
My heartbeat increases and I dig into my own flesh with my fingers, so help me if I get caught.

I stay silent and unmoving, praying within myself.

She looks a lot like Ethan, was another thing I noticed other than her body that is.. same hazel eyes, nose and lips, even their hair color is the same just that Ethan has a neat no fade undercut while her hair was almost reaching her breasts.

Could they be siblings? I wonder.

My ears twitch at the sound of the shelf opening, I take the risk of peeking again but I can only see her legs. Such pretty feet she has.

I watch her leg movement as she wears her clothes, it's so graceful.

I can't see the top but she's on black jeans. She stays a while before leaving.

I'll wait here till it's clear before stepping out. A minute after, I walk up to the mirror and my mind flashes back to when she stood here in all her naked glory.

My cheeks flush, did I just think THAT of my fellow woman? Is this even right? My little sister is twitching and I can't get that woman's face out of my mind.

I flinch at the sound of faint knocking on the door, is she back? I look to the washing machine by reflex,

"Isabella? You done?" Ethan's voice calms my troubled nerves and I almost drop to my knees. He frickin startled me.

"A moment please" I reply him before walking to the shower.

I stand before it in a short daze. I initially wanted to use the tub but now I'm curious.

I slide the curtain and the door open and step in. My knees weaken as my nostrils take in more of that woman's scent.

I look to the shower and the temperature is on cold, but if she bathed cold water shouldn't here be cold? Why do I feel hot instead?

I need to find out who she is, and fast!. I turn the shower on.

If she's Ethan's sister, why hasn't she never shown her face before? She has never eaten with Ethan and I, it's like she's hiding, or am I thinking too much.

Why does she hide? Why does she look like Ethan? And most of all why did she make me horny?, No the question is how?. She's a female like myself, there's nothing she possess that I don't so why did seeing her face in the mirror stir up my heart weirdly?

I hear the door creak open, I freeze under the hot shower. I don't hear she back? I gulp. Why am I scared even, if it's her we'll just talk things out like adults.

"Isabella I've dropped fresh clothes here for you" Ethan's voice causes my knee to give in. I whisper a thanks and hear him leave.

This is the second time and it feels like my heart would get ripped from my body. I kinda wish it was her...

I shake the thoughts off and struggle to stand. "Focus on Ethan Isabella, focus" I tell myself before exiting the shower.

I change to the clothes brought in by Ethan. Heading out, my eye catches something in the shelf, that's the towel that was used by Ethan's sister.

I bite my nail nervously but sigh in defeat. Isabella you're a pervert!

I take a long large sniff from it and slowly exhale before leaving it in the exact position it was in before.


I sure feel belittled sitting with Ethan and watching him eat, the way he handles the cutleries so delicately makes me feel like I'm a cave man living in the modern world.

This seems like a good time, I should probably ask him about his sister. "Uh..." No, I shouldn't say it straight forward like that. I need to ask him about her without asking him about her.

"Is something wrong?" Ethan's asks and I look up at him.

The thought of shaking my head, no if I do that he'll get more suspicious.

"It's...just that the food is really nice, complements to the chef" I fake a smile.

He stares intensively at me as if deciphering through my lie, I gulp and avert my eyes. "What's really the matter?" He asks

He has caught on but how do I put the question? "Well, it's just....I wanted to ask about you". I sigh in defeat at his questioning look.

"What I mean is that I don't know anything about you, you know me but I don't know you"

He nods, "I suppose you're right in a way. Is there anything specific you want to know?" He asks

Of course yes but I can't ask it straight away. "Yes, a lot actually"

"Ask away" he sips from his cup.

"I know you're working, what I don't know is what kind of work you're into", I'll just take it gradually till I'm able to ask about his sister.

"I'm an industrialist, the CEO of my own enterprise. What I work with is far too complex for you to understand" he explains

I nod, "what about your family?"

He clears his throat, "my family huh, my father is late and my mother and grandparents reside in another city here in Australia".

The suspense is really dealing with me, he's not saying what I really want to hear. I'm running out of ways to make him say something about her.

Ah...yes "So...are you like an only child or...."

"No, I have a sister"

".....", I actually expected more than just a straight forward answer. So he has a sister, is she living here with him?

"You have a sister" I recall his words

He nods In response.