Chapter 16

Fast forward to today's date, we are scheduled to leave for the third area now. They have assured us safety and protection, so there should be nothing to worry about for now. The king isn't the type to abandon Elara after all. Wait… Is he?

{Elara}: „Seems like were back in the carriage again. It feels like yesterday, when we went to the banquet."

{Leo}: „You're right. Are you sure you're alright with leaving the palace? It was your only home for a long time…"

{Elara}: „Of course, haha. If it's with you, I'd go anywhere."

It seems everyone already forgot why I even went to the palace in the first place. They completely forgot, that I was supposed to tutor Adelinde. I guess I've been relieved of that responsibility for now.

{Leo}: „I wonder if Adelinde and Leopold would visit come to visit."

{Elara}: „T-True…"

{Leo}: „Something wrong? Do you not want to meet them?"

{Elara}: „Ever since the incident, Adelinde has been distant and I noticed how it makes you feel. I hope she doesn't come."

{Leo}: „Sure, you're right. She probably wouldn't wanna come herself."

I've been getting more and more flags from Elara recently. This is slowly going in the wrong direction. I need Adelinde to help me with that, soon at that. I'll figure out soon how I'll get her aid.

Both Elara and I aren't the talkative type, so for the rest of the ride we just sleep or sit in silence, though I don't dislike the silence. It feels like she is understanding and it would just feel wrong to break the silence.

{Elara}: „You know, I've heard talk about a major religious figure within our lands. They said he's a prophet, sent by god. Do you think he could cure my infection?"

{Leo}: „Didn't the doctors confirm, that it was irreversible? I don't think some prophet could help."

{Elara}: „Please, let me do this one thing. I know it's childish but I still want to have hope."

{Leo}: „Sure, if you want to."

It's pretty unusual for her to talk about her infection. I guess this is something she wanted for a while. I don't think it would be smart to shut her down right now, so I'll just let her do what she wants.

I read through the current problems in the third area and it should all be fairly easy to manage. The third area is the most central part of the country, so its success is imperative for the country to keep it ticking. It's crazy already, that our country was that successful while being brought down by this disfunctional area. I would end up a nation-wide hero if I were to fix all the problems there, which shouldn't be that big of a problem.

We should first of all, get rid of the corrupt nobles and freeloaders in the castle. They are the ones taking advantage of Reinhardts neglectance and sucking the land dry of it's resources. Then we should shut down the local church, which has been going ballistic with taxes recently. Eldenhoph can wait for now, as we have a lot more to worry about.

When we arrived, the people looked frightfully upon the appearance of another Emperor and Empress. We were also greeted kindly, though. There were people celebrating our arrival on the streets and people who had already known of Elaras and my existance, rooting for our continued achievements. The castle was filled with employees and we were greeted in a flashy manner. They threw rose pedals and all gathered in front of the castle. Though I saw through their mask. As we stepped out of the carriage, I observed, that the castle was obviously not well maintained, so I went ahead and questioned every single employee there of their wage, work times and what they do in the castle. I then steeled myself and prepared to hold a big speech in front of the inhabitants of the castle.

{Leo}: „I greet all of you as your new Emperor. I hope you took care of the castle while I wasn't here and continue to do so. However, seeing how the castle is obviously meagerly maintained with funds recklessly wasted, I will have to draw a line. If you are upright and have never leeched off Reinhardts neglectance, you may disregard what I am about to say: To work in the castle while I reign, means being truthful to your masters, Elara and I. From today onwards, anyone, that I catch leeching off our funds or doing evil deeds, will be beheaded on the spot by my blade."

The crowd begins to break out in panic and chatter.

{Leo}: „If you do not wish to risk being beheaded, you may step forward, quitting your work in the castle by doing so."

About seventy percent of the workers step forward and I send them off. I then go ahead and identify the people I'd already confirmed as parasites in the castle. I start beheading them one by one. They are extremely brought up by this and the workers start losing their cool. As I carry out the last beheading, only three workers were left standing.

