Chapter 15: Earth Flame

Seeing that Dao Wei seemed to be reluctant, Li Mei continued, "Dao Wei, the path you've been walking had always been set for you by others. You are only following their lead and that's why you were able to get to this place."

Dao Wei was actually pissed hearing what she just said. He'd always done what he wanted to do and not what somebody else planned for him.

"Why are you the Death God of the Lower Ashura? Why are you the Dragon Prince of Qingling? Why do you rescue people you don't even know? What is the reason for you to come to the Mortal World? Why do you cultivate, Dao Wei?" Li Mei asked with a smile on her face. Her smile could make any man, beast, or god fall for her, but Dao Wei was so immersed in the questions that he didn't pay attention to her beauty.

It was as if his whole existence was being questioned. Why did he cultivate, really? Why had he been doing all the things he's done lately? All these questions seemed to hit on the spot.

"The biggest fault people have is that when facing situations, they tend to forget the reason as to why they are here in the first place. Dao Wei, visit the ruins and maybe your questions will be answered. Maybe you can find a way that is actually yours. That old man wished you could find your own way and not live just with the flow."

Dao Wei was in a state of mental collapse, his mind was in chaos. He kept repeating the questions in his head, trying to figure out if he had really been living on someone else's plans.

"Is there really someone paving the way for me? Am I really a hopeless person?" These were some of the questions he was asking himself.

Dao Wei was so immersed that he didn't even notice Li Mei leaving. He sat there like a stone statue, focused and not moving an inch.

The dawn broke over the horizon, casting a golden hue over the dense forest and treacherous mountains that lay before Dao Wei. The air was crisp and cold, a reminder of the challenges that awaited him. He had left the village behind, their gratitude and well-wishes still fresh in his mind. As he stepped into the wilderness once more, he felt a renewed sense of purpose.

The forest seemed to close in around him, the towering trees creating a maze of shadows and light. The underbrush was thick, and the ground uneven, but Dao Wei moved with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior. His senses were sharp, attuned to every rustle and movement in the undergrowth.

The path was not easy, and every step required vigilance. He encountered numerous obstacles: savage beasts, thorny poisonous bushes that meant to corrode his flesh, and streams that he had to wade through.

As he navigated the dense section of the forest, Dao Wei heard a faint growl. He paused, his hand instinctively moving to the hilt of his sword. The growl grew louder, and he realized it was coming from a clearing up ahead.

He approached cautiously, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger. As he entered the clearing, he saw a massive bear standing over the carcass of a deer. The bear's fur was matted with blood, its eyes fierce and wild. It had horns like a dragon and the tail of a scorpion.

Dao Wei knew that a confrontation was inevitable. The Dracomorph bear had already marked the Flame deer as its prey, and any intruder would be seen as a threat. He drew his sword, the blade gleaming in the dappled sunlight.

The bear roared, its powerful body lunging towards him. Dao Wei moved with lightning speed, his movements were fluid and precise. He sidestepped the bear's charge, his sword slicing through the air with deadly accuracy. But the Dracomorph Bear's armor was even stronger. 

The bear unleashed torrents of flame attacks aimed at Dao Wei. The flames burned everything on its way and sent a strong force of oppression before it. Dao Wei sensed the danger and quickly activated the Dragon Suit. He had gotten the Dragon Suit on the Dragon Mountain in Qingling, however, he had never really had any chance to use it.

"Let's see how strong this armor is." Dao Wei muttered in a low tone. 

The flames enclosed Dao Wei and began to refine his armor. 

"This... this is the Purple Earth Flame!" Dao Wei's eyes were wide when he realized the flames the bear cultivated.

With that, he had made up his mind to take the earth flame and tame it. If he could nature it, it would grow with him, and it could finally become a Celestial Flame.

Flames were divided into four categories; Earth, Heavenly, Emperor, and Celestial. Emperor Flames were so rare that even the gods would fight for them, and talk more of Celestial Flames.

The battle was intense, a dance of strength and agility. The bear on the other hand was relentless, its powerful limbs striking with ferocity. But Dao Wei decided to end the fight as the bear was about to go berserk. The Earth Flame had possessed the bear and if it took full control, it would be difficult for even Dao Wei to escape. He struck with precision, his blade finding its mark on the bear's neck again and again.

Finally, with a powerful thrust of Sword Three, Dao Wei delivered the final blow. The bear let out a final roar before collapsing to the ground, its massive body still. Dao Wei stood over it, his breath coming in heavy gasps.

He took a moment to catch his breath, his eyes scanning the clearing for any other threats. Satisfied that he was alone, he sheathed his sword and moved to inspect the Earth Flame.

