Chapter 17: Demon Princess

The first light of dawn filtered into the cave, casting a soft, golden glow over the rough stone walls. The fire Dao Wei had started during the night had burned low, its embers glowing faintly. Dao Wei sat beneath the ancient banyan tree, the shadows of its sprawling branches dancing in the moonlight. He could still hear the echoes of the fierce battle that had taken place just moments ago, the clash of steel and the hiss of spells. His eyes, however, were focused on the young woman before him. Liu Mingxia lay on the flat stone, her breathing shallow but steady. Her face, framed by strands of jet-black hair, was pale from exhaustion. 

The events of the previous day played through his mind as he thought about the powerful demonic aura he had sensed and the ensuing battle with the Savage Beasts. Despite the injuries she had sustained, Liu Mingxia had survived, a testament to her strength and resilience. Now, as he waited for her to awaken, he wondered about the story behind her presence in the forest.

A soft groan broke the silence, drawing Dao Wei's attention. Liu Mingxia stirred, her eyes fluttering open. For a moment, she looked around, disoriented, before her gaze settled on Dao Wei. Her expression shifted from confusion to wariness as she tried to push herself up.

"Easy," Dao Wei said gently, moving closer. "You're still recovering. Take it slow."

She hesitated, then nodded, allowing herself to relax back onto the bed of leaves. "Where am I?" she asked, her voice hoarse and weak.

"In a cave, not far from where I found you," Dao Wei replied.

Liu Mingxia's eyes widened slightly as she recalled the attack. "You saved me?" she asked, her tone filled with a mix of disbelief and gratitude.

Dao Wei nodded. "Yes."

There was a moment of silence as Liu Mingxia seemed to weigh her options. Finally, she spoke, her voice steady but soft. She took a deep breath, her gaze steady on him.

Dao Wei's expression remained neutral, but inside, he felt a surge of surprise. 

"You must have many questions," Liu Mingxia said, her voice tinged with a mix of resignation and determination. "And I suppose I owe you some answers."

"I do have questions," Dao Wei admitted. "But let's start with the most important one. Why were you out here, alone and injured?"

Liu Mingxia sighed, her expression troubled. "It's a long story. But the short version is that I was on a mission. There are factions within the Demon Sect that seek to overthrow my father, the Demon King. I was trying to gather information on a plot against him when I was ambushed."

The Demon Sect was notorious, known for its power and ruthlessness. And here, in this remote forest, was its princess, alone and injured.

"Ambushed by Savage Beasts?" Dao Wei asked, frowning.

"Not exactly," Liu Mingxia replied. "The beasts were sent by someone who wants me dead. Someone who saw me as a threat and decided to eliminate me before I could complete my mission."

Dao Wei nodded slowly, piecing together the information. "And you were left for dead in the forest."

"Yes," Liu Mingxia said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I barely escaped with my life. If you hadn't found me... well, I don't want to think about what might have happened."

"You're safe now," Dao Wei said firmly. "But if what you say is true, you're still in danger. Those who want you dead won't stop until they've succeeded."

Liu Mingxia nodded, her expression resolute. "I know. That's why I need to get back to the Demon Sect and warn my father."

Dao Wei considered her words. The journey back to the Demon Sect would be fraught with peril, and Liu Mingxia was still weak from her injuries. But he couldn't just leave her to fend for herself. "I'll help you get there," he said finally. "But we'll need to move carefully. There are dangers everywhere, and we can't afford to draw attention."

Liu Mingxia looked at him, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Dao Wei. I don't know why you're helping me, but I'm grateful."

Dao Wei smiled. "Let's just say I have a soft spot for beauties in distress. And besides, I have my own reasons for wanting to see the Demon Sect."

"Your own reasons?" Liu Mingxia echoed, curiosity evident in her tone.

"It's a long story," Dao Wei said, echoing her earlier words. "But for now, let's focus on getting you back to your father safely."

Liu Mingxia nodded, accepting his answer for the moment. "Alright. What do we do next?"

"First, you need to rest and regain your strength," Dao Wei replied. "We'll stay here for a day or two, until you're strong enough to travel. Then we'll make our way towards the Demon Sect."

She stirred, opening her eyes slowly. The depth of her gaze held centuries of untold stories. "Thank you for saving me," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the rustling leaves.

Dao Wei nodded, his expression unreadable. "Rest. You're safe now."

Mingxia struggled to sit up, her hands trembling. Dao Wei gently helped her, his touch firm yet careful. She looked around, her eyes scanning their surroundings, ensuring that the ambush had truly been thwarted. "You have no idea what you've stepped into," she said, her voice stronger now, tinged with a mix of gratitude and sadness.

"Then tell me," Dao Wei replied, settling back against the tree. 

Mingxia sighed, the weight of her world pressing down on her. "The Demon Sect is one of the four major Sects in Central Jiangling, with a history dating back a hundred thousand years. We are known for our mastery of dark arts and powerful spells, but we are not what the name might suggest. We are not inherently evil; we seek balance, much like any other sect."

Dao Wei raised an eyebrow. "Balance? From a Demon Sect?" He was really skeptical, who would believe anything with demons could be about balance?