{Leo}: „That about finishes it, Elara. How about we care for the rest after resting for a bit."

{Elara}: „Let's go then."

There are two maids left and the head butler. I immediately ordered him to my room and tasked him to care for bringing in new workers. It was a cold move but I can't afford being lenient right now. Adelinde would have been distraught by all the deaths by now. I appreciate Elara in that regard.

As it was already late, we immediately headed to bed, where she proceeded to spew something about it being the first night in our new home and did what she usually does.

I wake up to knocking on the door.

{Head butler}: „Your highness, the workers I have sought out are ready to receive your judgement."

{Leo}: „Just one second. I'll be right there."

The new workers looked trustworthy, so I allowed all of them to work, as I couldn't be bothered anyways.

I then took a carriage with Elara to visit the noble households in the third area.

First of all were the secondary branch nobles, who are present in all areas of our country.

They of course knew of my arrival in the third area, so they probably already expected my coming.

{Leo}: „May I speak with the head of the house?"

„ Of course, prince."

{Leo}: „Tell me everything about how you lead the house during Reinhardts reign and I will decide how I'll proceed."

They are the most influential, so I expect them to be atleast a little corrupt. Their head is someone I heard good stories from, though. His name is 'Lord Eamon Eisenhart'.

{Eamon}: „Of course. We were pretty affected by his neglectance of security among the people. There were several cases of robbery, we were affected by. It got to the point, where our family brooch got stolen, while being carried by one of our youngers. We still managed to make a good amount of money through taxes, though. We also sold crafted goods, as my older sister has an unnatural talent for smithing. Since then, our goods are well known around these parts. They are seen as luxury and sell for a lot."

{Leo}: „I see. How are you having an impact on this land?"

{Eamon}: „Ah, quite peculiar question. We haven't contributed as much as we'd like because our pleas for enforcing the rules were ignored by Reinhardt. We also found the taxes to be higher than needed, but we didn't mind using what the Emperor gave us, as we couldn't do anything about it anyways. We alo regularly host events for the nobles in the third area and some from outside."

{Leo}: „Thank you for your time, Lord Eamon. I will be sure to come true to your requests. Till our next meeting."

{Eamon}: „Please, dear cousin. Fix this land."

{Leo}: „I will. Don't worry."

It looks like I can rely on the secondary branch. I'm thinking of abolishing the entirety of nobility in the third area to save myself the trouble. After all, there is always good enough reason to get rid of powerful people. Before that, though, I better get my reputation in the land up. Doing something as grand as abolishing the nobility is bound to come back to bite me in the ass. That's avoidable, though, by getting the trust of the people.

{Elara}: „So you want to gain the trust of the people, huh? What about connecting to the people? Spread your ideology and make sure it reaches the people. It's kind of like a religion and the people will be left with nothing but adapting to your ideology, while seeing you as their leader. If you spread the word and work on improving the safety of the country while doing that, the people will automatically assume you to be a righteous person. That's when you use that popularity to abolish the nobility, which will then be recognized as a good deed and you will face no problems."

{Leo}: „Wow you've thought a lot about this."

{Elara}: „You think~?"

I guess i should put Elara in charge of these kinds of things. Then I will hold a speech in front of the people by the day after tomorrow. I'll alert the head butler to take care of the press.

I have to make sure it's secure, though. A speech is like a playground for thieves.

*At the speech*

{Leo}: „People hear me. The people of this land have been unequal for too long of a time. It's about time we strive for equality and an even spread of wealth among the common people. This land is known country-wide for being plagued by criminality and for the large gap between the poor citizens and the nobles in the third area. This is the time to work together and beat those rumors and assumptions. We at the third area are proud to be exactly that. While most see us simply as a number, we carry the third areas name with pride because we know what lies behind that number. The lives of thousands of people. We aren't just people from area three, we are a unity. We are a family. Together we shall overcome hardships and endure through everything the world has in store for us.

