Chapter 6

{Adelinde}: *grunts* „Leo, are we done with training yet?"

{Leo}: „Ah, yes. We should end early so you can get some time to rest."

{Adelinde}: „Okay. That sounds great!"

{Leo}: „Don't dilly dally on training, though. Tomorrow has a surprise waiting for you."

{Adelinde}: „Oh come on Leo, who says dilly dally in this day and age anymore, must be from living as a farmer your whole life haha."

{Leo}: „As if. Anyways, I have something to prepare myself, so I must leave now. Take care, Adelinde, and till later."

{Adelinde}: „Later."

It's so relaxing, talking to Adelinde. Her voice is so calming it's getting kind of scary. I find myself almost falling asleep during our conversations.

It's high-time I pay a visit to Leopold. I really need to improve my relation with him. I prepared some gifts, oftenly given to sick children among farmer culture. It might just hurt his pride though, haha.

*knock knock*

{Leopold}: „Yes?"

{Leo}: „It's Leo."

{Leopold}: „Leave. Don't open the door, please."

{Leo}: „Shy? I've got some presents."

{Leopold}: „I'm not shy, alright… If you truly have to come in, just do so."

I come in to see Leopold in an honestly amusing state. This is probably the reason, he was so pouty earlier. His whole face was bruised up in his warmly lit, nicely decorated room.

{Leo}: „Cute room, these are for you. I also wouldn't mind seeing you on the training grounds from time to time again."

{Leopold}: „The fuck is this?! Are you some granny, handing out fruit baskets to her sick nephews? I don't want this girly shit. You're right, though, I have been slacking with training recently."

{Leo}: „That's very mature of you, Leopold. Well anyways, how are you faring?"

{Leopold}: „I don't hold grudges, if that's what you're worried about. If that is all, go back to teaching Adelinde your crazy barbaric swordstyle."

{Leo}: „Great. Then, see you another time. I will take my leave."

{Leopold}: „See ya."

Damn, I really thought he was some run of the mill bad guy. It's honestly disappointing to see him turn out to be an actually likeable person.

Well, it's time I talk to Adelinde again. She's in her room right now, isn't she?

As I walk towards her quarters, I notice a lot of the employees running around hecticly. In the distance I hear Adelinde talking with… the king?!

{Leo}: „Hey, what's going on?"

„ The elderly king of another kingdom just died and we're invited to the coronation real short-term. They expect atleast the princess or the prince to come."

Ah I get it… Leopold is not exactly fit to go right now, the way his face looks currently. Elara's also not an option. I guess Adelinde is forced to go, huh? I'll head over to her room once they're done talking.

{Leo}: „May I come in, Adelinde?"

{Adelinde}: „Oh, yeah. Come in, I have a request for you."

I walk in to see her chaotic room and distraught face.

{Leo}: „How did your conversation with the king go?"

{Adelinde}: „Can't you see? He wanted me to go to some nobles meeting. Apparently it's urgent and Leopold can't go. I don't want to go."

{Leo}: „Is it because he's there?"

{Adelinde}: „You hit the nail on the head. This is about Aldric Eisenhart. He is a disgrace to our family, yet he is also invited. I can't stand being there with someone like him. The way he acts, he might just get angry about the whole incident and lash out on me, as soon as he sees me."

{Leo}: „Don't worry, you'll have guards to accompany you, he has no chance of doing something that vulgar."

{Adelinde}: „That's the problem. This country is different. They are purely pacifists and highly religious. Guards will not be allowed. But I've thought of something."

{Leo}: „Well, I can just go with you, right? I can protect you just fine even without weapons."

{Adelinde}: „Are you serious? I just wanted to say that. I guess this means you agree?"

{Leo}: „Of course, when is it?"

{Adelinde}: „We have to go tomorrow. It's really short notice I know."

{Leo}: „Yeah, it is. It's fine, though."

{Adelinde}: „So no going outside the palace for now, huh?"

{Leo}: „That's how it seems. I'm sorry, Adelinde."

{Adelinde}: „I should be the one apoligising for putting you in this situation. If that is all, you may go."

{Leo}: „If you feel uncomfortable, I'll always be there to talk with you. I don't know what exactly happened with Aldric but talking to someone about your problems always helps."

{Adelinde}: „Ah, yes. You know, I just don't get you. Your swordstyle and fightingstyle are both so barbaric and brutal, while, when you talk, you're one of the kindest people I've ever met."

{Leo}: „My way of fighting goes way back to when I was a child, it's quite taxing to think about. I'd rather not think about those times again. Though I believe my time as a farmer let me regain some of my true self, how I really feel."

{Adelinde}: „Do you have any family waiting for you in the west? Any friends?"

{Leo}: „Quite talkative, huh?"

{Adelinde}: „Well you already know everything about me, but I barely know anything about you, so I wanted to get to know eachother."

{Leo}: „Well I did have a loving mother and father, but they eventually abandoned me. In terms of friends, I can only really think of Aurelius, the emperor. I was quite close to him."

{Adelinde}: „Woah, this conversation is way too deep. I think I bit off more than I could chew there. I'm sorry about your parental relationship and I honestly think it's cool, that you are friends with an emperor as a mere farmer. You are so interesting but to be honest there's nothing I can tell you about me in exchange. Sorry."

{Leo}: „You weirdo."

{Adelinde}: „Huh? You just call me a weirdo and that's it?"

{Leo}: „Just saying. Anyways I think it's time for me to go, you ought to need some time for yourself."

{Adelinde}: „Wait why? Come get yourself some tea. Let's talk, you said you would always be there to talk with me."

The day I first killed someone, I thought I'd never be happy again and that I'd never deserve to be understood. This time, for the first time, someone actually wanted to talk to me and know about me. It was the most amount of fun I've ever had.

Even though it was way in the night, she never asked me to leave.

The emotions I felt were too much, I can't think. No pondering could solve how and why I felt that way. I liked that.

At some point, I insisted, that I leave, though so I did go to bed eventually.

*At the breakfast table*

{King}: „Something wrong, Adelinde? You look like you didn't sleep that well."

{Adelinde}: „Ah that's… I'll make sure to freshen up before I depart. Do not worry."

{Leopold}: „Going to bed late is detrimental for your health. You too, Leo."

{Leo}: „Apologies. It seems I stayed up too long training."

{King}: „I hope you aren't too nervous about Aldric attending. I've already allowed Leo to accompany you, did that at least ease your mind a bit?"

{Adelinde}: „Yes, thank you again."

{Elara}: „May I join too? I swear I'll behave."

{King}: „Are you sure, dear Elara?"

{Elara}: „Yes, I'm positive. You see, I've taken quite the liking to Leo."

The fuck is this bitch talking about? Taken a liking my ass, just yesterday you insulted me and showed hostility.

{Leopold}: „Excuse me? That's enough, I'll go down to train."

{Adelinde}: „Dearest sister?!"

{Leo}: „Haha, how humorous of you, princess. Though, I'm afraid not everyone in this room understood your sarcasm. Now that I think about it, I have something to tend to quickly. Excuse me."

{Elara}: „Until later~"

{Adelinde}: „I will go catch some beauty sleep now too."

{King}: „You never change, Elara."

Im speechless. I'll worry about it, when we depart.