Chapter 1: Jiangling

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Arriving at Jiangling, the tranquility of the morning in the Mortal world was abruptly shattered by the cacophony of sudden shouts and the unmistakable clash of metal against metal.

Birds took flight in alarm, and the serene hum of nature was replaced by the harsh sounds of chaos and destruction.

Dao Wei, who had been marveling at the natural beauty of Jiangling, instantly snapped to attention. His senses, honed by years of rigorous training, were immediately on high alert. He could feel the disturbance in the ambient Qi, a ripple of malevolence spreading through the air. Without a moment's hesitation, he moved swiftly and silently towards the source of the commotion.

As he approached the village, Dao Wei paused at the edge of the clearing, his sharp eyes taking in the scene below. The peaceful village that bordered the Asura and the Mortal worlds was under siege.

Dark-armored warriors were ransacking homes and terrorizing the villagers, their cruel laughter mingling with the cries of the frightened and the brave shouts of those attempting to defend their homes.

Dao Wei's heart pounded with a mixture of anger and determination. He knew he had to act, but he also needed to understand the situation fully before diving in. With a focused expression, he observed the attackers, noting their movements and tactics. They moved with a sinister purpose, clearly searching for something specific.

The village was in utter chaos. Homes that had once been sanctuaries of peace were now being torn apart by the marauding warriors. Flames licked at the wooden structures, casting an eerie glow over the scene. Villagers ran in panic, some clutching their children, others brandishing makeshift weapons in desperate attempts to fend off the attackers.

The dark-armored warriors were relentless, their faces obscured by sinister helmets. They moved with a coordinated efficiency, systematically searching each house and demanding information from the terrified villagers.

The name "Dragon's Legacy" was mentioned repeatedly, though its significance remained a mystery to those being questioned.

Dao Wei's patience reached its limit as he saw an elderly man struck down by one of the attackers. With a silent nod to himself, he sprang into action. Moving with the speed and precision of a trained predator, he entered the fray.

His first strike was a blur, the edge of his celestial steel sword slicing cleanly through the dark armor of an attacker. The warrior fell without a sound, the lifeless body collapsing to the ground.

Dao Wei moved on, his movements a deadly dance of grace and power. He switched seamlessly between sword techniques and palm strikes, each attack devastatingly effective.

"The strong preying on the weak, typical." Dao Wei's voice was calm but carried an undeniable authority.

A warrior turned, his eyes widening in shock as Dao Wei's blade arced towards him.


The clash of metal echoed as Dao Wei parried the warrior's counterattack with ease, his movements fluid and precise. With a swift motion, Dao Wei disarmed the man, delivering a powerful palm strike to his chest that sent him flying backward. His internals were completely squashed into a bloody mess.

The attackers quickly realized they were facing a formidable opponent. Several of them charged at Dao Wei simultaneously, hoping to overwhelm him with numbers. Dao Wei's expression remained unchanged.

He met their assault head-on, his sword flashing in the morning light. He moved like a shadow, his strikes too fast to follow.

"Too fast!"

"Who are you?" one of the attackers shouted, panic evident in his voice as Dao Wei dispatched another warrior with a devastating palm strike.

Dao Wei's eyes burned with intensity. "Dao Wei," he replied, his voice as cold as the steel he wielded.

The remaining villagers watched in awe as Dao Wei swept through the attackers like a force of nature.

His movements were a blur, each strike precise and lethal. Blood sprayed and bodies fell, yet Dao Wei remained untouched, an unstoppable force against the dark tide.

The villagers, initially paralyzed by fear, began to rally behind Dao Wei's presence. Some who had been hiding emerged from their homes, emboldened by the sight of the young warrior standing against their tormentors. Others continued to fight back, their efforts now fuelled by hope.

A mother clutched her child, eyes wide with terror, as she watched Dao Wei cut down an attacker who had been advancing towards her. An elderly couple, who had taken refuge in the shadows, whispered prayers of gratitude, their eyes fixed on their savior.

Amidst the chaos, it became clear that the warriors were not merely there to wreak havoc. They were searching for something—something they believed the villagers of Qingling possessed. One of the attackers, a tall figure with a cruel scar across his face, grabbed a villager by the collar and snarled, "Tell us where the Dragon's Legacy is, or you'll all suffer!"

The villager, trembling, could only shake his head, clearly unaware of what was being demanded. The warrior raised his sword, but before he could strike, Dao Wei intervened, his blade intercepting the blow.

"Enough," Dao Wei declared, his voice firm. "You guys are seriously disrupting my peace."

After all, the only reason he interfered was that his peaceful morning was interrupted. He was on his own, marveling at the beauty of the Mortal World, and someone just decided to ruin it. They deserved to die.

The scarred warrior sneered, but his confidence faltered under Dao Wei's intense gaze. "Who the hell do you think you are, boy?" he spat, but the fear in his eyes betrayed him.

Dao Wei's blade moved like a flash of lightning, slicing through the air with a chilling hum. The scarred warrior barely had time to react before Dao Wei was upon him, his celestial steel sword gleaming with deadly intent.

The warrior's eyes widened in terror as he attempted to raise his own blade in defense, but he was too slow.


In one fluid motion, Dao Wei's sword cut through the warrior's sword, shattering it into fragments. The scarred man staggered backward, his eyes filled with disbelief and fear.

Dao Wei's gaze was unyielding, his face a mask of steely resolve. With a swift, precise strike, he severed the man's armor, leaving him exposed and vulnerable.

The scarred warrior, now defenseless, fell to his knees, clutching at his chest where the blade had grazed his skin. He looked up at Dao Wei, his expression a mixture of pain and desperation. "Please...mercy..." he whispered, his voice trembling.

Dao Wei's eyes hardened. "Mercy? Did you show mercy to the villagers you terrorized?" His voice was cold, devoid of sympathy.

"The strong prey on the weak, that's typical. But you miscalculated. Here, you are the weak."


With a final, decisive swing, Dao Wei's blade found its mark, decapitating his head.

The scarred warrior's body crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

Silence fell over the clearing as the last of the attackers witnessed their leader's demise. Panic spread among them, and they began to flee, their mission abandoned in the face of Dao Wei's overwhelming power.

The villagers, who had been watching in a mixture of fear and awe, slowly emerged from their hiding places. They approached Dao Wei cautiously, their expressions a mix of gratitude and wonder.

An elderly man stepped forward, his hands trembling as he bowed deeply. "Thank you, young master. You have saved us all."