Now, you will have to promise to me, that after this speech is over and the talking dies down, that you will think to yourself: „Am I content with how this country is being maintained?",


Thank you for your attention."

The crowd drowns in applauds and a huge weight falls off my shoulders. It's hard to hold a speech like that in front of almost a thousand people. Reporters rush to the fence, begging for me to give them some of my time. I see plenty of people from the press drawing exactly how I looked up at the stage and I get a little flustered. For now it's too unsafe for me to leave with this crowd, so I'm obliged to wait at least until it's died down to leave.

{Elara}: „For this being your first speech, you pretty much killed it. This is exactly what I imagined. You're made for this, hehe."

{Leo}: „Maybe I am, haha. You think I should allow some interviews?"

{Elara}: „I think that'd be for the best, yes."

{Leo}: „You heard her, head butler, let some of the press in."

„ Ah so great to meet you, prince Leo von Eisenhart. The people want to know what your plans for the future are."

{Leo}: „Of course, the first thing I'll do is try to get the trust of my people and let them know, that I'm not something to be feared, like the last emperor was. I also Intend to raise my own elite group of enforcers to harshly enforce the rules of this land and keep the streets safe."

„ Prince Leo, what will you do when war does break out?"

{Leo}: „Of course, if it comes down to it, I will go to war, as I believe no nobles like myself to stand above the responsibility of protecting their country. I'll be sure to go through with my current plans before that happens though, leaving behind a clean slate for me to return to."

„ The people ask, whether you would be willing to take in several empresses, like the last Emperor Reinhardt did. What is your opinion on the matter?"

Before I could answer, Elara stood up demanding the reporter to be taken outside.

{Elara}: „We don't appreciate the useless blabber of rumor spreaders. Leave."

{Leo}: „Elara…"

Ater that incident, the day went smoothly. There were even already applications for the elite group of enforcers I only barely mentioned in an interview. It's crazy how fast news travel.

Then as we ride back to the castle, which is only a short way, Elara decides to act out again. She holds my sleeves really tight and starts trembling.

{Elara}: „It wasn't true, what they said, right?"

It's so strange to see her going from a cold-hearted public menace to a jealous girlfriend within the span of minutes. There must seriously be something wrong. I have to get in contact with Adelinde as soon as possible.

{Leo}: „Of course not, dear. I love only you and will never love someone else."

{Elara}: „You love only me, you say? Hehe~"

Actually, I think contacting Adelinde would actually end up in my grave. I cant underestimate Elaras jealous side. I don't want to know what she would do if I contacted Adelinde to meet, while she wasn't there.

We return to the castle to see that the garden has been blooming again and the castle looked clean again. The new employees must have worked hard after hearing my speech.

The next thing I did was buy the property rights to a brothel pretty central in the city surrounding the castle, called Calmoria. I redesigned the brothel into a brick building, which will be used to get the enforcers all ready to go. Of course we also had to make sure to get a place to spar with the people there, so I decided to redesign a big empty area in the middle of the road to a public sparring area for the public to witness. It could aid in scaring of criminals and improve the need for entertainment in the city. I also decided to promote schools by lowering taxes for teachers and funding some of the bigger schools in town.

After I planned for all this to happen, the day had already ended and I came back to my room to relax. As I came in, Elara was just being read a book by one of our maids.

{Elara}: „You're back, Leo!"

{Leo}: „Yeah, sorry. I've been busy today, so I didn't get to spend so much time with you."

{Elara}: „Haha it's alright. You spend so much time with me as is. I'd be afraid of you growing sick of me if it continued like that."

{Leo}: „How could I, haha. Wanna go to bed now?"

{Elara}: „Ah, sure…"

The maid bowed her head and left, closing the door in the process. I could practically hear her chatting to the other maids about it though.

Elara didn't seem like she cared at all, though. She just sat there stretching out her hands, signaling her wanting to be hold.

With this, our first proper day as Emperor and Empress ends and the people can go to sleep with high expectations for what's to come.