest is so full of life!" She giggled and Goldie just squawked in agreement, flapping his wings.

But their joy was short-lived. Marjorie's smile faltered as she noticed a group of attackers emerging from the trees. Their eyes fixed on her with a menacing intensity, their faces twisted with cruel grins.

Marjorie's heart raced as she froze, her eyes fixed on the attackers. She took a step back, but realized too late that some of them had circled behind her. Panic set in as she tried to retreat, but they closed in, their hands grasping for her.

"Goldie, fly!" Marjorie screamed, her voice shrill with fear. The parrot took flight, squawking loudly as Marjorie's screams echoed through the forest.

"Help! Someone, help me!" She began to scream for help.

But her cries were drowned out by the attackers' cruel laughter, their hands closing in around her like a vice. Marjorie's heart pounded loudly in her chest, her mind racing with terror.

Oh, heavens! What had she gotten herself into? Now who was going to save her from the evil intentions of these people?

She didn't even know she had gone this far!

She was so enjoying her stroll with her pet Goldie that she didn't realize just how deep into the woods she had gone. 

"Help me! Let me go, please!" She continued to scream, but no help came. Those attackers laughed even louder, dragging her more.

But just as all hope seemed lost, a figure emerged from the shadows. Lucian's eyes blazed with fury, his sword drawn.

"Let her go!" He growled, his voice low and deadly. He looked like a devil, eyes blazing with fire as he jumped down his horse, making a loud thud.