"Yes," she insisted. "Our teachings emphasize the balance between light and darkness, power and restraint. But…" Her voice trailed off, her eyes reflecting deep turmoil. "Lately, that balance has been lost."

Dao Wei leaned forward, intrigued. "What happened?"

"Internal struggles," she said bitterly. "Frustrating and unnecessary battles for power. Our sect is divided. The elders are at odds, each vying for control. The younger disciples are caught in the crossfire, forced to choose sides. It's tearing us apart."

Mingxia's hands clenched into fists. "My father, the Sect Leader, is gravely ill. Without his guidance, the factions within our sect are growing bolder, each believing they are the rightful successors. Assassinations, betrayals, and alliances shift daily. It's chaos."

Dao Wei listened intently, his expression softening. "And you? Where do you stand in all of this?"

"I am the princess of the Demon Sect, but my title means little in the face of such discord," she replied, her voice tinged with frustration. "I am seen as a pawn, a prize to be won by whichever faction can claim me. Today's ambush was just one of many attempts to use me as leverage."

Dao Wei's eyes narrowed. "You're more than a pawn. You have a voice, a will of your own."

Mingxia looked at him, her eyes reflecting a mix of hope and despair. "I try to mediate, to bring peace, but my efforts are often dismissed. They see me as young and inexperienced. They don't understand that our strength lies in unity, not division."

Dao Wei nodded thoughtfully. "Unity is indeed powerful. But you need allies, people who believe in your vision."

Mingxia's gaze hardened. "I thought I had allies, but trust is a rare commodity in our sect. Everyone has their own agenda."

"Perhaps you need to look beyond the Demon Sect," Dao Wei suggested, shrugging his shoulders.

Mingxia sighed. "It's not that simple. Our sect is my home, my family. I can't just abandon it."

"I'm not saying you should abandon it," Dao Wei said gently. "But sometimes, an external perspective can bring clarity. Sometimes, those outside can help mend what's broken inside."

Mingxia was silent for a moment, considering his words. "You speak as if you've faced such struggles before."

Dao Wei smiled faintly. "I've seen my share of conflicts and divisions. I know how hard it is to stand firm when everything around you is falling apart."

Mingxia's eyes softened. "Then you understand why I can't give up."

"Yes," Dao Wei said quietly. 

She looked at him, a mixture of relief and determination in her gaze. "I still don't understand why you're helping me, but I'm grateful."

"Let's just say I have a vested interest in balance," Dao Wei replied with a knowing smile. "Apart from that, it's not a bad idea to have a beautiful travel partner."

Mingxia's face turned plum, a spark of hope igniting in her eyes. "Then we must be cautious. The sect is not safe, not for me, not for anyone."

Dao Wei stood, offering her his hand. "Come, let me help you get some rest."

Mingxia took his hand and helped her get on the stone bed. It was the first time she was having close contact with a boy, and this one was really handsome.

Liu Mingxia nodded her head, her eyes closing as exhaustion overtook her once more. Dao Wei watched over her, his mind racing with thoughts of the journey ahead. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to see it through. 

As the day passed, Dao Wei tended to Liu Mingxia's wounds, ensuring they were properly cleaned and bandaged. He also gathered food and water from the forest, using his survival skills to keep them both sustained. Liu Mingxia regained her strength slowly, her resilience impressing him more with each passing hour.

During the quiet moments, they talked, sharing stories of their pasts and their hopes for the future. Dao Wei learned that Liu Mingxia was not only a skilled warrior but also a compassionate leader, deeply concerned for the welfare of her people. She, in turn, learned about his journey from the Lower Ashura World to the Mortal World and his quest to master the Sword Dao.

One evening, as they sat by the fire, Liu Mingxia looked at Dao Wei thoughtfully. "You know, for someone with such incredible power, you seem very... grounded."

Dao Wei chuckled. "I suppose that's a compliment. But power without purpose can be dangerous. I've seen what it can do to people, how it can corrupt and destroy. I strive to use my strength for the right reasons."

"And what are those reasons?" Liu Mingxia asked, genuinely curious.

"To protect those who cannot protect themselves," Dao Wei said simply. "To bring balance and justice to a world that often lacks both. And, perhaps most importantly, to find my own path and understand my place in this vast, complicated world."

Liu Mingxia nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Those are noble goals. I admire that."

Dao Wei smiled back. "And what about you? What drives you, Liu Mingxia?"

She sighed, her gaze distant. "My father's legacy, for one. The Demon Sect is my home, and its people are my responsibility. I want to see it thrive, to see our people safe and prosperous. But beyond that... I suppose I'm still trying to find my own path as well."

"Then perhaps we're not so different," Dao Wei said, his tone thoughtful.

"Perhaps not," Liu Mingxia agreed. "Thank you, Dao Wei. For everything."

Dao Wei nodded. "You're welcome. Now, get some rest. We have a long journey ahead of us."

As Liu Mingxia lay down to sleep, Dao Wei kept watch, his thoughts drifting to the challenges that lay ahead. 

The night passed peacefully, and as dawn broke once more, Liu Mingxia awoke feeling stronger and more determined.