Night Adventure in Neotrópolis

Orion and Aegis continued on their way home as night fell completely, enveloping the city in a mixture of shadows and artificial lights. The city was called Neotropolis, a vast conglomerate of skyscrapers and factories that never rested. As they advanced through the streets, Orion observed the life bustling around him: antigravity vehicles that sailed through the sky, hurried pedestrians heading to their destinations, and street vendors offering products of all kinds under the dim light of lanterns. .

The streets of Neotrópolis had names that evoked ancient Earth: Avenida Celeste, Calle del Acero, Plaza Horizonte. Every corner of the city seemed to tell a story of struggle and survival. Orion and Aegis passed a giant holographic screen broadcasting news and announcements, projecting bright images into the night air.


"Do you think we'll ever live in a better part of town?" Orion asked, a tone of hope in his voice.


"Anything is possible if you keep working hard and chasing your dreams," Aegis responded with his usual optimism. "Neotropolis is a city of opportunity, and I am sure you will find your way."


They walked along Steel Street, where the walls of the buildings reflected the shine of polished metal. They passed a street market where merchants shouted their offers, and then crossed Plaza Horizonte, a wide esplanade filled with lights and modern sculptures that seemed to float in the air.


Finally, they reached their destination, a modest building on the outskirts of the city. Orion and Aegis walked up the stairs to the third floor and entered their apartment. The place was small and austere, but warm and welcoming. Their parents, Sophie and Marcus, were waiting for them in the living room.


"Welcome!" Sophie exclaimed with a smile, hugging Orion.


Sophie was a woman with black hair, a slim build and green eyes just like Orion, "How was your day, son?" she asked.


Orion responded with a mix of exhaustion and determination. "It was a hard day, Mom. I lost my job again, but I'm not giving up. I'll find another way to get through."


Marcus, who was sitting in an armchair reading a book, looked up and offered a supportive smile. "I know you will, Orion. You are a fighter, and you have always known how to find creative solutions to problems."


Marcus worked in a factory on the outskirts of the city. He was a fairly robust man with black hair and brown eyes.


Aegis walked over to the table and started helping Sophie prepare dinner. Although he was a robot, he had learned to cook and tried hard to make the family's life easier. Sophie and Marcus chatted with Orion about his plans and challenges as they settled around the dinner table.


"Have you thought about looking for a job in one of the new factories?" Sophie suggested. "I have heard that they are hiring young people with technical skills."


"It might be an option," Orion admitted, though his voice held some hesitation. "But I've also been thinking about starting something of my own, something that allows me to be more independent and creative."


Marcus nodded thoughtfully. "Owning your own business is not easy, but with your determination, you could do it. Maybe you could start offering your services to neighbors and see how it goes."


The conversation continued over dinner, with ideas and plans floating in the air. Orion was inspired by the support of his parents and the constant presence of Aegis. He knew the road would be difficult, but it was also full of opportunities and possibilities.


After dinner, the family chatted for a while longer, enjoying each other's company. Finally, Sophie and Marcus retired to their rooms, leaving Orion and Aegis in the small room.


Orion and Aegis shared a room, they were practically like brothers, although Aegis was a robot created by Orion. They prepared to rest, although for Aegis the concept of rest was different. While Orion lay in his bed, Aegis remained active, adjusting some parameters of his system and processing data from the day.


Orion looked at the ceiling, thoughtful, and broke the silence. "Aegis, I've been thinking... I think we should go to the Great Repository tonight."


Aegis looked at him with a mix of surprise and concern. "Tonight? But Orion, it's dangerous. The Great Repository is a dangerous place, especially at that time."


Orion sat up in bed, his gaze reflecting determination. "I know, Aegis. But at dawn they take all kinds of things that could be useful in my projects. But if we go at that time, we can find materials before they are lost forever."


Aegis processed the information quickly, analyzing the risks and benefits. "I understand your reasons, but we must be extremely cautious. We cannot afford to be discovered or hurt."


Orion nodded, aware of the dangers. "I trust you, Aegis. I know that, with your help, we can do this safely."


Aegis, although a robot, felt a deep loyalty to Orion. "Okay, I'll accompany you. But we must carefully plan each step."


Orion smiled, relieved by his friend's support. "Thank you, Aegis. I knew I could count on you."


