Chapter 12: New Dawn

Dao Wei stood at the highest point of the Dragon Sect's hill, overlooking the tranquil village of Eastern Jiangling below.

The sun was setting, casting a golden hue across the landscape, and the breeze carried the faint scent of blooming flowers. It was a peaceful evening, one that belied the turmoil within his heart.

In the short time since he had arrived, much had changed. He had saved the village from a terrible curse, undergone significant growth, and been crowned the Dragon Prince. Yet, despite these achievements, Dao Wei felt an emptiness—a longing that gnawed at his soul. He knew his journey was far from over.

Dao Wei's gaze drifted to the sky, where the first stars were beginning to appear. He remembered the teachings of his master, that mysterious old man who had raised him and instilled in him the martial arts techniques that had become his second nature. It was his master who had planted the seed of the Sword Dao within him, a seed that had now grown into an insatiable desire.

"The Sword God Sect," Dao Wei murmured to himself, the name resonating with a sense of destiny. It was a legendary place, home to the greatest sword masters in the realm. If he were to master the Sword Dao, that was where he needed to go.

Footsteps approached from behind, and Dao Wei turned to see Lin Yun, her first disciple, climbing the hill. Lin Yun's youthful face was filled with concern, her brow furrowed as he approached his master.

Lin Yun had finally broken through to the Early Nascent Spirit. Her talents were clearly visible to everyone, and her achievements in the future would definitely be grand.

"Master, you've been up here for hours," Lin Yun said, her voice tinged with worry. "Is everything alright?"

Lin Yun was wearing a green flowered dress which followed her glass-shaped figure perfectly. Her jade white hands, long slender legs, and a pair of proud peaks. She looked absolutely stunning.

Dao Wei smiled softly, striking Lin Yun's nose with a finger. "I've just been thinking, Yun'er. Our time here has been meaningful, but my journey is not yet complete. I must pursue my initial mission, therefore, I'll be leaving soon."

Lin Yun's eyes widened in surprise. "Leave? But Master, you've just become the Dragon Prince and the people still need you." With a low tone, she continued, "I still need you."

"I know," Dao Wei replied, his voice steady. "But it is a path I must walk. The Dragon Sect is strong now, and the villagers are safe. You have grown much, Yun'er. You are ready to lead in my absence."

Lin Yun shook her head, doubt clouding her expression. "I'm not ready, Master. I still have so much to learn."

Dao Wei's grip on Lin Yun's shoulder tightened, his eyes filled with pride. "Yes, you are. I have watched you these few weeks, and seen your strength and wisdom. You have the heart of a leader. Trust in yourself as I trust in you."

Lin Yun looked down, her voice barely a whisper. "I will do my best, Master. I won't let you down."

"I know you won't," Dao Wei said warmly. "I have faith in you."

Lin Yun gasped as if she wanted to say something but then she stopped.

"What is it, Yun'er?" Dao Wei asked as he noticed the expression on her face.

"W.. What should I tell the elders?" she asked, one could see that she was truly worried.

"Hehe… Tell them I'm going into seclusion and will not return in a while." Dao Wei simply replied, as if it didn't even mean anything.

The rest of the day Dao Wei spent it teaching Lin Yun new and advanced martial arts techniques.

As they concluded their training, Dao Wei had almost told Lin Yun his entire story. He then handed the Dragon Orb to Lin Yun.

The Dragon Orb represented the leader, and with it, Dao Wei was sure Lin Yun wouldn't face any challenges moving on.

That night, Dao Wei walked through the village one last time. The air was cool, and the stars shone brightly overhead. He stopped by the village shrine, lighting incense and offering a silent prayer for guidance and protection.

"Ancestors, guide me on this path," he whispered. "Grant me the strength to overcome the challenges ahead."

With a final nod, Dao Wei turned and began his journey, the weight of his responsibilities balanced by the excitement of the unknown. The road to Central Jiangling stretched before him, filled with both danger and opportunity.


Dao Wei's journey took him through varied terrains, each presenting its own set of challenges. He traveled through dense forests, their canopies thick with leaves that filtered the sunlight into a dappled pattern on the forest floor. The air was filled with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves, a stark contrast to the quiet, meditative environment of the Dragon Sect.

He moved with the grace and agility of a seasoned warrior, his senses attuned to the slightest movements around him. Each night, he found a secure spot to rest, relying on his survival skills to keep him safe. He hunted for food, his aim precise and unerring, and drank from clear streams that wound through the landscape.

Days passed, and Dao Wei's journey led him to the edge of a vast desert. The sand stretched endlessly before him, shimmering under the blazing sun. It was a stark, unforgiving environment, but Dao Wei pressed on, his determination unwavering.

One evening, as he rested under a makeshift shelter, Dao Wei heard distant voices carried by the wind. He tensed, his hand moving to the hilt of his sword. The voices grew louder, accompanied by the sounds of a struggle. Dao Wei sprang to his feet and moved towards the commotion.

He emerged from behind a dune to find a small caravan under attack by a group of bandits. The bandits, rough-looking men with cruel expressions, were overpowering the caravan guards. Dao Wei's eyes narrowed, his resolve hardening.

Without a moment's hesitation, he launched himself into the fray. His movements were a blur, the Void Sword technique slicing through the air with lethal precision. The bandits, caught off guard by his sudden appearance, fell one by one under his relentless assault.

The caravan members watched in awe as Dao Wei effortlessly dispatched the bandits. When the last of the attackers lay defeated, Dao Wei turned to the caravan leader, a middle-aged man with a look of gratitude and relief on his face.

"Thank you, stranger," the man said, his voice shaking.

Dao Wei sheathed his sword, his expression calm. "I was merely passing by. Are any of you hurt?"

"A few injuries, but nothing serious," the caravan leader replied. "We owe you our lives. My name is Zhao Chen. How can we repay you?"

"There is no need for repayment," Dao Wei said with a faint smile. "I am Dao Wei, and I was happy to help."

Zhao Chen's eyes widened in recognition. "Dao Wei? The Dragon Prince?"

Dao Wei nodded, slightly taken aback by the recognition. "Yes."

Zhao Chen and his crew knelt in respect, "If I may ask, what brings your Highness to this part of the world?" His voice was respectful.

"Please, get up," Dao Wei gestured. "I am on my way to Central Jiangling."

"Then allow us to assist you," Zhao Chen said earnestly. "At least let us offer you food and shelter for the night."

Dao Wei considered the offer and nodded. "Thank you, Zhao Chen. I will accept your hospitality."

That night, around a campfire, Dao Wei shared stories with the caravan members. He learned about their journey, their struggles, and their hopes. In return, he spoke of his quest to join the Sword God Sect and master the Sword Dao.

Zhao Chen listened intently, admiration in his eyes. "You are a remarkable young man, your Highness. The Sword God Sect will be fortunate to have you."

"I hope to be worthy of their teachings," Dao Wei replied humbly.

As the fire crackled and the stars twinkled above, Dao Wei felt a sense of camaraderie with these travelers. Their paths had crossed briefly, but the bond they formed was genuine and heartfelt.