Dao Wei continued his journey, the encounter with the bear a testament to his strength and resilience, however, it was also rewarding. The forest began to thin as he ascended into the mountains, the trees giving way to rocky terrain and steep inclines. The air grew colder, and the path more treacherous.

The mountains were a formidable barrier, their jagged peaks reaching towards the sky. Dao Wei navigated the narrow trails with care, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger. The wind howled through the passes, carrying with it the scent of snow and ice.

The ascent was grueling, each step requiring immense effort. The thin air made breathing difficult, and the cold sapped his strength. But Dao Wei pressed on, his determination driving him forward. He relied on his training and instincts, each step a testament to his resilience.

In the evening, as he was setting up camp on a narrow ledge, Dao Wei heard a distant rumble. He looked up to see dark clouds gathering on the horizon, the first signs of an approaching storm. He knew that he needed to find shelter, and quickly.

He packed up his belongings and moved with haste, his eyes scanning the rocky landscape for any sign of a cave or overhang. The wind picked up, howling through the mountains with increasing ferocity. The first drops of rain began to fall, quickly turning into a torrential downpour.

Dao Wei's eyes caught sight of a small cave, partially hidden by a rocky outcrop. He made his way towards it, the rain stinging his skin and the wind threatening to knock him off balance. He reached the cave just as the storm reached its peak, the wind and rain battering the mountains with relentless force.

Inside the cave, it was dry and relatively warm. Dao Wei set up a small fire, the flames casting flickering shadows on the walls. He sat by the fire, his mind reflecting on the journey thus far. Each challenge had tested his limits, but he had emerged stronger each time.

As he stared into the flames, his thoughts turned to the Sword God Sect. The path ahead was still long and filled with uncertainty, but he was determined to reach his destination. The Sword Dao was his path, and he would follow it no matter the obstacles.

The storm raged outside, but Dao Wei felt a sense of calm. He closed his eyes and began to meditate, his mind sinking into a state of deep concentration. The flow of Qi within his body was steady and strong, a testament to his training and discipline.

He was planning on refining the Purple Earth Flame. This flame ranks 32 on the Universe Flame list, also a legendary flame known for its destructive force. This task would be daunting, even with the guidance of the Primordial Chaos Scripture. In the past, there were only a handful of individuals who tamed the flame. Its violent nature makes it difficult to control and for the past hundred years, the flame has disappeared. It was really God's blessing that Dao Wei came across such a divine flame.

The cave's interior was surprisingly spacious, illuminated by the soft glow of luminescent crystals embedded in the walls. A small underground stream meandered through the cave, its gentle babbling adding a soothing backdrop to the serene environment. Dao Wei carefully selected a flat stone platform near the stream, its surface smooth and cool to the touch. He sat cross-legged, his Azure robes flowing around him, and placed the ancient scripture before him.

Dao Wie closed his eyes and took a deep breath, centering himself and focusing his Qi. The air around him seemed to hum with energy as he drew upon the power of the earth and the heavens, aligning his inner self with the natural forces.

He activated the Primordial Chaos Scripture, its pages filled with arcane symbols and instructions. The first step in refining the Purple Earth Flame was to prepare his body and mind.

The next step was to summon the Purple Earth Flame. Dao Wei extended his hand and chanted an incantation from the scripture. The air in the cave grew heavy with anticipation, and a faint purple glow began to emanate on his palm. The glow intensified, coalescing into a small, flickering flame. The Purple Earth Flame danced in his palm, its heat searing and its power undeniable.

Dao Wei's brow furrowed in concentration as he began the delicate process of refining the flame. According to the scripture, he needed to merge his Qi with the flame, tempering its wild energy and bringing it under his control. He slowly channeled his Qi into the flame, feeling its intense heat coursing through him. The flame resisted, its power volatile and untamed, but Dao Wei persisted, his will unwavering.

Sweat beaded on Dao Wei's forehead as he struggled to maintain his focus. The flame's energy was like a raging storm, threatening to overwhelm him at any moment.

He gritted his teeth, drawing upon every ounce of his strength and determination. The process was excruciating, each second feeling like an eternity as he battled to tame the flame. His body shattered and blood oozing from the cracks, Dao Wei looked scary as if he was on the verge of death.

He took out a Grade 1 Spiritual Yin Pill and swallowed. At the same time, a burst of Yin energy was released into his body and turned into a smoke of ice. The moment the pill was taken out, it froze the entire place. Taking it like that, Dao Wei's body almost completely froze. He quickly operated the Primordial Chaos Scripture and began to absorb the pill essence into his blood, bones, and skin.