They spent the next few minutes discussing the details of his raid. Orion suggested routes and strategies since he knew the city very well, while Aegis validated feasibility and suggested adjustments. They planned to bring basic tools, flashlights, and a backpack to collect useful materials.


Finally, when everything was ready, they prepared to leave. Aegis adjusted its night vision sensor and calibrated its systems for maximum efficiency in low light conditions. Orion dressed in dark clothing, a mask and his cape


At 11:30 pm, with the city plunged into relative silence, Orion and Aegis left their apartment through the window, careful not to make noise and wake their parents, carefully descending to the ground. Neotropolis, although always active, had its moments of calm, and they took advantage of those moments to move stealthily.


The streets were deserted, and the few vehicles that were flying through the air paid no attention to the two intruders. They reached the edge of the Great Depot, a vast fenced area where all types of scrap metal and industrial waste were piled up.


Aegis activated his proximity sensors to detect any suspicious movement. "The area seems clear, but let's stay alert. This place can be unpredictable."


Orion nodded and they began to move through the piles of garbage, looking for the materials they needed. They found metal pieces, circuits and electronic components that could be reused.


"This is perfect," Orion said, picking up a small engine that still looked functional. "With this, I can start working on my project."


Aegis watched Orion's enthusiasm and felt a kind of satisfaction. "We are making good progress. But we must not forget the time. The transport ships may arrive at any time."


They continued their search, collecting what they could carry in their backpacks. Suddenly, the sound of engines became audible in the distance.


"The ships are close," Aegis warned. "We must go now."


Orion looked up at the sky and froze for a moment. A blinding light crossed the sky, followed by a brilliant trail. Falling at high speed towards the earth. Its erratic trajectory and the glow that enveloped it created a spectacle that was both terrifying and fascinating.


"Aegis, look at that!" Orion exclaimed, pointing to the light in the sky.


Aegis quickly analyzed the situation. "It's a ship falling, I estimate it will hit the earth in 15 seconds"


Orion asked. "What do you think we should do?"


Aegis looked at him with his mechanical eyes, conveying a calm urgency. "Orion, we must go now. If anyone finds us hanging around here we will be in trouble."


"Wait, wait," Orion insisted, his curiosity piqued. "What if someone needs our help? Maybe there's something important on that ship."


No. Aegis flatly denied, that could be dangerous. You've already gotten into a lot of trouble this month, Orion.


Oh come on friend, aren't you curious, Orion also asked, besides it will only be a glimpse, if we go there now maybe there won't be anyone yet, so we can see something important.


Aegis processed the possibilities quickly. "Okay, but we have to hurry. If we decide to go, we can't stay long."


Orion nodded, determined. "Let's go then."


With surprising speed, Aegis picked up Orion in his arms and began to run, Orion could only scream as he was carried by his own robot. Despite being a little scared by Aegis' speed, Orion couldn't help but laugh at the situation.}


"You're going to have to train a little more for these situations, Orion!" Aegis said with an almost jocular tone, as he ran at full speed through the empty streets of Neotropolis. "You always get scared every time I do this!"


"Just keep running, Aegis!" Orion responded between nervous laughs and adrenaline pumping through his veins. Although he was extremely curious and a little worried about what they might find in the place where the ship had fallen, he couldn't help but feel excited about the nocturnal adventure they were experiencing.


The night wind hissed between the tall buildings as Aegis deftly dodged the obstacles in his path. The city lights flickered overhead, creating a play of shadows that seemed to move to the rhythm of his frenetic running. Orion clung tightly to Aegis's arms, trusting in his robotic friend's ability to guide them toward his destiny.


"Do you think there will be survivors?" Orion asked, almost out of breath from the run.


Aegis quickly calculated the probabilities. "It's hard to say, Orion. But if there is someone, we'll need to act quickly."


As they approached the impact site, the glow of the fallen ship became more visible between the buildings. It was an intense, blinding light that illuminated the night sky like a beacon in the middle of the urban darkness.


"There is!" Orion exclaimed, pointing excitedly.


As they approached, the roar of flames and the crunch of twisted metal became audible. The ship had left a trail of destruction in its wake, and now lay with an ominous tilt, surrounded by debris and smoke.


"We must be careful," Aegis warned as he slowed before reaching the location. "It could be dangerous to get too close."