Chapter 3

Thus, Leo set out for his only chance at climbing the social ladder to live a fulfilling life, with social connections, drama and a whole lot of fulfillment. He already heard a bit about the royal palace:

The first in line for the throne: Leopold von Eisenhart

He's known to have a nasty personality, as his position as the oldest has brought upon the envy of his siblings.

The oldest daughter: Adelinde von Eisenhart

Known for her obsession with animals, there are several rumors spreading, that she requested permission for a royal pet. Pretty minute rumor, though it might help in manipulating her.

The young lady of the house: Elara von Eisenhart

She is blind due to an accident involving her now former older brother, she makes quite the frail impression, though it might be just a stray feeling.

The banished brother: Aldric Eisenhart

Though unintentional, due to his unattentiveness, his sister got severely disabled. The royal family is known to not treat the family members harshly, but this couldn't be overlooked. He has been banished to the secondary royal family and stripped of the primary families last name.

Sadly though, I'm at a natural disadvantage as a male myself, as the females of the primary family are usually married off, so I wont actually become a royal simply by marrying one of the princesses.

At most I'd become a second-level royal, but that's more than enough for me.

Let's say for now the plan is to marry either Elara or Adelinde, if that were to happen the king would probably promote me to one of the 14 emperors, as to spread his lineage, thus his influence among the land.

Luckily food and water wasn't an issue on the journey, as I had a few sheeps follow me on my journey, carrying luggage. The journey itself was on quite hilly terrain for the first days, then it began subsiding as I neared the city of Eldenhoph. Reinhardt the second, one of the 14 emprors technically rules over the area, Eldenhoph is built in, though he's rarely ever seen there, as his castle itself is far.

Because of Reinhardts neglectance, Eldenhoph is publicly seen as a free city, this makes it quite attractive to traders, thieves and even large guilds trying to profit off the lack of enforcement.

One of the reasons for coming there is the hugely spread information guild within Eldenhoph. It won't be hard getting in contact with them so I petter prioritize keeping up my public image and staying incognito.

*At the counter of the information guild*

{Leo}: „I need information regarding the situation at the eastern border and also information on the condition of Elara von Eisenhart."

„ Currently, we don't have enough information on princess Elaras condition, so the information will be lacking. considering this, we will drop the price considerably. It will cost 105 crowns and will be ready for you in 1 days time."

*Next day*

{Leo}: „Leo from yesterdays commission."

„ One of our executives wishes to speak to you. Please proceed to room 5 upstairs."

{Leo}: „It's Leo, may I enter?"

„ Go on."

{Leo}: „It's a pleasure to meet you, though I am quite perplexed as to why you wanted to speak directly."

„ Well im quite curious, as to why a simple farmer like oneself is asking such peculiar questions. Don't get me wrong, you deserve to know what is happening at the eastern front, but I heard you were actually a farmer from the west, why would you have interest in eastern affairs?"

{Leo}: „Are you aware of the 14 emperors being asked to send soldiers to allegedly prepare for the worst? I have been selected by Aurelius the seventh to serve at the eastern front."

This seems like the usual procedure, of course the information brokers don't want to get in trouble for giving the wrong information to the wrong people. It could also be pure curiosity.

I won't be mentioning the letter of recommendation or my actual intentions, for my own safety.

„ Fine. Why do you want to know of princess Elaras condition? This is just pure curiosity, as we don't even have sufficient info you may speak freely. Please."

{Leo}: „Haha it's actually a bit embarrassing, simply a romantic dream of this humble farmer. Think of it as nothing else."

„ Hahahaha! Keep dreaming, my dear farmer. You may leave, here is the information you ordered."

{Leo}: „I will! Thank you."

This was, what was written in the information slip they handed me:


"Situation Report: Eastern Border Tensions

Recent Developments:

- Increased military presence reported along the border.

- Multiple skirmishes between border patrols.

- Rumors of clandestine meetings between high-ranking officials.

Potential Triggers:

- Disputed territory near the border causing friction.

- Economic disputes over trade routes and tariffs.

- Allegations of espionage and sabotage fueling mistrust.

Estimated Power of the Eastern Kingdom:

- Considerable military strength, with well-trained troops and strategic advantage.

- Access to vast resources, including fertile land and mineral deposits.

- Allies in neighboring regions, potentially bolstering their forces.

Potential Havoc if War Breaks Out:

- Widespread destruction of infrastructure and loss of life.

- Disruption of trade routes, leading to economic instability.

- Regional instability with potential for alliances to shift and new conflicts to emerge.


- War appears imminent if diplomatic efforts fail.

- Recommend heightened surveillance and intelligence gathering.

- Urgent need for de-escalation measures to prevent further violence.

Source: Confidential informants and covert surveillance. Use with caution."


After all, this decision is hard. Really hard. This might be my only chance at living as a nobleman. If the situation truly has come this far, it might be smarter to wait, but then I might miss my chance as well. Now I have 3 options.

Hurry to the castle and get my reputation up before war breaks out.

Waiting it out in Eldenhoph until tensions subside.

Returning to the seventh region immediately and waiting on my next chance.

For me personally though, the choice is clear.

No venture, no valor. I have to go right now and establish myself as soon as possible in the royal palace.

All that's left now is to take a carriage to the royal capital in the east: Regal